Chp 9 - THE FUCK!

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(Outpost looks like the one in this video. One of my fav series)


I lifted my head slightly as I groaned 'My head it's so fuzzy.' I throw my legs over the side of the bed and sat up "D-Class food!" someone yelled pushing a tray in throw the slot 'I wonder how Lina's doing.' I sighed and walked over to the tray picking it up seeing bread and yogurt with orange juices. I sat down on the floor and started to eat as I looked down at my scratched lags 'They still hurt, I wonder why Dr. Icederg was so mean. Maybe just a hard day or maybe he didn't like me very much.' I finished my food and rubbed my legs trying to make the pain fade. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door suddenly opened to reviling Dr. Icederg 'FUck-' I stood up and back up a little putting some distance between us "Calm down I'm not gonna do anything." he said closing the door behind him keeping one of his hands behind his back. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow "Why would I believe you?" I asked looking towards the hand behind his back 'What behind your back, their friendo.' "Well you kinda don't have a choice," he said as he pulled his hand from his back showing a first aid kit. I gave him a confused looked as he walked over to the bed "Come here." he said as I looked at him and shook my head no "I wasn't asking." he said glaring at me as I shivered and walked over "Sit." he said pointing to the bed as I quickly sat down. He bent down and lifted up my pants leg as I blushed "W-What are you-" he stopped me "Sorry." he said as he opened the first aid kit "For what?" I asked as he placed some antibiotic ointment on the scratches "For causing this, I had a rough day and took it out on you." he said as he placed a large bandage on the scratches. I giggled "That's ok, seems you have a lot on your plate." I said as he nodded standing up "Yeah anyways we need to get going." he said looking away from me.

I got off of the bed getting a little to close to Dr. Icederg as he back away a little blushing 'Guess I got to close.' "So I'm guessing another text?" I asked as he walked over to the door "Yes." he said as I nodded following him as he grabbed the card from around his neck and pressed it ageist the scanner. The door opened as he swiftly walked through with me close behind "So your a doctor here right?" I asked wanting to make conversation "Yes. Why do you ask?" he asked, "I want to know what you do or, maybe what you study to get here?" I asked looking at him as he walked making his baby blue hair bonce. I hummed softly as he thought of his answer "Well I mostly do the paperwork for Dr. Gear, but I do some test to lighten the loud to. I study things in mechanical engineering, weapon development, emergency security detail, or more use to." he said waking throw the hallways 'Man that sounds like a lot. Probably why he so stressed.' "What do you study? Or used to?" he asked as I smiled "I studied a lot of mathematics, physics, science, English, other languages, engineering, history, biology, and geography. A lot of stuff, I never got a degree in any of them the saying I didn't finish college." I said smiling at the good time I had in college "May I ask why?" he asked, "Ah an accident that left me hospitalized for more than two months." I said giving a sad smile as Dr. Iceberg seem to tense up. We walked up to the big door I came in here as two guards approached us "Dr. Icederg I'm guessing you're here to transport the d-class to another site." one guard said as another walked up to me with cuffs "Hands." he demanded as I extend my hands for them to be cuffed "That won't be needed." Dr. Icederg said as the guard looked at him "But protocol-" he was cut off as Dr. Iceberg sent his signature icy glare "That. Won't. Be. Needed." he said slowly.

The guard shivered and back away as Dr. Iceberg turned back to another guard and started to talk to him about something "Sorry." I muttered to the guard that just got the cold shoulder from Dr. Iceberg "It's ok." he whispered back as I smiled at him. Dr. Iceberg turned around and cleared his throat "Let's go." he said as I walked over to him 'I feel bad for that guard, he didn't deserve to be bashed like that.' we walked over to the door as it open revealing the normal snowy tundra I was exposed to when Dr. Gears and I first arrived. We walked throw the snow as I shiver slightly 'Sometimes I love the snow but you know, sometimes I hate it.' I notice Dr. Icederg didn't seem to mind as he briskly walked over to a black truck. He quickly opened the door looking at me, silently telling me to get in 'I wonder where we're going.' I got into the truck and sat down on one of the side seats. Dr. Iceberg closed the doors and sat next to me making are shoulders touch 'His shoulder is abnormally cold.' the truck started to move as I clipped my seat belt together "I have a question?" I asked as he looked at me while clipping his seat belt "Yes?" he asked, "Sorry if this sounds offensive but, why are you so cold?" I asked as he gave me a confused look "Like mentally or-" I cut his off waving my hand back and forth apologetically "No no, I mean... Well physically because when you shook my hand when we first meet. They were really cold, and you didn't really seem to be bothered by the cold weather outside." I said as he nodded "Oh right, you wouldn't know." he said rubbing his chin. He looked back over to me and smiled "Well I was in a bit of an accident when I first got here. Well, I can't say it was really an accent, more of an experiment gone wrong. The experiment made my body temperature go down to about -7 degrees Celsius. So well that happened. Oh! And that's actually why everyone calls me doctor Iceberg." he said smiling a little. I chuckled "But wouldn't that kill you or something?" I asked "Nah not really, just makes my life a bit harder. It does have its perk though. Seeing how the cold doesn't really bother me as much as others. I do have to be careful." he said.

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