Chp 24 - Remembering

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(It's gonna be a long Chp because I'm gonna be relieving a bunch, to make it easier I'll make put the time these memories are taking placed in Parentheses. Also is this image of Kondraki a daddy?)

B/N - Brother name (Younger)

B/B/N - Big brother name 

-Y/N POV/Dream-

(Pops disappearance)

I started at Pops and father as they yelled at each other "SHE NEEDS TO KNOW! THIS IS HER FAMILY WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!" Pops yelled 'Why are they yelling.' "SHE COULD GET HURT! YOUR ONLY GRANDDAUGHTER! THINK THIS THROUGH!" father yelled "NO! THIS IS A BETRAYAL OF THIS FAMILY! I TOLD YOU THE RU-" Pops was cut off 'No stop.' I felt tears prick my eyes "NO THIS IS MY DAUGHTER WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!" father yelled as felt tears run down my cheeks "Why are you fighting?" I asked coming out from behind the door. The two looked at me as I sniffed "I uh oh N/N don't worry, just the adults tal-" he was cut off as he screamed in pain "AAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH!" Pops scream as there was a bright light "I'm sorry." father yelled as I cover my eyes. I felt tears run down my cheeks "Please forgive me." I muttered as I ran down the hallway away from father 'If I knew he'd use it like this, I wouldn't have made it.' I made it to my room quickly locking the door and falling onto the bed in a puddle of my tears.


(First memory wipe a littler after Pops disappearance)

I sat in front of my father "Why? I don't get it." I said looking down at the ground at the stuffed toy in my lap "You know our family isn't... Normal... You've noticed it, I've noticed it. Your mother could see things others couldn't, just like B/N. They saw what was going to happen, they knew what we were gonna say before we said it. Your uncle's eyes, have you ever wonder why your the only one that gets to look into them? Why he always wears black glasses? Or your other uncle, I know you've seen the plant sprout of his back and arms. Have you ever wonder why your uncle takes care of William when he's half the size of him? Our family isn't normal, the only one who isn't strange is... Well me and B/B/N." he said slowly "I know..." I said looking down as tears welled in my eyes "So... Wouldn't it be better to forget?" he asked. I looked back up to him quickly "No! Father! I don't wanna forget them!" I yelled "Shhh shhh it's ok." he said quickly as some noises happened downstairs "I k-know what you did to Pops, I know you use the thing you ask me to make. I-If I knew you'd use it like that, I-I'd wouldn't have made it!" I yelled feeling some tears slip from my eyes "Shhh shhh honey I need you to be quiet." he said "I don't wanna do this earlier but trust me. This is the best for the whole family. You won't forget your uncles or brother. You're just gonna forget the strange things." he said pulling out a little vial of liquid "Just drink it and fall asleep." he said as I grabbed the vial "O-Ok..." I paused feeling scared "Go on." he pressured as I quickly drank the whole thing seeing my world turn white.


(time skip after memory wipe)

I looked up at Uncle Mason as he stared into my eyes "She's..... She's not right, is she?" he asked Uncle Lucus as he also stared into my eyes "What?" I asked "Y/N what colors are my eyes?" he asked slowly "Uhhhhhh blue." I guessed because I didn't know the answer. Uncle Lucus quickly turned to Uncle Mason "Alright honey I want you to go play with your Uncle William." Uncle Mason said as I walked over to Uncle William as he played with some blocks "Hi!" I said sitting down next to him "What do you think we should build?" I asked as he moved some blocks making a tiny tower "A castle?" I asked as he nodded a little "Ok." I said stared to help build the walls. I could hear shushed talking in the kitchen "What did you do? You erased her memories didn't you?!" I shifted uncontrollably feeling a headache start to grow "It was the best choice, her abilities were getting out of control. Attracting attention where we didn't want it, would you rather have her forget or Foundation member shooting a gun at you?" father shot back as I could feel some droplets of blood drip from my lip "You should've asked us! We could've helped? Did you even ask her opinion on it, or did you force the amnestic down her throat?" another whispered "Siiiiiiiiiicccccckkkkkkk." I groaned feeling vary bad at the memory "Ehhhhhh-" William whined beside me fidgeting "D-Don't worry, I'm fine-Guh!" I stopped as blood fell from my mouth "AH! AH!" Willaim began to scream as everything when black.

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