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It felt like she just went to sleep when she heard the baby crying but when she opened her eyes, she seen that it had gotten dark. She reached over and turned her bedside lamp on. As soon as the light came on Pacey started rubbing his eyes to wake up.

"The baby is crying Pace. Can you bring him to me along with the diaper bag? I am sure he is hungry and wet. Pacey got out of bed and picked his son up out of his bed and brought him to Joey.

She maneuvered the baby in her lap so that he could latch onto her breast. Pacey got the diaper bag and got back into bed.

After she finished feeding the baby she asked Pacey to burp him because she had to go to the bathroom. Pacey took the baby out of her arms and she slowly made her way to the bathroom.

When she came out, she seen that Pacey was already changing the baby. In that moment Joey was so glad that she had Pacey there with her to help her.

"Do you think he got enough breast milk" Joey asked as she crawling back into bed. "I would think so, look he's already back to sleep. After Pacey finished changing the baby's diaper, he put Pacey Jr. back in his baby bed. Once Pacey was back in bed, Joey turned the lamp off. It wasn't long they too were back to sleep.

"Pace the baby is crying again" Joey said as she nudged him awake. "Ok ok turn the lamp on so that I can see to get him.

"Hey little man, you hungry again" Pacey said as he picked Jr. up out of his bed again. He handed the baby to Joey and she pulled her breast out so that the baby could latch again. "This is going to be a long night" Joey said. "Well I am right here with you" Pacey said as he grabbed the diaper bag once again.

"After you feed him, hand him to me and I will take of him so that you can go back to sleep. This is his first night home, he has to get his days and nights figured out." "He sure is a hungry baby" Joey said. "He is his father's son. You know I eat alot too" Pacey said chuckling.

Joey handed the baby to Pacey after he had unlatched himself from her breast. "Thanks Pace, you are truly the best." "He is my son too Jo. He is just as much my responsibility as he is yours. Now try to go back to sleep love." Joey rolled over and closed her eyes.

Joey woke up the next morning with sunlight flooding her bedroom. She noticed that Pacey was no longer in bed beside her and the baby wasn't in his bed either. She slowly got up and went to search for Pacey and her son.

She found Pacey laying on the sofa with Pacey Jr. cradled in his arms. They were both fast asleep. "Pacey why don't you go lay in the bed. Why are you and the baby out here?" Joey said shaking him awake.

"You were asleep and he started crying again. As soon as I picked him up he stopped. So I figured he just wanted to be held. You were sleeping so soundly. I didn't want to wake you up." "Ok well I'm up now, give me the baby and you try and get some sleep in the bedroom. I just need you to bring me the diaper bag." "Jo I'm ok you can't do this by yourself just yet. Let me try and lay him back down in his bed and I'll fix us some breakfast, then I'll help you in the shower. After we eat and shower we should both go lay back down. Remember what the nurse said, we sleep when he sleeps for the next few weeks."

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