Run Away From Love

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"I am not wearing this." I took off the dress Lauren was trying to get me to put on.

Don't get me wrong it was a cute dress, but this was not the occasion.

"Jazz why?" She stood in front of me with her hands on her hips.

"Didn't you say we were going to his house?"

I asked her now standing in just my underwear and bra, putting the dress on a hanger


"So why are you so insistent on me looking like I'm going to the club? This is overdoing it."

"Because you can intrigue his mind on your own. But girl you got to intrigue his body too. Make him feen for your curves. Let him know, you come down this road proceed with caution cause honey this body is dangerous." She doubled snapped her finger.

"I rather not." I put the dress back in my closet.

She was not going to put me out there, when all she had on was some high-waisted shorts and a crop top.

"You're dressed down." I told her coming out of my closet surveying her outfit.

"I'm not trying to get a man. You are. So you got to dress like it. I just want him to truly see how beautiful your body is, and sometimes an outfit can do that." She got her make-up bag off the bed and sat in front of my vanity mirror.

" Them curves look a lot different and more intriguing when the package is together. Even skinny women know that. Why you think they add shit like butt pads and push-up bras? To make curves, that you already have. You just have to accentuate it with the perfect outfit."

"Lauren that's going to make it blatantly obvious I'm dressing up for him."

"And?" She shrugged looking at me through the mirror.

"He's not going to pay me attention anyway. Especially if other people are going to be there. I'm going to fade to the background like I always do." I laid back on my bed, thinking about it.

"You know what Jazz I just feel like having a good time tonight. If you want to wallow in self pity and low self-esteem. Then do that by your damn self. " She looked at me through the mirror, then starting putting on her foundation.

I stared at the ceiling just wishing Lauren would understand it is not that easy for me. She she was this social butterfly that ran her mouth a mile a minute, talking to everybody, and my only comfort was my work and DJ since Ant died.

On top of that, Ant was the only boyfriend I ever had. I didn't know how to communicate that easily with the opposite sex in matters of the heart. It made me awkward and nervous. On top of that, I don't like being rejected. I rather just avoid it all together than hear him say, he doesn't want me.

"You go and have fun." I got up and grabbed my nightclothes out the dresser.

"Jazzie are you serious?" Lauren stopped applying her make up and looked at me annoyed.

"Yeah. You came here to hang out with him anyway." I put on my night pants.

"Would you just give it a fucking chance? And if tonight is not what you expected, then I'll just drop it."

"No, I'm good." I put on my night shirt and got in the bed underneath the covers.

Lauren shook her head and then sat on the edge of the bed.

"Jazz I swear. You're never going to find anybody like that. Being all scared and shit. If you want love you got to be willing to put yourself out there. And no, everybody is not going to be a catch. You're going to meet some jackasses. But there is someone that is going to love you, for all of you sis. I just know. But you got to give love a chance. You got to try. If Aug is not the right one, what do you lose?"

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