Chapter 20

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3rd POV

Kirishima awoke later to the door creaking open once again. This time he felt a bit better and could think straight and move correctly. He was pulled up off the ground and dragged out into the dimly lit room he was in before.

"Use your quirk." The same voice demanded. Kirishima did as told and brought out his quirk to harden his skin.

Only nothing happened.

Visible confusion on his face, the teen tried again and again. The other person in the room began to chuckle.

"Boss, it's complete."

After that, Shigaraki came into the room and asked for proof. Kirishima was demanded to use his quirk but found no success. He had no idea what was happening, this had never happened before.

"Let me fill you in." Shigaraki laughed maniacally. "With All for One gone, we can't just take away people's quirks at will. But with this new serum, we can do it with ease! Good luck trying to get it back."

Kirishima's eyes widened. They'd stolen his quirk? And he couldn't get it back? Were they being serious? And he wasn't just dreaming? No... this was real.

And he was in real trouble.


"Hey where's Kiri?" Denki asked his boyfriend.

"Don't know. Haven't seen him since we came outside to the bus. He's gotta be done now. It's been almost thirty minutes."

"Yeah, I'm worried about him. What if something happened to him?"

"I don't know. Hey All Might, Kirishima hasn't come out yet." Katsuki yelled at the teacher standing just outside of the bus.

"Thanks for the info, I'll go grab him." The hero replied.

Five minutes later, All Might came out of the building. Kirishima wasn't with him. All Might went over to the other teachers and started talking to them. A look of concern spread over all of their faces. Kaminari wasn't able to hear any of their conversation. Except for one thing.

Do you think the League took him?

He started to wiggle around, unable to sit still. This was all his fault... again. He should've stayed with the boy. Of course the fire was a distraction for the League to take his friend. It drew all the pros away from the school and made it easy to break into.

The bus pulled away from the school, but no heroes were on it. They had all started to look for the hideout Kirishima was tied up in. It was no easy task, because the villains switched up their hideouts every few weeks to stay off the grid. And they never had any preference to where they hid.


"Babe, are you ok?" Katsuki asked as he noticed that Denki wasn't looking too good.

"It's all my fault." He muttered.


"Kirishima. It's all my fault... again."

"Oh honey, it's all ok. It isn't your fault. I promise that." Kat said trying to make his boyfriend feel a bit better. Denki just shook his head. He couldn't agree.

"Look, I promise that we'll do everything we can to find him again. He can't have gotten too far in thirty minutes ok? The pros are looking for him right now. It's all gonna be ok." Katsuki said sympathetically.

"Ok." Denki mumbled.


"What now? We know it works. What do we do with the kid?"

"We take him back. He can't do anything. After that, we move locations so that he can't find us to even try and get his quirk back."

"I'll go get him."

Kirishima was taken to the back entrance of the League's hideout. He was told that he would be released. But he was also told that he wouldn't be able to find them again and that his quirk had disappeared inside his body and couldn't get it back. And then, they kicked him out.

Kirishima was upset and confused. He was emotionally and physically drained. It was dark and cold. He didn't know where he was and he didn't know how to get back to his school. He couldn't go back though, could he? He didn't have a quirk anymore, so he could never be a hero. Why would they let him educate himself at their school anymore?

After asking around, he was able to borrow someone's phone to call both his mom, and one of his classmates. He told them his location and they were on their way to take him home. And Kiri knew that they wouldn't arrive soon enough. He gave the phone back to it's owner and sat down against the wall of a cold brick building.

Not being able to keep his eyes open any longer, he closed them and soon found himself taking a nap.

Awoken by frantic shaking, he opened his eyes to see a worried Kaminari. Who's worry soon turned into happiness when his friend had woken up.

"Thank god we found you bro." He said. "Your mom will be here in a few minutes and the pros are looking for the villains. Do you remember where they were hiding?" Denki asked. Kirishima shook his head. He didn't even see the building he was in. He'd just thought to get home.

"That's ok. I'm sure we'll get them. Are you ok? You look distraught."

"I'm fine. Just tired."

"Oh my gosh, Eji are you ok??" A woman yelled jumping out of a car. "Oh baby I was so worried about you." She said going up and hugging her son.

"I'm ok. I just want to go home."

"Ok, we will as soon as we can. I promise." She said grasping onto the boy's hand with her own.

The teen climbed in the car ready to have peace and quiet again. He had a lot to think about, and a lot to talk about as well.

His mom, Denki, and the heroes all talked together as they went over the details of what had happened. They all agreed that the questioning would begin in the morning. And Kirishima was ok with that.

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