Chapter 9~

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Anime Season 4 spoilers ahead. Read with caution.

3rd POV

Everyone was so shocked to see Kirishima alive and with the villains. Class 1-A's  jaws had dropped to the floor while class 1-B was very confused as to why class 1-A was so shocked.

"Kirishima... how could you... why?" Bakugou said. Sure he'd been sad when Kirishima left but now he was ten times more depressed. "I thought you were dead!" Bakugou screamed, tears streaming down his upset face.

"Let me tell you a story Katsuki. It begins with a small, innocent middle school boy. His quirk was nothing flashy but he still had determination. He spent his middle schools years sad and alone. When he was faced with danger, he let others deal with it. When he went to high school, he decided he'd make a change for the better. He changed his hair and wore a brave face. He really did try to be happy but deep down he knew he never could.

Overtime he made friends and he was able to experience true happiness. He even developed feelings of love for one of them. He wanted so badly to confess but he was to scared of rejection, so he hid his feelings. One day, his crush asked him for a favor. He wanted the boy to pose as his boyfriend so he could make someone jealous. The boy was heartbroken upon hearing his love had interest in someone else."

At this point Katsuki's tears had intensified and Kaminari stood alongside him tears streaming down his face as well.

"But the boy agreed. This was his chance to make the other fall in love with him. He tried everything he could. It went on for weeks. Eventually the other cracked and shoed the boy away. He said it was finally time to end the fake relationship and tell his real love how he felt. The boy cried, trying one last time to get the other to notice his feelings... But it didn't work. The boy's love left him and united with his own love.

The boy thought that if he couldn't be loved by his crush, he shouldn't be loved by anyone. He pulled away from the world and planned to leave it entirely. So he climbed to the highest building he could and got ready to jump. As he leapt from the roof, something stopped him. He wasn't falling. In fact, he was standing on the ground he planned to die on.

He looked around to see two people behind him. They asked if he was from UA, to which he responded with a simple yes. They asked if he had information and he again responded yes. The offered him a place to live in exchange for said information. They said that they would be the downfall of UA.

The boy agreed because UA had cost him everything and he thought that it should be brought down. He told them what they needed to know and they gave him a home and a place to finally fit in."

Bakugou and Kaminari were silenced, alongside class 1-A. No one had words for what Kirishima was saying.

"So the boy spent months training, improving his quirk and physical strength. Until finally he was strong enough to carry out the deed." Kirishima paused. "I'm very excited to see how the story ends Katsuki."

Kirishima hardened his arms, ripping the sleeves of his suit off and he started running towards the classes. He started with Eraserhead and Vlad Kind. He slashed right through their bodies, piercing through their stomachs with his arms.

While this was happening, the rest of the league was working on the rest of UA. They had exited the building and were headed towards the rest of the pros with their army of nomus.

Once Kirishima was sure the teachers were dead or severely insured, he moved onto his classmates.

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