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Joey said bye to Bessie and Bodie and made her way down to the boat that she's been using to get to Dawson's house for years now. Bodie is Bessie boyfriend and father to her unborn child. Joey untied the boat and began paddling to Dawson's. As she was making her way down the creek she thought to herself. I can't believe he invited Jen and Pacey to our movie night. We've had movie night for years now. With me falling asleep with Dawson on his bed. "How could he" she said outloud. At least I'll get another chance to see Pacey she thought and smiled to herself.

Joey paddled to the Leery's dock and tied her boat up. She was walking to the ladder she had climbed countless times to Dawson's window to get to his room. She glanced over at the front door and seen Jen and Pacey waiting to be let in. She supposed she should also go through the front door tonight. "Hey Jen, hey Pace". "Hey Joey" they said in unison.

Dawson opened the door "hey gang glad y'all could make it" he said as he invited them in. "Really Joey through the front door tonight"! "Seemed more appropriate tonight" Joey blushed.

Dawson lead them to the kitchen and asked if anyone needed snacks, popcorn or drinks? "Just a water for me please" Jen said. "Dawson you know what I get for movie night" Joey answered as she moved about the kitchen and getting her popcorn and soda". "Yeah Dawson man I'll take a soda and chips"."Sure thing Pacey".

"Dawson why were you so surprised to see Jo at the front door" Pacey asked? "Well you see right after you moved Pace, Joey started climbing our trellis up to my room. Dad seen her doing it and didn't want her to get hurt so he put a ladder up for her and that's how she's been getting to my room through the window until tonight".

Everyone finally got their drinks and snacks and made their way upstairs to Dawson's room.

Upon arriving Joey noticed two bean bag chairs had been laid out. Thinking they were for Jen and Pacey, she made her way toward Dawson's bed where she always sat or laid during movie night.

"How about letting Jen sit on the bed with me tonight Jo" Dawson told Joey. "Umm sure ok" she grudgingly said as she took one of the bean bag chairs. Pacey sat down next to her on the other bean bag chair.

"Ok folks I know this is an old movie but it's kinda my favorite" Dawson said. "Oh no not E.T. Dawson" Joey grumbled aloud. "Now what do you have against E.T. Miss Josephine Potter" asked Pacey. "Nothing unless you've seen it about a million times. "E.T. is actually my favorite movie too" Jen piped in. Of course it's her favorite movie thought Joey. "E.T. it is" announced Dawson.

Half way through the movie Pacey leaned over and asked Joey"Hey can I have some of your popcorn". "Sure Pace". Joey went to grab a handful just as Pacey was diving in. Their hands touched and both drew back rather quickly. They looked at each other to see if the other had felt the electric charge pass between them. Dawson seen this and thought maybe it was a bad idea to seat them together. Joey had never looked at him the way she was looking at Pacey right now.

As the credits started rolling Dawson stood up and asked if they wanted to watch another movie. "Sorry Dawson but today was the first day of school and I'm kinda tired" Joey said. "Yeah me too" Pacey and Jen said. "Ok, so Joey are you sleeping over tonight" Dawson asked. "Nah I think I'll go on home tonight". That's strange,we are going to have to have a talk soon thought Dawson. "Would yall like to meet up in the morning down at the pier and do some fishing and maybe some swimming" Dawson asked them. "Sure thing Dawson, what time they all asked". "How about tenish". "Sounds good" they all said.

Pacey leaned in and whispered to Joey "may I walk you down to the dock"? "That would be fine Pacey".

"See ya in the morning Dawson" Joey called over her shoulder as she made her way downstairs and to the front door. Dawson seeing Pacey following Joey out hollered to both of them "year sure see you both in the morning". He really was going to have to talk to Joey soon he thought.

"Well Jen you're the last one to leave". "Why don't you walk me home Dawson". "Of course my lady, the pleasure is all mine. He put her arm through his and walked downstairs.

Dawson and Jen stepped outside into the warm night breeze. They both looked down at the dock and seen Joey and Pacey in conversation. "Wonder what that's all about" he wondered aloud.

"Joey I know we are only fifteen and can't possibly know anything about love or feelings but what passed between us in there when our hands touched, I've never felt that before". Joey being Joey tried nervously to play it off and said "oh Pacey that was you just shocking me". "No Jo that's not it". "Ok Pacey I'll admit I felt something too but like you said we are only fifteen. We can't possibly know what that meant". "Jo I'm just as confused as you are but I do know that ever since I seen you this morning I can't get you out of my head. Can we at least see if it does mean something"? Joey knew she hadn't felt that at all with Dawson and sure their hands touched all the time. That had never happened between them though. Joey didn't know how to answer Pacey so she just got in the boat and said "see ya in the morning Pacey".

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