Chapter 17

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3rd POV

After a few days, the boys went back to class. They had to at that point, they were both failing everything. That was something that Katsuki had told himself that he'd never do. But he still failed, it was just so hard to focus on any of the lessons. His mind was always preoccupied. Thankfully, Aizawa was lenient with the boys. He didn't yell at them when they weren't paying attention. He did remind them however, that their futures were riding on those simple lessons and that they should really try to listen.

And they had. After a few days, they were at least able to do the assigned work. That was improvement at least. Everything still felt super off though. Mina wasn't as happy either because of Kirishima's absence. Denki and Katsuki were sad as well. To all the other students, the class didn't even feel the same anymore.

After a week or so, the two received a letter in the mail, and a call on the phone. The letter was from Katuna's office and the call was from the man himself. The letter said that the court had given them a set date for a first trial.

"Hopefully it'll only take one trial to get the judge convinced that your friend is innocent in the matter." Katuna had said. The boys crossed their fingers and hoped for the best.

When the day of the trial came, both of the teens were excused from school for the day to go give their word in the trial.

For the most part, the trial was well organised and the two boys were happy to see their friend again. Even if they couldn't talk to him. They were just glad to know that he was safe. The trial lasted a really long time though. After talking to their lawyer, they found out that the meeting was a normal length and it even ran a little shorter than normal. After presenting the case to the judge, the group was dismissed to leave. There would be another trial the next day to decide Kirishima's fate.

Everyone was nervous. Everyone but Kirishima. He could honestly care less about the whole ordeal. He knew that he was at fault and that was all he needed to know. Of course, he wasn't allowed to tell the judge that.

The next day, Denki and Katsuki woke up early for their eight am trial. The two didn't actually have to participate today, they just wanted to be there. Denki most of all, he really wanted to make sure that Kirishima would be ok and that they'd be able to see him come home again.

The second meeting was even longer than the first one, but it kept the boys on their toes. They had no idea what was to happen. After all the facts, the evidence, and the opinions were given, the jury was dismissed to go conclude an answer. That alone took an hour. The boys had lunch and they were able to talk to their friend for a minute.

When the jury was ready, they called everyone back into the court room for their response. The judge asked them to calmly state whether they thought that Kirishima was guilty or innocent. The members of the jury sure took their dear sweet time when giving their conclusion. There was silence for a few seconds before someone finally said something.

"He's innocent."

Denki and Katsuki both sighed a sigh of relief. Kirishima was both happy and sad. He thought he needed to be punished for his actions.

The judge let Kirishima off with a warning and a month of public services. He mostly let it slide due to Kiri's young age and he said that it was the League at fault. Kirishima's escorts left and the boy was released back to his friends and lawyer.

"Thank you so much!" Denki said to Katuna embracing him in a tight hug. He was trying so hard not to cry.

"No sweat kid. Tell your principal that he'll be getting my bill." And with that, he left.

Denki looked at Kirishima and smiled a very big smile before hugging him very tightly as well. "We're so happy that you get to come home with us Kiri!" He said, that was when the tears did start to fall.

"Nice to have ya back goofball." Katsuki said ruffling the redheads hair.

"Thanks Kat... I'm really sorry. I promise to communicate with you now. And that goes for you to Denki. I'm sorry that I was so jealous of you."

"All is forgiven." Denki said. "Now lets go home! Mina's been dying to see you."


"Ohmahgoshhhhhhhh my baby boy is home!!!!!!" Mina yelled when the three arrived back at the school. She ran to him sobbing and threw her arms around him. "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!"

"You have my word. I missed you too Mina."

"I was just so worried. And then with the trials, I didn't know if you'd be able to come back to meeeeeeeee" She whined.

"It's ok now though! I'm here with ya, and I'm not leaving."

"You better not." Mina said still not letting the red haired boy go. Denki stepped closer to the embracing students and threw himself on top of them to make a group hug. Mina laughed, she loved Denki too much as well. Even though he was kinda dumb at times.

I'm so sorry it's a day late. My school computer, which I usually write on, has finally blocked Wattpad which is super annoying. So I had to get that all sorted out. I managed to write 6 chapters and will resume updating the book once a week (if I can remember lol). Thank you for reading and all the support you've given me. Also happy birthday yesterday to the person who told me to come back on their birthday. Sorry I forgot.....

Jealousy(BAKUKAMI)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