Chp 20 - A nice dream

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(This is kinda like a scenario but whatever, the calm before the storm you could say/Also have a Wild Jack Bright.)

-Dr. Bright POV/Dream-

I slowly sat up feeling some nausea 'Ugh what time is it?' I rubbed my face looking around the dark blurry room "Damn guess it's still night." I muttered yawning picking up my glasses and placing them on my face 'Should I just stay up?' I looked toward the bathroom seeing the light was turned "What the hell?" I muttered rubbing my eyes 'Did someone break in?' I looked under my bed grabbing the emergency chainsaw "Who's there?!" I yelled hearing some shuffling coming from the room "What is it Jack? Did I wake you?" a familiar voice asked "Uh." I muttered softly as I walked over to the bathroom "Hello?" I asked looking into the bathroom seeing Y/N washing her hands. She turned to me making me drop the chainsaw "Yes? Jack didn't you say looking at your reflection gives you whiplash." She said turning around as I noticed the red nightgown she was wear 'Holy shit!' I felt my face flush "Uh." I muttered 'This has to be a dream, this can't be real!' "What wrong Jack?" she asked looking up at me 'She's even calling me by my first name!' I took a deep breath in "Y/N." I said calmly "Yes?" she asked tilting her head 'If this is the dream then I have to make the most of it!' "I'm fine, c-can... Can I kiss you?" I asked suddenly feeling nervous as she blushed "You don't have to ask you know." she said smiling "But I didn't think you would be the rowdy, especially in the middle of the nigh-" she didn't get to finish as I pressed my lips against hers. Our lips seemed to move together in perfect warmness 'It so sweet...' I let my hands wander around the nightgown she was wearing making her squeak in surprise 'God she's so cute.' I felt one of her hands press against my shoulders as I released her lips "What? What is it?" I asked as she took some breaths "You, sir. Might be immortal but I am sure not. I need oxygen from time to time." she chuckled as I smiled 'Right.' I suddenly felt sad "Y/N." I asked slowly "If I could make you immortal... Would you take it?" I asked as she looked at me and grabbed my hand "Jack." she said as she leads me back to the bedroom. I looked at her "Y/N please answer me." I said softly as she suddenly pushed me to the bed "Jack, eternity is nothing alone." she said as he laid down on top of me "So of course if it's with you. I'll spend eternity." she muttered as I felt my heart skip a beat "Y/N, I love you." I said rubbing circles into her lower back as I sighed "Aren't you gonna say it back?" I asked as I felt my heart speed up "Jack, I-

-Dream end-

I sat up hearing my alarm go off 'Noooooooooooo-' I slammed my hand down on the stupid alarm pouting 'I wonder what that dream was about?' I rubbed my face a little placing my glasses on my face 'Guess it time to go to work.' I got out of bed and walked over to "That dream... It looks like it was our future together." I muttered making myself blushed.

-Dr. Kondraki POV/Dream-

I felt my eyes slowly open as I moved slightly feeling the old bed creek with my movement "Ugh what's time is it?" I muttered not feeling the hangover I expected to feel the night before 'Why do I feel warm-' my thoughts were cut off as a yawn came from my side making me look over and seeing a person with H/C 'Great I took another hooker home that looked like Y/N.' I sighed getting ready to kick out this random person "I think it's 7-ish." the person muttered yawning. I recognized the voice as the person turned over "Don't you have the day off?" Y/N asked blinking a few times "Why are you up so early?" she asked leaving me speechless 'This must be Clef doing, how the hell is she here? A prank?-' I was snapped out of my thoughts once again as Y/N ran her hand over my arm "Are you ok? Did you have a nightmare?" she asked sitting up as I could see her wearing one of my shirts 'God who gives a damn. This is probably just a dream.' I moved my hand over her neck seeing some hickeys and bite marks "I'm fine." I muttered smirking "I see your satisfied with your work." she chuckled as she slowly got out of my bed stretching 'How cute.' I looked at her bare legs and thighs seeing bite marks and even more hickeys on the inside of them "Are you wearing anything under that?" I asked her as I could see her blush "Maybe." she muttered. I watched and smirked as she walked over to the bathroom with a slight limp 'Hm?' I got out of bed seeing I was in boxers 'Why couldn't be this a wet dream, that would've been fun.' I followed after Y/N seeing her brushing her teeth "What are you-AH!" she yelped as I ran my hand down her lower back feeling no underwear "Sore?" I asked as she shivered "Y-Yeah, why are you touching so much?" she asked blushing and finishing up her brushing her teeth "Is there any reason why I shouldn't be touching you?" I asked smirking "Well no... It's just making me nervous." she said. I smiled as I leaned into her kissing her already marked neck "I see that you're wearing nothing under that as I presumed." I said "Alright calm down there." she giggled as she ran her hand over my arm that was wrapped around her "I don't really feel like doing it again. If that's what you're after." she said as I chuckled "Damn you found me out." I muttered rubbing my lips over her neck. I smiled and closed my eyes rocking back and forth a little "I think I'm ready." she said suddenly said as I hummed "Ready for what?" I asked looking up seeing in the bathroom mirror she was blushing and looking to the side "For a kid I mean.... You said you wanted one right?" she asked as I felt my eyes go wide-

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