Chapter 1~

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The bakusquad was on their way to the local ice cream shoppe. Once everyone had gotten their ice cream, they walked to a nearby park to eat it. Making sure to sit by each other, Kat and Kiri announced that they had some good news. (Lol imagine them saying 'we have some good news' right after the narrator said that) "We have some tea to spill." "Ooh spill it Kat!" Mina said. Kat held up his hand which was intertwined with Kiri's. "We're dating!" Mina jumped up, dropping her ice cream on the ground and started squealing. Denki looked at Sero with a hurt look in his eyes, and Sero was surprised that Kat actually took his advice for once.

"Now we need advice. Do we tell the class or do we not?" Kiri asked the group. "That's totally up to you. I don't think they'll judge but if you don't want to then we won't tell anyone." Sero said. "I don't wanna tell em. So ya'll don't say anything about us ok? If you do, I won't hesitate to blow you jerks up." Kirishima leaned over and kissed Bakugou's cheek. "Calm down love! No need to threaten your friends!" Bakugou took a deep breath in and tried his best to look like Kirishima was able to calm him down.

He glanced over to Denki, who had his head in his knees. The sight was really depressing. He shot Sero a 'are you sure this is really a good idea' look, to which he got a nod in response. "Oi Kaminari, you good?" Bakugou asked, hiding his real concern. "Oh, I um... yeah. My grandma's sick and um we don't know if she's gonna make it... so yeah. That's all." He looked at the floor, avoiding eye contact with Bakugou. "Oh, well I hope she gets well soon." Mina said, rubbing Kaminari's back. "Yeah me too. I- I gotta go. I'll maybe see you guys in school tomorrow." "Ok see ya soon buddy." Sero said. "Now that I think about it, I should probably go home too. I promised Ma that I'd take the dog to the vet at 4." Mina sighed. "Alright bye Mina!" Sero said.

As soon as Mina walked off, the three boys all started talking. "Are you sure this is a good idea? He looked pretty sad..." "Yes I'm sure! Once he's really depressed from you and Kiri, I'll get him to confess or something like that. Or you can say that you've been worried about him and then you both confess." "Ooh! Can we do the second one? I wanna confess first!" Kat said, "Though I'm not liking the idea of making him all stressy and depressy." "I promise it'll be worth it!" Sero said reassuringly. "I hope so, now I gotta go before the old hag comes looking for me." "Alright babe! See ya tomorrow!" "Kiri we only have to keep up the act around Mina and Kaminari." Kiri's smile faded. "Right... I uh forgot." With that, Kat walked off.


Kami POV

Ugh! Why'd they have to get together?! And why didn't Sero stop them?! He knows that I'm the one who wants to be with Kat. Not Kiri! And now I have to lie about my grandma! I walked into my house and ran to my room, shutting and locking the door. I put on my headphones and laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I soon felt a tear slide down my cheek. Then another and another, soon I was sobbing my heart out onto my pillow.

After a while there was a knock on my door. "Honey are you ok? Dinner's ready if you're hungry." "Alright. Down in a minute mom." I wiped my eyes and rolled out of bed, unlocking the door and crawling downstairs to the kitchen. I took my seat at the lonely table. There used to be more people here to fill it, but not it's just me and mom.

About five years ago, my dad and older sister were coming home from the store. A drunk driver hit the car head on, killing them both. Now we visit their graves as often as we can. We have a rat as well and I'd sure consider her family. Her name is honey, and she's white with a few brown spots.

After dinner, my mom sat me down to talk. "Alright. What's going on? I can tell that you're upset. "Well today at the park, two of my friends announced that they were dating." "Oh... lemme guess, you like this lucky girl." "Yeah... I do. But that brings up another thing. Don't be mad, but this girl isn't a girl... he's a guy." "Oh. I didn't expect you to sway that way since you're always so flirty with the girls, but oh well. I guess it's the opposite and I completely understand."

"I'm glad. That calms me down so much more. I just don't know what to do because I was planning on confessing to him today. But I'm too late now..." I felt the all too familiar feeling of tears rolling down my cheeks. "Wow. If that's how it went, then he's a jerk and I just don't think he's good enough for you. My advice would be to try and move on with a positive attitude. You never know what tomorrow may bring!" "Thanks mom. I feel a lot better now." "Good. Now how about a movie night? I'll go make popcorn!" "Sounds great mom."

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