Chp 23 - Again and again

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I looked down at my hands as I could feel the truck dump over some potholes 'This is gonna end badly.' I felt someone poke my cheek "Yes?" I said turning towards them "Why such a long face?" Dr. Bright looking at me "I mean your lucky enough to not have anything wrong with you after that a little Fiasco happened." Dr. Clef said as I turn to my other side "He's right you know." Dr. Kondraki said as I looked at him in the other seats in front of me "Haha yeaaah." I said sighing remember the feeling of blood coming from my mouth as everyone panicked around me. I looked down back at my hands 'I still don't remember why that happened-Wait I do-No I don't.' I stopped and cover my ears 'What was that?' I stopped rubbing my aching head 'Where I'm I again?' I looked at the ground of the truck and the multiple doctors around me some looking at me questioningly and or daydreaming 'That's right, I'm going to meet a new SCP. So all of these doctors brought me to a truck to be moved so I could meet the thing-Able-' A male voice said "Able?" I muttered out loud as everyone seemed to snap their heads towards me "Uh?" I suddenly felt self-conscious "How do you know that name?" Dr. Glass asked "You mean Able. It's from the bible, isn't it? Cain and Abel, you know. Cain, the firstborn, was a farmer, and his brother Abel was a shepherd. The brothers made sacrifices to God, each of his own produce, but God favored Abel's sacrifice instead of Cain's. Cain then murdered Abel, whereupon Yahweh punished Cain by condemning him to a life of wandering." I said. Dr. Glass chuckled "Ah yes I know the story... Just... Why bring it up?" he asked as I paused "Maybe... I just like the bible." I said slowly 'Yes Y/N, that doesn't sound incriminating at all.' Dr. Glass sighed and shook his head seeming to shake whatever thought in his mind away 'I wonder why I said that? I wonder why they reacted like that? It probably has something to do with the SCP......... Then why did I say that? How did I know....' I was snapped out of my thoughts as the truck stopped. 

The doors opened and some guards guiding us out 'I wonder why there so many of them.' I looked at all of the guards as we started to walk towards a small but extremely secure looking building "You look worried, you ok?" Dr. Kondraki asked me whispering so no one else could hear us "Y-Yeah I'm ok, just got a bad feeling." I muttered back blushing at how close he was "Don't worry, everything will work out." Dr. Kondraki said 'Why is he always so close to me. Was it because of that kiss? Is he trying to make me feel more confutable around him? Or is he just in your face like that? Dr. Kondraki... Doesn't seem like the type to get in your face. That's more Dr. Clef... Dr. Kondraki is more the silent sidelines kinda guy. He stares and intimidates.' we walked closer to the building. I looked around seeing we were in a kind of desert landscape with no one around for miles 'Then why is he trying to get close to me, it weird.' We walked into the building as I watched even more guards start to cheek if we have any weapons "Alright everyone's clear!" the main guard yelled as another guard grabbed my arm and pulled me toward a very ominous elevator 'Well, guess I'll die.' the guard pushed me in the elevator and waited with me as we both watch the doors closed. I watched as I caught a glimpse of worry on all of the doctor's faces before the doors fully closed 'Just remember what Dr. Kondraki said "everything will work out" It'll be fine..... But even he looked worried... And... And what if when everything works out means it gets worse for me. It might work out for you but I might die. Yeah, then everything will work out. The one that has been causing all your probably suddenly gets killed-' I was snapped out of my thoughts as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened.

I looked down the hallway seeing nothing but I slightly wet interior 'This is it.' I could feel my whole body shaking 'Why does it feel like I'm about to see something I should never have.' I felt the guard tap my back making me take a step forward 'No! I don't want too-Able-Please stop-He's-' I started to slowly walk feeling the weight of the room grow and grow "SCP-N/O/F please approach the door in front of you." a voice over the intercom said as I walked up to the door. I took a deep breath in 'I'm scared.' The door slowly opened as I closed my eyes and walked forward 'I'm really scared.' I stopped and heard the door closed behind me 'Now... All I have to do is open my eyes....' I shivered feeling more dread seep in 'I can't......I just-Able-' I snapped my eyes open staring at the black cube in front of me "I-" I felt like my body been set ablaze "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screeched out flinging my head was about to explode 'I-I CAN'T!' I felt thousands of images pass in my mind in an instant 'WHA-' I felt my knees give under me as I fell to the cold hard ground "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-" I didn't even realize my voice was still calling out nor did I realize the tears the streamed from my eye. I didn't seem to notice when the locks on the door of the black cube slowly started to turn one by one 'PLEASE!' I pulled my knees to my chest crying hard into them 'IT HURTS! IT HURTS! IT HURTS! IT HURTS! IT HURTS! IT HURTS! IT HURTS! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!ITHURTS!ITHURTS!ITHURTS!' I could hear soft footsteps approaching me "I'm sorry." someone muttered 'That voice...' I slowly looked up seeing Able "You." I muttered through my sore throat "You're the one that- 

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