Chapter 13~

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3rd POV

"Bro, snap out of it." Denki said waving a hand in front of Kiri's face.

"Oh. Sorry, I got lost in thought." Kirishima said. He was a little worried. "Denki would you miss me if I died?" He asked bluntly.

"Absolutely! You're such a good friend... minus all of this." Denki whispered under his breath."But if you died, I would be totally sad and depressed. Life just wouldn't be the same. That's why I was crying when we found your suicide note."

"You cried when you read... my note?"

"Of course! I was so scared that I'd lost a friend. We had search teams out for months. All the pros helped look for you. Kat didn't take it well either. He blamed himself for everything, and so did I. I know I came between you and that's not a good thing for you." Denki said. Kirishima looked down at his lap, a tear escaping his eye.

"If I mean so much to you guys... why haven't I ever felt it?" Kiri mumbled.

"You totally should've. Just think about Mina, she's mentally adopted all of us. We all love you so much Kiri. Don't you ever forget that. Now we have a job to do. We have to clear your name."

The three boys followed bubble girl to the basement while All Might took another nap. Who knew pros slept so much? ...other than Aizawa.

The basement had been fixed up quite nice, there was a bed, a small bathroom with a shower, a small closet and a desk. Of course there were tons of boxes that had to be moved to even see these items. Who knew heroes were so messy?

"Thanks guys. It's pretty great." Kirishima said to everyone. Bubble girl nodded, smiling a bright smile.

"You're welcome. We'd love to stay Kiri, but me and Kat have to go back with All Might. Keep your phone handy. We'll give ya a call when we can take you back and start seeing lawyers." Denki said giving Kiri a big hug.

"It's ok. I won't do anything stupid this time. I promise. Take your time, it's probably good that I'm gonna stay here. It will probably keep me out of trouble... for the most part." Kiri said hugging back.

"Ok. We'll be back soon!" Denki smiled. "Hey bubble girl? You mind keepin an eye on him? I know he said he won't do anything, but just in case."

"Yeah I don't think that'll be a problem." She smiled.

"Sweet!" Denki fist bumped the air. "I'll see ya later Kiri!" He added as he walked back upstairs to go find All Might and Bakugou.

Sorry this is short. I'm having a little trouble writing this now. I've just kinda lost my inspiration. But I'm going to keep working on this book nonetheless.

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