Chapter 7~

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Baku POV

We decided to split up to cover more ground. Me and Kami went together, Icy-hot and Deku, Eraser and All Might, etc. We decided to meet back at the dorms at six and to call if we found Kiri before that. And soon enough, we were all searching around for our shark.

We checked every ally every bridge, building, and cliff.  We checked anywhere that was run down and we looked where no one would ever think to go. We went by his family's houses and called the cops. When six hit, there was still no sign of Kiri. Not even any signs of his death. He was just... gone. And it was all my fault. I really shouldn't have ignored his feelings like that, I mean I knew he liked me but I didn't think it would lead to this!

Once we walked into the dorms and the class saw we were empty handed, we were bombarded with questions. Mina started crying but calmed down a little bit after we explained we hadn't seen any signs showing he was dead. "Maybe he was taken somewhere?" Mina asked between quiet sobs. That was a very possible thing. He very easily could've been kidnapped. If he was, he'd still be alive right? "Let's say that's what happened. Though we don't know for sure, that's the only option that makes even a little sense." Kami said. "It's gonna be ok. We're gonna find him Mina. He was like our brother... and your child. So he's gonna live. I promise that and if I have to die trying to get him back for you, so be it."

My head jerked up upon hearing Kami say that. "No. We aren't losing you too Kami. I can't lose you..." I said trying not to let my voice break. "Yeah Kami I don't want you to die either." Mina said, "I'd still be losing one of my boys." "I don't like that idea either bro." Sero said. "As long as were here, you won't be dying." They both said in unison. Well at least I'm not the only one who'd try to stop him.

"Idk guys. Kiri is definitely worth more than me. He's way better than me and he's way stronger. If that's the price I have to pay then I will. No one would miss me as much as you'd miss Kiri." This time I jumped at him, grabbing his wrists tight so he couldn't get away. "You are NOT dying Kami! I CAN'T lose you! So don't you even think about that!" I said before smashing my lips onto his to get the point across. I pulled away to see a crying, blushing mess underneath me. Mina's squeals were annoying so I picked up Kami bridal style and carried him to his room. 

Kami POV

Did I hear him correctly? He really want's me to stay? He'd actually care if I left? But why? I'm not that important. I'm just some annoying turd that goes brain dead whenever I use my quirk. That's not anything worth saving. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I was set on my bed. "Kat... did you mean what you said?" I said tearing up again. He was silent for a while before saying something. "Denki of course I did. You aren't a nobody because you're mine. And if that's not good enough for you then think of all your friends. You think they wouldn't miss you if you died? You think I wouldn't miss you if you died?" His voice cracked and he looked up at me. He was crying. Tears were flowing down his cheeks making tears flow down mine as well.

I leaned over and hugged him, crawling into his lap. "Kat... I- I love you so much!" I sobbed. He hugged back and laid his head on mine. "I love you to Denki. You're so precious." "Kat I promise we'll find Kiri. It may take time but he'll be found when he wants to." I said laying my head on his chest. It was warm being held like that and I never wanted the moment to end.

"Yeah but I want him to be found now. I miss him and I want to apologize so bad. It's all my fault he's gone..." "Kat it's not your fault. We were all neglecting his feelings as well. We should've been there for him. If anything, it's my fault for coming between you two." "Denki this is not your fault. I never like Kiri like that anyways. He's so needy sometimes and I don't like that. He's more like a bro than anything. I promise it wasn't you." "Maybe it was both of us?" I said. He just hummed in response.

"Kat... did you mean the kiss too?" I said after a while. "How many times I gotta say I love you until it gets through to you?" "I don't know. It just felt like you only did it because Sero and Mina were there... But I don't know. That was kind of my first kiss..." "Hmm that must've been a sucky first kiss. Can I fix that for you?" He said pulling me closer. I nodded in response. In just a few seconds his lips were on mine again.

This kiss was definitely different. It was more passionate and I had time to actually kiss back. After a minute or so Kat started to nibble on my lip. I don't know why he did that but after a few seconds he let out a grunt and stopped. He moved his hands up my shirt causing me to gasp from the sudden contact. I felt him smile as he quickly stuck his tongue in my mouth. This caused me to gasp once again. And before I knew it, it was over.

"How was that for a first kiss?" he asked laying down. I was dazed. "T- that was wonderful..." I said laying next to him. He chuckled, "Denki you're too cute for your own good." "Am I?" "Yes. Now I'm tired and I don't wanna walk to my room so goodnight." He said wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. He cuddled me and fell asleep. Soon after, I fell asleep too. It had sure been a long day.


So this chapter didn't give as much info on Kiri as I wanted it to but oh well. I hope you liked the chapter! Let me know if you did and let me know what you didn't like. And what do you want more of? 

Jealousy(BAKUKAMI)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن