Chapter 16

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3rd POV

A few days after talking with Kirishima, the lawyer came back to UA to consult with the teachers. He said that he still needed some evidence and that he'd need a few of the students testimonies... mainly Kaminari and Bakugou's.

"I'm sure you boys know why I'm here." The lawyer said. He'd pulled them aside to get their side of the story. "My name is Remori Katuna. I'm here to get your side of the Kirishima case. I just have a few questions I need answers to."

Kaminari gulped. He was a little scared. It had been months since everything went down. He just hoped he could still tell everything as it was.

"Ok first off, what started this whole thing?"

Katsuki spoke first, "Well.... before we start this, uhh... how do you feel about gay people.....?"

"I'm perfectly fine. I do not have a stance on that, I'm just here to save your friend."

"Ok," Katsuki continued. "So. I uh- I decided a while ago that I uh- I liked Kaminari here and so instead of talking to him about it, I told Kirishima. He was my best friend so I hoped he'd help me. And he did. He agreed to pose as my fake boyfriend. Don't ask me why, it just seemed like a good idea at the time." Katsuki rubbed the nape of his neck.

"He thought that in order to sell the look, he'd kiss me and all that in front of Kaminari. Eventually he was asking to do it in private too. I blew him off obviously, I had told him from the very beginning that I liked Kaminari, not him."

"Well as it went on, Kaminari got pretty sad... the plan had worked, he was jealous. But seeing him sad made me sad too. Eventually it got so bad that Denki came to talk to me about it. Mina answered the door. I was hanging out with her and Kirishima."

Denki spoke up now, "When she opened the door, Kirishima was on top of Kat, kissing him. I ran off and Kat ran after me. We talked everything out and we both confessed how we felt and we went to go talk to Kirishima. He wasn't there when we got back. We figured he'd just gone to bed since it was kind of late in the day. He wasn't there in the morning either."

"When we opened his door, we only found the suicide note on his bed. We went and got the teachers and they immediately sent out a search party. Everyone looked all week but we never found him. We thought that after that time, we'd have at least found his dead corpse. But we didn't even find that." Katsuki said.

"Eventually it was only the teachers that were allowed to search for him because we had to go to classes. The search went on for a few months. It was hard to pay attention. Me and Kat blamed ourselves of course." Denki spoke.

"And then one day, they attacked. And Kiri was with them. It was a shock. He told us how he felt. How he'd liked me and I wouldn't even hear him out. And then he fought everyone. He was about to come for me, but Denki took the blow. We rushed him to the hospital and he was out cold for about half an hour."

"When he woke up, he told Kirishima that he was forgiven. Denki told him that they were still friends. Kirishima apologized profusely to both me and Kaminari. I didn't forgive him though. It was a sick thing. I blamed myself for his death. Then I found out he was still alive. And then he tried to kill me. It was a lot to take in."

"We told All Might and he helped us. He told us that Kirishima couldn't stay here because the league would be looking for him and so we brought him to Nighteye agency. And that's pretty much all that happened." Denki shrugged.

Katuna finished writing on a clipboard he was holding. "And this is everything you know about?"

Denki and Katsuki both nodded their heads.

"Ok well I'll definitely use this in court. This is all good information. Thank you boys. We should hopefully be allowed to trial in a few weeks, but I can't promise anything. Would you two be willing to testify during the trial?"

Both of them nodded again. They'd do anything to save their friend. And they'd be sure of that.

The two were released to go back to class, but they didn't feel like it. After hearing that the trial would be in a few weeks if they were lucky, they just didn't have it in them to go back to class. They decided to go out, to the cafe that their relationship had started in. It was just a safe haven for them both.

The next few weeks we're going to be hell for them.

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