Chapter 15-

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3rd POV

School went on as normal for a few weeks. Katsuki and Denki were able to see Kiri every now and again, but not as often as they'd wanted. Poor Mina didn't get to see him at all due to the fact that she hadn't been in the room where it happened.

Principal Nezu said that he was working extra hard to get a lawyer that would take the case into his hands. He wasn't having much luck though.

The whole school seemed off. There were rioters every day. The families of the students that attended U.A were furious. They were petitioning to close the school for the year. The hero students were just too risky to go to school with. First it was the dorms, then All Might retiring, and now one of their own students had attacked them.

Aizawa wasn't being himself either. He was obviously stressed about the whole situation and he seemed even more tired. Plus he was on wits end with the riots.

Everyday was the same, get up, go to school, and go home just to sleep awful. It was pretty much hell on earth for the teens.


"Students of class 1-A! I think that you'll all be happy to know that I have finally found a good lawyer. He's cleared many citizen's names and I think that he'll be able to do the job!" Principal Nezu said barging into the Height's Alliance commons area.

Mina fell off her chair. "wAIT ARE YOU SERIOUS???"

"Yes, I am! All Might is escorting him to Nighteye agency as we speak. He's going to talk to Kirishima and then he's going to take this to court. Hopefully once the parents know the truth, they'll stop rioting as well!" Nezu said once again exiting the building.

Just as he left, Katsuki and Denki came downstairs. They were super confused until Mina ran over to them and explained everything.

"I'm finally gonna get to see my baby again!!" She said hugging her other two children.

"Yeah it's been quite a while since I've even seen him." Kat said.

"Hmmmph. It's not fair that you guys get to go see him, I'm practically his mom!" Mina pouted crossing her arms.

"Yeah well you didn't talk everything over with him... and you also didn't snap him out of his brainwashed state. So uh... yeah." Denki said checking his nails yet again.

"But still!"

"Ok, babe. We gotta get you to stop doing that. You don't even have nail polish on!"

"Yeah but it makes me look sassy!!"

"It DoEsN't MaKe SeNsE!!!!!" Katsuki yelled.

"Do I lOoK lIkE i CaRe????" Denki yelled checking his nails just to invigorate his boyfriend.

"I'm LeAvInG!!!" Kat chuckled.

"i'M cOmInG wItH yOu!!!!!" Denki laughed.

Katsuki stormed out of the building and off campus, Denki close behind.

After being quite for a while, Denki spoke. "Whatcha thinkin bout?"


"I know that face. What's on your mind?"

"I'm just excited to get this court thing over with."

"Yeah me too. But it'll be good. We'll have our friend back. And everything will go back to normal."

"I hope you're right. What if he still blames himself?"

"So that's what it is. You still think this is your fault." Denki said.

"Pfft no, don't make me laugh."

"But it's true. And it's not your fault. If anything, it's mine. I got between you two and then Kiri got upset and then he tried to kill himself and then the league found him and then they took him and then they made him almost kill us and then-"

"Stop rambling. This isn't your fault either. I don't know who to pin the blame on."

"Then don't. This was all just a huge accident and none of us meant for any of this to happen. Do you think that when Kiri left U.A he was thinking that he'd show up a few months later to kill us? No, he didn't. It was the stupid league of villains. That's who you should blame. We would've found Kirishima if they hadn't kidnapped him. We would have found him before he jumped. I know we would have... his hair sticks out pretty bad. It would have been hard to miss him. So I don't want you to blame yourself because you get sad. And when you're sad, I'm sad. And I don't want to be sad because I want to be happy with you, I love you and I want to make good and happy memories with you. So no more of this."

"...ok. It was the league's fault. It wasn't my fault and it wasn't your fault. It was the league. And I love you too Denki. Even though you're kinda dumb." Katsuki said ruffling the other teen's hair.

"That's better! Now lets go back and spend some time with our friends!"

"Ok, that sounds pretty good right now."


Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating in a while! I've been working really hard on a new book recently and it's been cutting in to my work time on this one.

Sorry this chapter is kinda shorter, my laptop is almost dead and I don't wanna go find the charger.

(I feel really bad for not updating for months, so I'm very sorry for that...)

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