Chp 25 - Sorry if this seems kinda rushed

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(No one gave me a title so this is it, yup.)

-Pop's POV-

I looked through some paper "She still hasn't said anything." one of the scientists around me sad as I looked through more of the papers "The o-5 are meeting right?" I asked as they nodded "I have you to suggest something to them, take me to where they're meeting." I said smirking.

-Time skip/Y/N POV-

"Get up." a guard said as I slowly stood up 'I wonder how longs it's been since I woke up.' I whipped a few tears away 'Should I ask where we're going?....... I don't think it matters. Now dose it.' I sighed and shook my head 'I need to stop thinking like that.' I followed close to the guards as he stopped at a large door with more guards "Stay here and wait for the door to open. Then walk forward." the guard said. I looked at the door and sighed 'I guess this is it huh?' I closed my eyes as I could feel an extremely familiar presence surrounding me 'I'm gonna see them again, and I'm gonna die after this.' I watched as the door open making me walk forward. I watched as I saw another door open review on my family members 'How fun.' I looked into the middle of the room a table with some chairs 'Well here we go.' I walked forward and over to the table quickly sitting down as I was faced with Pops as he tipped his hat "Nice meeting ya stranger." he said smiling as I nodded acknowledging his presence as I watch other people walk over to the table and quickly sit down. I looked around the room seeing observer rooms with a bunch of doctors along with more familiar faces "So." Mason started "Who the fuck sold us out and why are we being treated like Zoo animals." he asked crossing his arms making Willaim whine. I smiled at Willam waving my hand a little as he seemed to calm down a little "Bet it was that dumbass." B/B/N said pointing to father "What?" he asked obviously slightly offended by his own son's comment "You heard me." B/B/N said as I notice the gloves he wore 'I guess he had to wear that so this placed wouldn't find out about the serpent's hand tattoo.' I sighed and looked over to Lucus and his husband as he held his two daughters close "Actually it was me." Pops said raising his hand "You son of a bitch!" Lucus yelled standing up as Pops sighed "Calm down and let me explain." he said as Lucus grinded his teeth and sat back down "Now let me tell you how I got here. I'm sure you all know that I suddenly disappeared that day-" Pops was stopped "Yeah, where'd you go old-timer?" B/B/N asked leaning back in his chair "Oh I was sent to a pocket dimension where I couldn't breathe nor feel nor see. I couldn't anything really. But that's all thanks to your godforsaken father B/B/N." Pops's said oddly happy as I sighed "I apologize for making the tool he used to do that." I said.

Pops looked over to me "She talks." he said whistling "Any input?" he asked as I shrugged "Aren't you mad that he sent you here?" Pop's asked 'Of course I'm mad.' "Wait he did what!" Mason yelled standing up and slamming his hand on the table "Oh you didn't know, he's the one that put Y/N in here." Pops said as Father scoffed "It was for her protection." he said simply "Protection my ass!" B/B/N yelled smiling his hand on the table "May I put my input?" Isabelle asked raising her hand as everyone looked at her "To be fair she has a reason to. Chaos Insurgency, serpent's hand, the Church of the broken God, Dr. Wondertainment, etc. Those names I just mention all had Y/N on their radar not mentioning the SCP foundation. All of those people would be extremely more dangerous they got their hands on anyone in the family especially Y/N." she said. I looked down at my hands as all of my family members seemed to get into the conversation and debate on whether or not they were wrong or not 'How troublesome.' I looked over to Ava as she looked sad "I guess it's time to begin." I muttered as B/B/N looked over to me making me looked at him "So... When the raid?" I asked him as he seemed to pale "I-... I don't know what you mean." he muttered looking away as I sighed and felt hurt "Still running away it seems." I muttered 'But I won't run.' I looked at his and leaned back 'It should be any minute now.' I felt my eyes wounder as I spotted a sad-looking Dr. Glass looking at me. I sighed and looked over to Isabella as she stared at me sadly "How're your hands treating you?" I asked as she smiled very well, Thank you for giving them to me." she said as I stared at her mechanical hands 'I'm glad I met her.' I smiled "Whatever did you do with that necklace Y/N?" I looked over to Mason as he stared at me "Simple, I placed it in where a heart should be." I said as I closed my eyes again "What necklace?" Pops asked "Oh the-" I was cut off as the room suddenly turned red making an alarm go off 'Guess it's time to start.' I stood up along with everyone. 

