Chp 3 - Dr. Bright?

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-Y/N POV- 

I sat up slowly feeling my body ache from the hard bed I've been sleeping on 'What time is it?' I looked around seeing Lina was still sleeping 'Is it still not time for breakfast?' I looked around seeing a door that wasn't the exit "Hmm." I hummed slightly as I walked over to the door opening it. I looked around seeing that it was a bathroom 'There's no bath/shower?' I looked seeing a toilet and sink "Maybe I should go." I said looking back into the main room as I closed the door and walked back over to my bed. I looked over to Lina as she shifted "Hmmm." she hummed as she sat up "Oh shit!" she yelled looking at me "God do you get off looking at people when they sleep!" she yelled. I jumped slightly as I shook my head "N-No I just saw you moving so I looked over." I said quickly "Oh." she said simply looking at me "D-Class! Breakfast time!" someone yelled as two trays were pushed throw the slot. I walked over and grabbed the tray seeing some cereal, fruit, milk, and bread 'Man I'm hungry.' I started to eat as I looked down at my food "So how's testing?" Lina asked as I shrugged "I've been testing with a lot of dangerous things." I said "Like what?" she asked, "Like this statue that you need to look at so it doesn't snape your nack and there's this plage doctor that can kill you with its touch." I said. Lina nodded "Oh yeah I've cleaned that statue cage before." she said, "Wait how long have you been here?" I asked as she shrugged "Three weeks." she said simply 'She's gonna be killed soon.' I nodded.

The door opened as we both turned our heads seeing Dr. Bright with some guards "Y/N come with me." Dr. Bright said as I got up walking over to him "Bye." I said waving at Lina, not noticing how Dr. Bright glared "Right time to go." Dr. Bright said as he began to walked away as I followed close behind. We walked down the hallway "So what's your relationship with D-Class-43261?" he asked, "You mean Lina?" I asked, "Yes that's what she calls herself." Dr. Bright said adjusting his glasses "I mean, she's a friend, I guess." I muttered the last part. Dr. Bright made a slight humming noise as we came to a door "Alright now, here." he said handing me a piece of paper 

" he said handing me a piece of paper 

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'So don't look at his face. Got it.' I nodded understanding the information as I handed Dr. Bright the paper "Good luck." he said as the door opened as I walked in seeing another door as the one behind me closed "D-Class we are now opening the second door." a voice said over the intercom as the door opened. I closed my eyes as my ears were filled with soft sobs and cries "H-Hello?" I said softly walking forward not liking the feeling of complete darkness only feeling the pressure of my feet moving forward. I stopped as I heard the sobs and cries getting louder 'Should probably not call out again' I moved to the right using my foot to feel around hearing the crying soften as my foot hit the wall with a slight tap. I placed my hand on the wall as I moved along it feeling my way as the cries got a little louder 'Maybe I should just stop until they let me out.' I walked along the wall as I finally hit the other wall. I stopped as I turned to my left as I heard more cries of anguish 'Why are they crying? I feel... I feel like I should comfort them.' I walked faster as the crying got louder. I stopped at the foot of the curled-up person as they sobbed into their hands "A-Are you ok?" I said softly as I bent down so I was in the same position as the curled-up person. I reached my hand out feeling cold hard skin that stretched over a bony body "C-Can you not talk?" I said feeling the person's body move slightly as I moved my hand over what I now knew was an arm. 

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