Chp 15 - Your bad at taking pictures and it pisses me off!

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-Dr. Gears POV-

I walked down the hallway nearing the conference room 'I have everything in order.' I shifted the papers in my arms and stopped in front of the door 'The o-5 seem extremely interested in Y/N.' I opened the door seeing 13 screens having the numbers lit on up with the test on the bottom reading 'Audio Only' signifying they could hear me and I could hear them. I closed the door behind me and walked in the middle of the room "Speak." o-3 said strongly "I have been called here to report on my finding on the SCP-(Number of choose) or Y/N M/N L/N." I paused as I looked down at the paper "SCP-N/O/C has shown anomalies properties that affect other anomalous items in nature. It seems to have some control over some anomalous items and other less so... It has shown to attach anomalous items to its care when in distress, it has also been so to nullify the properties of an anomalous item of it's choosing-" I was stopped "Yes yes we know all of that, we want to know how she's been affecting the SCP in testing. I've heard it's been quite surprising." o-9 said as I nodded flipping to the addendum page looking through it all. I took a moment to prepare my self before speaking "Addendum log 1 - SCP-N/O/C walked into the containment cell of SCP-173 with two other companions to clean up the room. SCP-N/O/C made notable contact with SCP-173 after the lights flickered killing the two companions with her, leaving her alive even though she had her eyes closed for approximately 3 seconds straight in its presence. Only having SCO-173 move up to her but not trying any attempts of snapping her neck." I paused waiting for a moment. 

I looked back down at the paper "Addendum log 2 - SCP-N/O/C walked into SCP-049 containment cell talking with him for a short time before SCP-049 got up from its seat. SCP-049 proceeded to walk over SCP-N/O/C touching her cheek with no effect from its properties happening. SCP-049 became excited proclaiming that she was the cure then took some of her blood, SCP-N/O/C was taken out of the room shortly after." I stopped pausing as I flipped to the next paper "Addendum log 3 - SCP-N/O/C walked into the containment room of SCP-096 presumably with her eyes closed. SCP-N/O/C used her foot to feel around so she hit the wall and then she followed the wall over to SCP-096. She seems to sense SCP-096 was in distress so she crouches down in seem to comfort it. SCP-N/O/C was told to exit the room and did as told with some trouble from SCP-096." I stopped. I looked up to the screens for a moment then moved on to the next paper "Addendum log 4 - SCP-N/O/C walked into the containment cell of SCP-682 under the false pretenses of looking for damage of the cage. SCP-682 they seem to notice turn walked up to her with its jaw opened, SCP-682 only stopped when SCP-N/O/C asked its name. Then the two started a conversation for a little while until SCP-N/O/C was told to leave the room, then SCP-682 slightly to become slightly enraged wrapping its tail and body around SCP-N/O/C. MTF came into the room to remove SCP-N/O/C and threatened to blow up the identification collar around SCP-N/O/C making SCP-682 let go of SCP-N/O/C." I said as the o5 seem to take an interest. There were a few seconds of silence "Do you think SCP-N/O/C can control SCP-682?" o-7 muttered "Maybe. Maybe we can use her. Continue Dr. Gears." o-6 said as I nodded "Addendum log 5 - SCP-N/O/C encountered SCP-999 and SCP-131 under the supervision of Dr. Glass, nothing out of the ordinary happened." I paused as I flipped the paper "Addendum log 6 - SCP-N/O/C walked into the containment cell of SCP-035 with a D-Class. SCP-N/O/C didn't seem affected by SCP-035 properties but the D-Class was almost immediately affected by its properties. The D-Class put SCP-035 on and then started to convulse signaling SCP-035 taking control. SCP-N/O/C and SCP-035 had a conversation in which they exchanged asking questions to the point where SCP-035 started to infuriate SCP-N/O/C where she abruptly ended the conversation by slamming her fist into the table." I stopped talking as the o5 erupted into speculation.

I looked up to the screens as they talk to each other 'I should take Y/N soon before she catches more of the o-5 council eyes. Maybe during a containment breach, I can grab her, then again it would have to be a big one.' I was snapped out of the thoughts as the o-5 council stop talking "Continue Dr. Gears." o-11 said as I nodded looking down at my paper "Addendum log 7 - SCP-N/O/C walked into the containment cell of SCP-939 walking around for a few minutes until she was completely surrounded by them. SCP-N/O/C was frightened and hit SCP-939 but SCP-939 didn't show themself as hostile and only laid around SCP-N/O/C until she was told to leave the room. SCP-N/O/C tried to leave the containment cell only to be bitten by SCP-939, SCP-N/O/C screamed out in pain and ran from SCP-939 having them case after here yelling "Come back." in an amalgamation of voices that researchers reported to never heard before. SCP-N/O/C exited the containment cell and shortly passed out." I said 'I could cause a giant containment breach sitewide.' I shifted the papers in my hands. I felt my heart beat a little faster as I looked back down at the paper "Addendum log 8 - SCP-N/O/C interviewed SCP-1233 much to SCP-1233 excitement. Nothing out of the ordinary happened except for the fact that SCP-1233 took an extreme liking to SCP-N/O/C, and seem to give a compliment to her. A later interview with SCP-1233 said he gave a compliment because it was once told that's what you do with someone you like. Addendum log 9 - SCP-N/O/C did a short interview with SCP-079 with nothing out of the ordinary happening except for the when SCP-N/O/C was leaving the room. SCP-079 warned SCP-N/O/C about the foundation not having humanity, SCP-N/O/C didn't seem to take it seriously." I stopped again letting the o-5 talk. 

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