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Pacey woke up bright and early on Saturday. He was super excited because today was the day that he would be moving in with Joey. Pacey was so excited that he barley had gotten any sleep the night before.

Joey was also up bright and early because she was in the bathroom throwing up. For the past week she had been experiencing bouts of morning sickness. When she finally came out of the bathroom, the phone was ringing. Bessie and Bodie were still sleeping so she answered the phone.

"Hello" Joey said with hoarseness in her voice. "Jo is that you"? Pacey asked. "It's me Pace." "You sound like you're sick. Are you ok?" "Just some morning sickness." "I'm sorry babe. I was calling to see if it's ok for me to come on over. I've got everything packed and loaded in the truck ready to go."

"Is that Pacey? That boy sure is anxious to be up this early." Bessie said yawning as she walked into the kitchen. "Yeah Bess it's Pacey. He wants to know if it's ok for him to come on over." "I don't see why not. You're up and I'm up. By the way why are you up so early Jo? Oh nevermind one look at you and anybody would know that answer." "Come on over Pace." Joey said into the phone. "See ya soon babe love you" Pacey said. "Love you too" Joey replied back.

"Morning sickness Jo?" Bessie asked. "Every morning this past week" Joey said. "Eating some saltine crackers usually helped with mine." Bessie told Joey. "Do we have any?" Joey asked sitting down at the kitchen table. Bessie looked in the pantry and pulled some out. She handed them to Joey along with a glass a ginger ale. "Here eat some of these crackers and drink this ginger ale. That should help with your nausea." Bessie said as she was pouring herself some orange juice. Then she sat down at the table with her sister. "How long does morning sickness last Bess?" "It varies Jo. Mine started subsiding once I hit my third trimester." "Oh lord Bess, how long do I have til then?" "We should find that out Friday at your appointment."

Bodie was coming out of the bedroom when they all heard a knock on the door. "Who the heck can this be so early in the morning?" Bodie asked. "That will be Pacey dear." Bessie answered him.

Bodie opened the door but instead of Pacey standing there, it was Dawson. "Hey Dawson man what are you doing here this early?" Bodie asked as he let Dawson in. "I really need to talk to Jo." Dawson said as he looked at Joey sitting at the kitchen table. "What's up Dawson?" Joey asked. "Jo you don't look so good. Are you ok?" "She's ok Dawson just some morning sickness." Bessie answered for Joey. "Oh I'm sorry Jo. Are you up to talking to me outside?" Joey stood up and walked pass Dawson out the front door. Dawson followed her.

Once they were outside on the porch Dawson said "Jo I'm so sorry for the way I reacted when you told me that you were pregnant. "Why did it take you so long to come around Dawson?" "Jen and I talked about it that day and I was too embarrassed to approach you. Then last night my mom asked me what was wrong. I hope you don't mind but I told my mom about the situation. She told me to just talk to you. So here I am. Can you forgive me Jo?" Joey put her arms around Dawson and said "I could really use my bestfriend's support." "You got it bestie." Dawson said hugging her back.

"Leery why do you have your arms around my girl?" Pacey had arrived. Joey and Dawson hadn't heard him pull up. "Begging for forgiveness Witter." Dawson said to Pacey as he walked up on the porch. "Hey pretty girl" Pacey said to Joey. "Ugh I don't feel too pretty right now." "Jo you are and will always be pretty to me." Pacey said. "Look guys I have to go back in and eat some crackers. I'm feeling nauseated again." Joey said and went back inside, leaving the two guys by themselves.

"Dawson can you give me a hand with bringing my stuff inside?" "Help bring your stuff inside? Dawson asked." Then he slapped his forehead and said out loud "oh yeah Jen did tell me that you were moving in with Joey today. Sorry I just forgot." "Yeah man I'll help you."

How do you feel about becoming a dad Pace?" "I'm excited Dawson. I knew that I wanted Joey to be the mother of my kids. I just didn't know it was going to happen so soon." "What do you expect when you don't use protection?" "Dawson I thought Jo was on birth control. We had talked about it and she told that she was going to get on it. If I would have known otherwise of course I would have used protection." "I was wondering how you two could have been so careless but now it makes sense." Dawson said. "I know it's going to be hard but I believe as long as her and I are together we'll be ok." Pacey said. "It's just so unreal to me right now to think Joey is going to be a mother and you're going to be a father" Dawson said.

Pacey and Dawson walked in with the first load of Pacey's stuff. "Ahhh I'm so glad you came over this morning Dawson. I don't have to help Pacey." Bodie said laughing. "Just put your stuff in my room Pace". I made some room for you." Joey said.

It took them four trips to get all of Pacey's things inside. "Dang Pace you would think we are moving Jo instead. I didn't expect you to have this much stuff." Dawson said jokingly on the last trip. "Good thing Jo has a big room." Pacey said smiling.

After the last trip Dawson and Pacey sat down at the kitchen table where Joey, Bessie and Bodie were at. "How about some breakfast?" Bodie asked. "Sounds good" the boys said.

Bodie placed a plate of soft fried eggs, bacon and toast in front of Pacey and Dawson. Pacey put some hot sauce on his eggs and started cutting them up, causing the yolk to break open.

As soon as Joey seen the runny yolk mix in with the hot sauce she jumped up and ran for the bathroom. Pacey followed after her and made a face when he heard Joey throwing up. He knocked on the door and asked if she needed any help. "No Pace I'll  be out soon." Joey said. "Pace you better hurry and get back in here. If you don't eat those eggs before Jo gets back in here, she'll be rushing back to the bathroom." Bessie hollered to him.

Pacey finished his eggs just as Joey was coming out of the bathroom. "I'm sorry everyone. I hope I didn't ruin everyone's breakfast." Joey said. "We're all good Jo" they all said to her to put her feelings at ease.

Joey sat back down and started nibbling on some more crackers. "Believe it or not lil sis but those are going to be your best friends for a little while." Bessie said pointing to the crackers.

"Thanks for breakfast Bodie and Bess. Joey I hope you start feeling better" Dawson said. "Oh she will in about nine months" Bessie said jokingly. "Not funny Bess" Joey said. "Well anyway, Pacey I'm glad I could help. I gotta get back home. I didn't even let my parents know that I was leaving" Dawson said. "See ya around Dawson" Pacey said. "Don't be a stranger D" Bodie said. "Thanks for coming over Dawson" Joey said. Dawson said bye to everyone and left.

"Come on Pace, let's go get you unpacked and settled in" Joey said. Pacey took his plate to the sink and rinsed it off. Then he followed Joey into the bedroom.

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