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Joey and Pacey stayed up all night the night before packing because the next morning his parents were going to be there bright and early to move them into their apartment. They had all been super busy that week, with Pacey going back to school and work, trying to get the apartment set up, getting the utilities on and getting it furnished. Pacey's parents had been a real big help because Joey couldn't do much with having to tend to the baby and still sore from her c-section. Pacey's parent were able to get the utilities squared away and they also were able to get all the furniture that was needed for the apartment.

"Pace, Jo would you like some breakfast and coffee" Bessie yelled from the kitchen. "Sure Bess" Pacey yelled back. "We just about have everything packed and ready to go" Pacey said walking into the kitchen. Joey was walking in behind him carrying Pacey Jr.

They all sat down at the table once Bessie had finished cooking breakfast. "I can't believe I won't get to see my nephew and sister everyday anymore" Bessie said with tears in her eyes. "Aww Bess we'll come visit, you and Bodie can come visit us" Joey said. "Jo it's just you're so young to be having to do this. Are you ready to take this role on, to run a household?" "Bess I have the two most wonderful people to help me with this transition. I have you and Pacey's mom to help me. You best believe that'll be calling you a lot for advice on everything." Just as they were finishing breakfast there was a knock on the door. Pace you and Joey ready? "Yes sir, we stayed up all night packing." "Well let's get this show on the road" his dad said.

As they were putting the last of their things in truck, Joey put Pacey Jr. in his car seat and Pacey took him to the truck to buckle him in. After Pacey took the baby from Joey, she grabbed her nephew out of her sister's arms and gave him one last squeeze with a kiss on his forehead. She then handed the baby back to Bessie. Joey put her arms around her sister and motioned for Bodie to join them. "You guys have been so good to me and I'm going to miss you like crazy." "Jo we are going to miss you also and we only did for you what family is suppose to do" Bodie said.

All three were wiping tears from t heir eyes when Pacey walked back in. "Jo are you ready?" Joey grabbed Pacey's hand and said "let's go". Pacey shook Bodie's and said to Bessie "I'll take care of her and Pacey Jr. they are my everything Bess." After Pacey kissed Bessie on the cheek they headed to his truck.

Once they were in the truck and about to take off Pacey took Joey's hand and said "I know we are young and this is going to be a challenge for both of us but when things do get hard just remember I love you and Pacey Jr. with all my heart. As long as we have each other we can overcome any obstacles put in our way." He kissed her hand tenderly and started driving to their new home.

Pacey's parents were already at their apartment unloading stuff when he and Joey pulled up. Pacey's mom walked over and opened Joey's door. "Hey sweetie we have you a chair set up so that you can sit with the baby while we get everything moved in." Joey got out while Pacey got the baby out. Joey walked in and sat in the chair and Pacey took the baby out of the car seat and handed him to Joey. Joey changed the baby and fed him and was putting him back in his car seat when Pacey came in and said that they were almost done. 

After they had everything inside Pacey's parents asked if they wanted any help unpacking. Pacey said "nah I think we can handle it from here, you guys have done too much already. If you want to go home and rest that will be fine by us. His parents kissed the sleeping baby and hugged Pacey and Joey goodbye and left, leaving Pacey and Joey alone at last. 

"What do you want to do first Jo?" Pacey asked. "I think we should do the bedroom then the kitchen" Joey said. Leaving Pacey Jr. asleep in his car seat they went into the bedroom to get everything in it's place. It was a good thing that Joey was feeling better and getting around a lot better because Pacey didn't he could do all this himself. They were finishing the bedroom up when Joey sat down on the bed and Pacey joined her. He leaned over and gave her a kiss, which started out as a peck but ended in a passionate kiss. Pacey leaned Joey back on the bed and started kissing her neck and whispering in her ear. Joey was about to protest when they both heard Pacey Jr. starting to cry. Pacey raised up off Joey and helped her up off the bed.

Pacey started on the kitchen while Joey tended to the baby. She knew that he couldn't be hungry because she had fed him before they went to the bedroom. They hadn't been in there that long but he could be wet though she thought as she checked his diaper. He wasn't wet either so she decided to put him in his swing so that she could help Pacey with the kitchen. They really didn't have much to do because his mom had been working to get everything in order for them for that past week. Once they were done they started on the living room when there was a knock on the door. Pacey opened the door to find Dawson and Jen.

"Hey guys we came over to see if you needed any help unpacking and of course to see your new place" Dawson said. "Well we could have used your help earlier with the baby" Pacey said winking at Joey. "Well we are here now, what can we do?" Jen said. "Just have a seat, Pacey's mom did a lot of the stuff this past week so we really didn't have much to do" Joey said to Dawson and Jen. "Since it's your first night in your new home, how about I order us a pizza to celebrate" Dawson said. "Sounds good buddy, thanks because Jo and I aren't really cooks and I was wondering what we were going to do for dinner" Pacey said.

After they had finished eating and cleaning up Dawson announced that he and Jen needed to get home. Joey said her goodbyes and went to check on Pacey Jr. while Pacey seen Dawson and Jen out. Joey came out of the room after checking on the baby to say that she was going to take a shower. "Mind if I join you" Pacey said winking at her. "Sure why not" Joey said.

Joey was the first one to enter the shower then Pacey. "Jo you are so beautiful. I am one lucky man to have such a beautiful and sexy woman to call mine" he said as he pulled Joey to him. He bent down and what started out as a sweet innocent kiss turned rather quickly into a heat filled and passionate kiss. When they finally came up for air Pacey breathlessly said "wow where did that come from." "I want you more right now than I have ever wanted anything" she said to him. "Are you sure Jo, is it ok?" Without saying anything Joey put her arms around his neck and started kissing him and said "Pacey take me please I need to feel you. I want to become one with you. As soon as Pacey heard those words it heated something inside him and he picked Joey up. She put her legs around his waist and he put back against the shower wall. It wasn't long before they were both panting and reaching their climaxes. "Yes yes Pacey don't stop" Joey was panting. She could feel herself start to quiver and knew her orgasm was about to hit. Just as she started orgasming, Pacey started hollering her name and saying how it felt so good. They both reached their peak at the same time and collasped against each other.

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