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Dawson was waiting for Jen when she got out of her last class. "Hey Jen, want to walk home with me today?" Dawson asked. "Sorry I can't today. I have plans with Joey." "Oh ok, I guess I'll see you later then.

Pacey and Joey had already made it to the truck and were sitting in it waiting for Jen. Pacey seen her coming and said "here she comes Jo." Jen opened the passenger door and got in beside Joey. What she didn't know was that Dawson also seen her get in Pacey's truck.

Pacey took off out of the parking lot as soon as Jen had her seat belt on. "Are you nervous Jo?" Jen asked. "A little bit" Joey said. Pacey took Joey's hand and said it'll all be ok Jo."

Pacey pulled into the clinic parking lot. Jen opened her door and got out. Joey was about to get out behind her but Pacey stopped her. He had her get out behind him because he wanted to give her a hug before they went in. "Jo remember I'm here and everything is going to be ok" Pacey said. He took her hand and the three walked into the clinic.

Jen and Joey walked up to the check in station and Pacey went to sit down. The receptionist handed Joey a clipboard with some forms on it. She took a seat by Pacey and Jen sat down beside her. Joey finished filling out the forms and took them back to the receptionist and sat back down to wait to be called.

"Joey Potter" the nurse called. Jen and Pacey both stood to go with her. "I'm  sorry only one guest per patient" the nurse told them."Pace stay here and let Jen go with me." Pacey sat back down.

The nurse took Joey's weight and vital signs. "What's the reason for the visit?" The nurse asked. "I need to get birth control " Joey said. "Are you sexually active right now?" Looking down at the floor Joey quietly said "yes mam". We'll need to do a pregnancy test first and would you like for us to screen you for STIs?" "Yes mam please do." The nurse gave Joey a urine cup and instructed how to give the sample. She also told her where to go and where to leave it.

Joey sat back down beside Jen and said "thanks Jen for coming with me". "That's what friends are for Jo." The nurse came back in and said "Ms. Potter we won't be able to give you birth control today. Your pregnancy test was positive." Joey put her head in her hands and started crying. Jen put her arms around her. "I'm so stupid Jen" Joey said between sobs. "Ms. Potter we need to draw some blood and after that I need you to make another appointment for two weeks. We also need a parent or guardian with you at this appointment because of you being a minor. The nurse handed some tissue to Joey and waited for her to calm down.

The nurse took Joey's blood and walked with her to the receptionist. " Ms. Potter needs an appointment for 2 weeks. Then she turned to Joey and said "looking forward to seeing you again Ms. Potter." She then turned and walked away.

Pacey could tell something was wrong by the way Jen had her arm around Joey and when she turned to look at him, he definitely knew something was wrong because she had been crying. He immediately got up and went to her. "Jo what's wrong, what happened?" "We'll talk when we get to the truck." Joey said.

Pacey took Jen's place beside Joey. "Here Ms. Potter this is the date and time for your next appointment." The receptionist said as she handed Joey the appointment card. Joey took the card and Pacey led her out to the truck.

He opened the driver's side door and Joey got in. Jen got in on the passenger side. "Jo you have to come back, what's wrong?" "I'm pregnant Pace and I have to have Bessie with me for mt next appointment since she's my guardian. "Jo we'll get through this together. I told you I'm here for you no matter what." Joey started crying again. Pacey put his arms around her. "I promise it's going to be ok Jo." "Hey Jo I'm here too" Jen said as she too put her arms around Joey.

That seemed to calm Joey down a bit. Her sobbing turned into a few tears. She wiped her face with the tissue that she had been holding and told Pacey and Jen not say to say anything to anyone. "What about Dawson?" Jen asked. "I'll tell him" Joey said.

Once Joey had calmed down, Pacey started the truck and headed to Jen's house. When they pulled up they seen Dawson outside of his house. As soon as he seen Pacey's truck he started walking towards it. "Jen why did you lie to me about having plans with Joey but then I seen you getting in Pacey's truck?" Dawson asked as soon as he seen Jen. Then he seen Joey and said "oh".

Joey got out of the truck and said "I need to talk to you Dawson."Sure, come on let's take a walk." He could tell she had been crying from the redness of her eyes. He put his arm around Joey's shoulder and glared at Pacey while he led her away.

"What's up Joey?" Dawson asked after they had walked away from Jen and Pacey. "Dawson I'm ummm, Dawson I'm pregnant" Joey finally said. "You're joking with me right? You're still a virgin so how can you be pregnant?" Dawson asked laughing. "My sixteen birthday Dawson and that's why Jen was with Pacey and me. I was going to get birth control but they did a pregnancy test and it came back positive.

Dawson didn't have the reaction she was hoping for. She had hoped he would have taken the news like Pacey and Jen had. "Jo are you for real, you're only 16. Didn't you use protection?" He was mad. "I know I was stupid and naive Dawson" Joey said. "You sure were". "Really Dawson you're going to treat me this way." Joey said and walked off.

"What's wrong Jo?" Pacey asked when Joey walked back up to where he and Jen were standing. "Dawson's being a jerk." Pacey started clenching his fist and Jen noticed it. "Why don't y'all take off and I'll talk to him?" "Thanks Jen" Pacey said. Jen hugged Joey. Pacey and Joey got back in the truck and headed to Joey's house.

"Do you want me to talk to your sister and Bodie with you?" "Pace I don't know if I want to tell them?" "What are you saying Jo?" "I just need some time. I can't even wrap my brain around this yet. Yes if I decide to tell them I want you there with me. Just not today ok." "Ok Jo I'll wait to tell my parents until you decide what you want to do."

They pulled into Joey's driveway and Pacey asked if she wanted him to come in with her. "No Pace I just want to go lay down. He walked her to her door and kissed her on the cheek. "Love you Jo". "Love you too Pace." She watched Pacey walk back to his truck and then she went in.

"Pacey not coming in?" Bodie asked. "Not today, I have a headache and all I want to do is go to bed" Joey said. "Everything ok Jo?" Bessie asked. "Yeah just a headache Bess" Joey said and walked into her bedroom to lie down and think.

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