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Joey woke up before daylight the next morning. She looked over at Dawson and seen that he was still asleep. She slowly crept out of the bed not wanting to wake him. Instead of changing back into her clothes she decided to leave Dawson's basketball shorts on and climbed out the window,down the ladder and across the lawn and down the dock to her boat.

When she got home she thought everyone was still asleep but she could see a faint light on through the window. She walked through the front door and was surprised to see Bodie still up watching television and with the telephone beside him. "Hey Bodie what are you doing up so early" asked Joey. "I haven't been to sleep Joey because some guy named Pacey has been calling all night for you,so instead of me letting the phone ring and wake up your sister. I decided to stay up and watch some television,that way I can answer the phone". "I'm sorry Bodie I was suppose to call Pacey when I got back from Dawson's last night but I was too tired to paddle the boat home. I decided to sleepover at Dawson's. Maybe I should give him a call now". "No it's been awhile since he last called, maybe he finally went to sleep. Talk to him at school later" Bodie said. "Ok Bodie I'm going to get ready for school and again I'm sorry" Joey said.

Pacey was waiting for Joey outside of school on the sidewalk. Bessie pulled up to let Joey out. "See ya later Bess" Joey said as she got out of the truck. "Pacey I'm sorry I didn't call you last night" Joey said as soon as she was face to face with him. "Jo I tried calling you all night last night, I was worried sick about you". "Yeah I know Bodie told me once I got home this morning". "You mean to tell me that you spent the night at Dawson's, where did you sleep Jo". "Yes I slept over at Dawson's because I was too tired to paddle the boat home. I slept in the bed with Dawson like I've done hundreds of times before. What's the big deal Pace"? "The big deal Jo is that you're my girlfriend. I don't want you spending the night over at Dawson's anymore". Before Joey could say anything Dawson walked up. "Hey Jo I woke up this morning and you were gone" Dawson said. "I had to go home and get ready for school, by the way I have your shorts right here that you loaned me". She reached into her backpack and pulled out the shorts and handed them to Dawson. She looked at Pacey. Jen walked up as Pacey was walking off, leaving Joey standing there with Jen and Dawson.

"Hey guys what's up, why did Pacey just walk off like that" asked Jen? "Joey slept over last night and Pacey is upset about it" Dawson said. "Where did you sleep Joey" asked Jen? Before Joey could answer Pacey had walked back up and said "she slept with Dawson in his bed". "Now I see why you were upset and you walked off Pacey" Jen said as she too walked off.

"Guess we messed up Jo, I didn't think it would matter to anyone that you slept over" Dawson said. "Dawson we have to realize that some things can't be like they use to. We have other people's feelings to consider now. I know I wouldn't want some girl sleeping over at Pacey's and I'm sure you wouldn't want some other guy sleeping over at Jen's" Joey said.

"You're right Jo" Dawson said. The bell rang and Pacey grabbed Joey's hand and said "let's get to class Jo". "Pacey you don't have to be so gruff with Joey" Dawson said. "She's my girlfriend Dawson".

At lunch nobody was talking until Joey finally broke the silence. "Look Pacey and Jen, Dawson and I are sorry for last night, we are sorry for not considering how you two would feel. It will not happen again". "You got that right" Pacey said under his breath. "Really Pacey, I know Joey is your girlfriend but she's still my bestfriend" Dawson said. "I know she's your bestfriend Dawson but some of the things that use to happen will not be happening anymore" Pacey said. "Gee Pace I didn't know that you were now the decision maker for Joey now" Dawson said. During the whole conversation Joey just sat there and listened, not doing or saying anything. "Jo are you just going to sit there and not say a word" asked Dawson. "Pacey's right Dawson some things just can't be the same".

"Dawson are you having trouble accepting this" asked Jen. "It's not that I can't accept it Jen, it's just Joey and I have been really close friends for so long and it seems that since you and Pacey have came into our lives it's slowly slipping and being taken away" Dawson said. He also couldn't get out of his head how he really wanted to kiss Joey last night.

The bell rung ending lunch. They all got up to throw their trash away and hurry to class. Pacey fell into step beside Joey. "Jo wait for me after school so that I can walk you home". "Ok Pace I'll be waiting.

Joey was waiting outside of school on the sidewalk when some guy ran passed her and slapped her on the butt. She whirled around just in time to see Pacey grab the guy up by his collar. "Dude that wasn't cool for two reasons, for one she's my girlfriend which means she belongs to me and for two you don't treat girls like that". "Pacey it's ok" Joey said as she tried getting between them. "I guess you like getting your ass slapped huh Jo" Pacey said angrily. Without another word Joey started walking home.

Pacey let the guy go and hurried to catch up with Joey. "Jo I'm sorry, I'm just very over protective of you. I don't want anything to happen to you and you don't deserve anybody treating you the way that guy did". "Protective Pace how about possessive , I let you speak at lunch now you're going to listen to me. "Yes I'm your girlfriend but I'm not your property. "I'm sorry Jo please forgive me". "Pace why do you seem to have such a bad temper lately and jealous of Dawson and me" asked Joey? "Since I told my dad about us he's been on my case about how people have been saying that those two are going to end up together, talking about you and Dawson. "Pace I'm with you. I don't want to be with Dawson. Dawson and I are just friends". "I belive you Jo". They had reached her house and Pacey bent down and kissed her tenderly on the lips. "See ya school tomorrow Jo" Pacey said and started walking away.

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