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 Today Pacey would be going to be graduating and in a few short months he would be starting school at the community college there in town and Joey would be finishing her last year of high school. Pacey had took the classes and requirements so that he could graduate a year early. The drawback of that was that he wouldn't be able to graduate with his friends or Joey but as he seen it, he now had a family and making sure their present and future were stable was more important. He also knew that he was having to grow up too fast.

Joey was sitting on the sofa getting Pacey Jr. dressed when there was a knock on the door. Pacey came out of the bedroom to answer it. He opened it to let his parents in. They had all decided to meet at Pacey's and Joey's house so that they could all go together. Now they just had to wait for Bessie and Bodie to arrive before they could leave. Pacey led his parents into the living room where Joey and their grandson were. His mom took Pacey Jr. out of Joey's arm after she seen that he was dressed. Pacey Jr. was growing so fast his mom thought as she held him on her lap and he was making gurgling sounds. "Nana's baby is getting big" she cooed to him and he started kicking his legs and laughing.

As Pacey and Joey watched this interaction, they smiled while their hearts were beaming. "Pacey you don't know how proud you have made your mom and me. You have took on your responsibilities like a man should. I know that your mom and I help you a lot but I know there is going to come a time to where you and Joey will not have to rely on anyone because you are going to be able to do it yourselves. Actually I'm quiet proud of both of you and we have a tremendous amount of respect and love for both of you." Pacey dad said. Pacey was thanking his dad when there was another knock on the door and when Pacey opened it, it was Bessie and Bodie with their little one. "Time to go family" Pacey said as he walked back into the living room with Bess and Bodie behind them. Pacey got Joey and Jr. situated in the truck and climbed behind the wheel. "Jo, you ready to close this chapter of our lives." "Honey this is a chapter in your life that you are closing and we I'm more than happy to be here to share and support you. Remember I don't close this chapter in my life for another year. It's going to be so weird not to have you by my side at school." "You'll have Dawson and the rest of our friends there but I know what you mean."

They pulled up to the football stadium and seen that it was starting to get packed. Good thing they got there when they did or they may not have had the privilege to park by each other. Pacey got out first so that he could get Jr.'s stroller out. Then he went around to Joey's side to open her door. He helped Joey get Jr in the stroller then they joined his parents as they waited for Bessie and Bodie to get join them so that they could all walk in together. 

Pacey had to leave them upon entering the stadium because he had to join the other graduates. Joey and the rest of the family went to take their seats. Joey seen Dawson waving to them and started moving in that direction while the rest followed her. When they approached she seen that Jen, Andie, Jack and Dawson's parents were already there also. They started greeting each and Dawson took Jr. out of his stroller and Jen took Bodie Jr out of his. It wasn't long after they had all greeted each other and were seated the graduates started walking in one by one and the graduation ceremony started.

When they called Pacey's name his family and friends stood up and started clapping and screaming his name. After all the graduates had their diplomas their principal announced that they had all completed their high school career and told them good luck to their future. He said a prayer and after amen was said the graduates threw their hats in the air signifying that the ceremony was over.

Pacey went to join his family. Who then wanted to start taking pictures. After they finished taking pictures they had all decided to go eat dinner together to celebrate. Pacey and Joey had been invited to the after graduation party but they had yet decided to go or not. His parents had already told them that they would keep the baby for them if they wanted to go. At dinner his parents told that they wanted to keep the baby if they went or not. After dinner as they were getting ready to go Dawson asked them if they decided to go to the party or not. Pacey told him that he thought it would be best if he and Joey just spent a nice quiet and relaxing night at home, Joey agreed with him. She could use a break from the baby.

Pacey's parents followed them home so that they could get the baby's stuff. "Just call us or come over when you're ready for baby to come home" his mom said as she was kissing Jr. on the forehead. After they seen his parents out and Pacey was closing the door he looked at Joey and said "well Jo we're all alone, let's see what trouble of  we can get into." Joey smiled at him and turned around. He rushed up behind her and started pushing her to the bedroom. After he and Joey were in the bedroom, he gave her a wink and shut the door.


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