I looked over to the guards as they point guns at us "NO ONE MOVE-" the guard was also cut off as the door of the room was quickly cut down revealing Able "Time to go." I muttered as I ran towards him quickly running past him 'Slow them down for me.' I told able as I quickly started to run down different hallways "PLEASE WAIT! YOU'LL DI-" I didn't listen as I could hear the destruction surrounding me as the SCP started to roam and destroy 'I never really one to listen, Ava. Maybe I can join them in the afterlife if I do this... I doubt I'll be able to go where they went through.' I turned a corner as I quickly glance behind me seeing Isabella chasing after me "What-" I was quickly tackled to the ground. I gasped as she quickly held me down "Miss Y/N, please stop resisting." she said "No! Why are you ding thing! Aren't you supposed to listen to me!" I yelled at her "Dr. Wondertainment ordered me to protect you, even from yourself-" she was stopped as I watched bullets quickly pass through her glass head quickly shattering it along with her bullet 'Damnit they're here!' I looked over seeing the serpent's hand members "Damn." I looked at the broken pieces of Isabella feeling it pull at my heartstrings 'Where is it?' I quickly grabbed the necklace and place it around my neck running off again 'Thank you... Isabella for holding onto this.' I looked at the blue amulet that I held close to my heart.

I quickly ran down a hallway turning down different hallways 'I need to get away from them!' I looked behind me seeing many guards chasing after me 'B/B/N certainly went all out.' I moved down another hallway only to be met with a closed-door 'Damnit!' I looked back seeing the guards catching up with me only to quickly stopped as the ceiling caved in 'FUCK!' I pressed my back to the wall trying to not breathe in the dust-filled air. I waited a few moments to open my eyes only to be faced with broken pieces of technology that cover the whole wall 'The whole thing caved in.' I looked to the door placing my fingers in between the places where the two sides meet 'All the electricity should be on all the door should be open.' I started to push the door apart 'Then why isn't this open!' I pushed and pushed until there was just enough room for me to get through. I quickly squeeze through the tiny space reviling on another hallway that leads into more hallways 'Why was the door closed?' I walked forwards only to be stopped by loud stretching as I turned to the ceiling seeing more shrapnel fall 'Oh-' I felt a piercing pain as I watched the sharp pieces of shrapnel quickly tore through my chest 'That door was closed to stop me from walking to my death.' I could feel the blood poor from my mouth as I started to violently cough trying to keep the blood from filling my lungs "D-Damnit." I choked feeling the blood starts to pour out of me "Mama!" I turned seeing Sigurrós 'W-Why here?' I felt tears well in my eyes as she ran over to me "Don't worry! I'll help you!" she yelled raising her hands as the shrapnel that fell from the ceiling entirely disappeared in almost an instant "S-Sigurrós." I muttered as she ran over to my side placing her hands over the wounds "Don't worry I'll-" I grabbed her hand feeling the energy run through me "Stop, I need you to go back." I said pushing her away "Mama?" She muttered, "Please, just go." I muttered 'I die how I want.' I watched as she looked at me for a minute then quickly ran away. I sighed feeling myself get vary vary tired 'I should get rid of this.' I looked down at the amulet that made me tear up 'I wish you the best Jack, I just can't go through this.' I pushed the amulet away as I saw it hit someone's boot "Who." I groaned looking up and seeing a man "Ah another SCP?" I muttered as he crouched down picking up the amulet "This yours?" he asked opening a cigarette box taking one from and liting it "Y-Yeah." I said as he nodded "Guessing you're not the smoking type?" he said putting his cigarette box away as I nodded having a hard time breathing.

The man nodded again as I looked at him "The amulet." I muttered "Hmm?" He hummed taking a puff of his cig "Please, take it somewhere no one can find it." I muttered as I looked at the amulet in his hand "Sure." he said standing up "In these last moments, I think you'd rather be along, right?" he said started to walk away before I even got the chance to answer. I looked down at my still gushing wound 'Guess this is it.' I could feel my vision start to blur 'I'll never see the light of day again.' I closed my eyes feeling myself slowly slip away 'But this is what I wanted.' I could hear someone start to approach me but it didn't matter... I was already gone.

The end.... Or is it... Jk... OR IS IT! 

Have a nice day and I hope you enjoyed this book.

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