Chapter 8~

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This chapter is going to be shorter because I want it to end a certain way but I don't have much body to the rest of the chapter. Please read this and pay very close attention. Or not :)

Kami POV

It's been a few months since Kirishima went missing. He was never found. No dead body, no alive one, nothing. We were all worried and our class has gone on multiple search parties looking for him. We all just wanted him to come home. We didn't even know if he was still in the city. Heck we didn't know if he was even in Japan! Kat hasn't taken this lightly and neither have I. We both blame ourselves for Kiri's disappearance and it's definitely really hard to live knowing that you've caused someone so much pain.

The class hasn't been the same without Kiri. Everyone tries to be happy but no one can ignore the elephant in the room. Mineta is the only one who doesn't care. He says we're all better off without Kiri and that he was a mere sentence in the poem of life. He's an idiot. If I could, I'd throw him out of 1-A. He's so annoying. Like we could all just forget our friend like that. I don't think I'll ever move on from this.


3rd POV

Class 1-A was busy training with 1-B on training ground beta. They were all working on special moves and strengthening quirks. The kids were all super overworked due to the last couple days. All they'd done was enhancing quirk durability and strength. It was just like at the training camp. But what no one realized was how similar the day was to their summer training. 

Everyone was so worn out so Eraser and Vlad King gave the kids a break and gave them some water. Class 1-A was sitting on the left side of the building with 1-B on the right. They were all just laying on the floor, exhausted from their workouts.

Suddenly a loud bang was heard from the back of the room with a psychotic laugh following. No one knew what was happening until the League walked through a huge hole in the wall at the back of the room. Everyone was shocked but no one could really do anything. They were all so tired. Eraser and Vlad King tried to call for backup but their connection was jammed like at the USJ.

After a few seconds of silence and fear, someone else burst through the hole.

It was Kirishima.

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