Chapter 2-

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Im too lazy to write the next few days so time skip 1 week.

The next week seemed to drag on forever to both boys. Denki refrained from talking to anyone but Hanta. Katsuki noticed and boy was he upset. The initial plan had failed miserably. Because of Bakugou's stupid intentions, he too ended up really depressed. And so did Kiri. Kiri tried to fake a smile everyday just to make Katsuki happy. Though it never worked because all Kat wanted was to see Denki's smile again. But that wouldn't happen for a while because of this stupid plan.

Denki POV

This last week has been really annoying and long. Thankfully my grandma is healthy again. She managed to live... but they don't know that she's already dead. She died like five years ago. But now she's alive again! What a magical Earth this is! She's come back to me! Lol I'm so stupid, I chuckled to myself. That's the only way I keep myself happy, living inside my weird meme mind. It's pretty great. I just live with all the fluffy cotton candy shiba inus. How great is my mind...

Katsuki's POV

I was looking over at Kami cuz why not and I saw him smile. And better yet, he chuckled! I finally got to see the one thing I love most, my baby boy happy again. Even if it only lasted for a second, it made my whole day complete. His smile is everything to me, unlike a certain someone's real toothy grin. I think Kiri is trying really hard to look like he's making me happy. And I have to go along with it. How long till Sero gives me the ok to go confess? I just really want to end this right now. I'm done making him feel all sad and depressy. 

Time skip

The rest of the day had gone by really slow. I pretty much sprinted to my dorm to go text Sero. I just really wanted to get out of school and talk to Sero.

Boom Boom Man- Hey when is really depressed, really depressed? I want to stop but you haven't said if I can or not. Can I please just stop??

I never did get a reply...

Kami POV

I walked to my dorm after a long day of school. I made sure to lock the door. I didn't want anyone to see me do what I was about to do.

I walked over to the bathroom and locked that door to before pulling out a box of razors. I just couldn't take it anymore. I started cutting two days ago and it really helped take the pain away. 

I grabbed a razor from the box and held it against my wrist. I pushed down and pulled it across my wrist. It felt so good, yet so bad at the same time. I closed my eyes as winced. After I made that cut, I did another and another. Until my wrist was covered in cuts. I washed off my wrist and cleaned my cuts, making sure to cover them up. It would end me if someone found out about this.

I put the razors away and walked out into the central area of my room to see someone with their mouth wide open. Eyes wide, staring at my bandaged wrists. Guess I forgot that I gave someone a copy of my key...

Katsuki POV

Yup. My suspicions have been confirmed... Kiri really does want a real relationship with me. Today he asked me if I was looking for a real relationship with someone like him. I just looked at him shocked. I told him off and left to my room. How could I ever want a relationship with someone other than Kami? And why would he have the guts to ask?!

As I walked to my dorm, I passed another room and heard crying and muffled sobs from inside. I also heard voices. I looked at the nameplate to see that it was Kami's room. What is he doing to himself? What am I doing to him...?

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