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Joey and Pacey heard their baby's heartbeat for the first time and couldn't wait to tell Bessie. Pacey pulled the truck to stop outside of the house. Before he could get out, Joey was already halfway to the porch.

"Hey Jo wait up" Pacey hollered at her. She stopped with with her hand on the door knob to wait for Pacey. Once Pacey had caught up with her, Joey flung the door open.

They didn't expect to see Bessie standing in the kitchen in front of the stove looking down at the puddle on the floor between her legs. "Bess did your water just break?" Joey asked. Not making a sound Bessie shook her head up and down.

"Pacey I'm going to help Bessie into some clean and dry clothes. You get her bag and put it in the truck. Leave a note for Bodie. Come on Bess let's get you cleaned up so we can get you to the hospital.

Joey was leading Bess to the sofa when Pacey came in and said " Jo we have a problem. The truck won't start. "Oh no" Bessie moaned. "It's going to be ok Bess. I'll just call for an ambulance." Joey went to retrieve the phone just as Bessie doubled over in pain.

"Pacey we're going to have to row Bessie in the boat to Dawson's house. They said the ambulance wouldn't be here until about an hour and half. I don't think we can wait that long."

Pacey went to put Bessie's bag in the boat, then he scribbled a not to Bodie. He then helped Joey get Bessie to the boat. Just as she was about to step into the boat another contraction hit and Bessie doubled over again.

Once the contraction subsided, Bessie was able to gwt into the boat. "Bess how far apart are your contractions?" Joey asked. "About five minutes apart I think. "Pacey hurriedly and untied the boat. "Jo sit by Bessie and comfort her. I'll row the boat." "Ok Pace but we gotta hurry."

Pacey had them at Dawson's boat dock in record time. Bessie had two more contractions on the way there. Once Pacey had the boat tied up he ran to get Dawson.

Hearing Pacey hollering his name, Dawson came flying out of the house to see what was going on. "Dawson please tell me that your parents are here" Pacey said as soon as Dawson was in front of him. "Sorry man they just left. What's going on?" Dawson looked past Pacey and seen Joey helping Bessie out of the boat. "Bessie's water broke and she is in labor. We need to get her to the hospital." Bessie hollered out in pain and clutched her stomach.

Jen hearing Pacey hollering for Dawson had stepped out on her porch to see what was going on. She seen Joey and Bessie trying to make their way up to Dawson's house. When she seen Bessie grab her stomach, she went back inside to get her grandma. Hopefully her Grams would know what to do since she had been an RN for many years.

Jen and Grams came across Dawson's yard just as Joey and Bessie made it to Dawson's front door.

"How far apart are your contractions dear?" Grams asked Bessie. "They were five minutes apart but now they are two minutes apart." "Has your water broke?" "Yes mam." "We don't have time to get her to the hospital. Let's get her inside so that I can examine her." Grams said.

Dawson picked Bessie up and layed her on the sofa in the living room. "Dawson and Pacey I don't think you two want to see anything any futher. Can you two please step outside or go to another room?" Grams said. Pacey and Dawson went to sit on the porch. "Joey and Jen I need you two to get me some hot water, a good pair of scissors, towels and blankets. Also one of you go tell Pacey or Dawson to call for an ambulance. Tell them to tell the dispatcher that we have a new mother and infant child that's just been born and in need of medical attention asap. "Yes ma'am" the girls said and went different ways. Joey went to get the things Grams needed and Jen went to tell the guys to call for an ambulance.

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