Chapter 10~

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3rd POV

He started with the weaker of the group. He started with class 1-B because he wanted to save the best for last. There wasn't much resistance from 1-B, they went down pretty easily.

When he moved to class 1-A, he started with Mineta(obviously), Koda, Sato, Hagakure, Aoyama, and Ojirou. Next, he moved to those who were bad at close combat. Down went Shoji, Sero, Asui, Ashido, Iida, Jirou and Uraraka. After that, he moved to people with stronger quirks, those who would probably fight back. Momo, Tokoyami, Todoroki, and Midoryia. He saved the two best for last. Bakugou and Kaminari. They were the whole reason that he felt so worthless. 

"Come on Kiri. You aren't really gonna try and take me out are you?" Bakugou asked. He was getting ready for the fight that would soon happen. 

"I think I will." Kirishima said walking over to the two boys.

"Alright. If you really wanna play that way. Just know that if you even think about touching Denki, I'll have no problem killing you." Bakugou said stretching his arms. 

"Guys please. Can't we just talk this out like friends do?" Denki asked putting his hands in the air like he was being shot at. 

Bakugou and Kirishima looked at him with the dumbest looks on their faces. 

"Are you serious?" Bakugou asked. "He just took out two pros, class 1-B and the rest of our class. There's no way in hell I'd just let him get away with that." Bakugou said refocusing his attention on Kirishima. 

"Denki you really haven't changed have you. You're still so sweet and innocent." Kiri said walking over to him. Denki was taken aback when Kirishima's arms wrapped around him, embracing him in a hug. 

"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TOUCHING HIM?!?!" Bakugou yelled running at Kirishima.

"Thanks for being my best bro. I'm sorry, but I have to do this." Kiri whispered into Denki's ear. Small tears started running down both boys' faces. Just as Bakugou fired s huge explosion at Kirishima, Denki jumped in the way. He took the blow for Kirishima.

When Bakugou saw what he'd done, he started yelling and crying. 

"DENKI!!! WHYYYYY?!?!" He yelled running over to the small boy lying on the floor. He had burns all over his body and he was very much unconscious. "Oh my god Denki!" Kat cried.

Kirishima was just as sad and surprised as Katsuki was. "Why'd you take the blow for me lil guy?" Kiri said, tears falling down his face. "Please be ok." He added. 

Kirishima reached down to touch Denki's hair but he was reluctantly stopped. "Don't. Touch. Him." Kat said. "It's bad enough he took a shot for you. I don't want you doing anything else to him." Kat said sternly. Kirishima looked down, disappointed he couldn't even touch those who meant so much to him.

Bakugou took Kaminari in his arms and rushed to the recovery wing, Kirishima close behind. When they arrived, recovery girl took Denki away right then. Bakugou excused himself from the room to go call the cops on Kirishima.

He walked out into the hall and pulled out his phone. He dialed 911 and waited for an answer.

"911 what's your emergency?" The person on the other line said. 

"Yeah hi. My name is Katsuki Bakugou, I'm from UA. There's been a villain break in and I have one of em here with me right now. Can you come pick him up? He killed and injured about 40 people today." Bakugou stated blankly.

"Sure thing sir. The police are on their way. Don't let him get away." She said before she hung up.

Bakugou walked back into the room Denki was in. 

"Hey. Where'd you go Bakubro?" Kiri asked. Bakugou glared at him. "We aren't 'bros'. And I was in the restroom." He said. Kiri looked down at his lap, a look of hurt on his face once again.

"Well boys... I have bad news." Recovery girl said getting their attention.

Bakugou's head snapped up in an instant. "What's wrong?!" He asked frantically.

"Absolutely nothing! He just needs rest. He'll be awake in a few hours. Keep him with you at all times and tend to his burns with this cream." She said smiling.  Bakugou breathed in a sigh of relief. He was so glad Kami was going to be ok. He took the cream and sat down by the hospital bed.

"Kat... I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for him to get hurt. The plan from the beginning was to kill him, but he saved me and ended up getting hurt anyways. I feel awful. I guess it wasn't right to wish death towards him. I'm just as happy he's going to be ok." Kiri said. "He really was my best bro. He doesn't deserve this. I may be a bad guy now, but no one as sweet as him deserves this." He finished.

"Yeah but remember that it's your fault he's hurt. If you would've been able to control your damn feelings then this wouldn't have happened." Kat said staring at the ground to hide his tears from Kiri's eyesight.

"I know. And I'm sorry. I didn't realize. I can't believe that I hurt everyone else too. They are all good people. Some of them are probably dead now. They don't deserve that either."

"I don't care as much about them, I'm just mad that you'd try to kill us. I'm upset that you ran away. I'm mad that you hurt Aizawa and I'm extremely mad that you caused Denki to be hurt. I just wish you would've talked to me about it. I could've helped you. We could've been friends still. I wouldn't have minded." 

"Yeah... I'm so sorry I'm so damn stupid!" Kirishima said smashing his fist onto his leg. 

"It's fine I guess." Bakugou said looking up at Kirishima.

For the first time in a while, Kirishima saw Bakugou smile a real smile. It made him happy.

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