Chapter 5~

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Sero POV

I walked into Kami's room and was immediately taken aback. The most depressing scene I had ever seen in my life was laying before me. It was worse than those of sad romance movies. In front of me laid Kaminari with small puddles of blood by his wrists. His face showed pure pain and misery. This is it, this is my breaking point. I have to get him to stop this. "Kami can you hear me?" I asked. "Yeah..." he groaned. I walked over to him and sat him up, giving him a huge hug. "Kami I'm not telling you this because it's not healthy but because I'm your friend and I'm worried for your health." I took a pause before continuing.

"Kami you've got to stop cutting. It's not healthy and I'm really worried about you." "Why?! Sero you are one of the only two people I'm living for, and the other doesn't even know I exist, and he has a boyfriend! I just wish it was me that he loved..." "Kami no offense but you're kinda stupid." I said mentally face palming. "I know. I'm not offended cause it's the truth." He interrupted. "Kami I wasn't done. Have you really not been paying attention to Bakugou for all these days? He's been just as depressed as you are. And you wanna know why? It's because he loves you. Kirishima isn't really his boyfriend, they're just faking to make you jealous. Bakugou was gonna confess a couple weeks ago but he couldn't bring himself to do it after all he's done to you."

He looked up at me, tears shimmering on his cheeks. "So he isn't dating Kiri?" "No he's not. He never has had feelings towards Kirishima. All he ever wanted was you." I said. "Shit, I've really messed up haven't I?" He said looking at his wrists. "Yeah a little." I said. "Im gonna go clean these and then Im going to talk to Kat." he said getting up. "Alright just don't tell him I told you all of this." I said pleading that he wouldn't. "Yeah yeah. If it comes up, I won't deny it." he said before disappearing into the bathroom completely.

~Timeskip brought to you by a sunflower named Kirishima~

Kaminari's POV

I can't help but feel dread and longing inside. I feel like an idiot and I feel like dying. But I can't do that, not while Kat still lives. 

My thoughts drifted through my mind as I washed the cuts I had made only moments earlier. I grabbed some bandages and wrapped them up to stop from further bleeding. After that, I did my hair, floofing up the back a whole bunch. Then I got dressed in some better clothes before leaving my room to go talk to Kat.


When I arrived at Kat's door, I hesitantly knocked a couple times. Was this really a good idea? After a few seconds, Mina opened the door. "Sero I'm glad you're here. We need to split the-" she finally looked up at me. "Uh... this isn't what it looks like" she said. I looked behind her to see Kat and Kirishima sitting on Kat's bed making out. I looked up at Mina and back at Kat. I was so hurt and I couldn't handle it. I ran down the hall and right into Sero. "You lied!" I yelled at him, then I kept running. 

Eventually I was out of Hight's Alliance and was running into the road and off campus. I needed to get away. I needed to think. Not only had I been lied to, but I had to watch my crush get all over another guy. After running for a while, I arrived a my favorite cafe. I walked in and ordered my favorite sad coffee and cookie. I sat in the back of the shop and tried my best not to look as depressed as I was. After a minute, my food and drink came and I was about to get ready to leave when I heard a voice saying my name. 

"Kaminari. Hey Kami get out of your head. We need to talk." I looked up to have my eyes met with all too familiar crimson ones. The last person I wanted to see right now was Kat. I looked back down, hoping he would just leave. "Oi I said we need to talk." he said. I didn't say anything so he continued. "Look I know what you saw back there and I want you to know that that wasn't out of feelings. Sero told me he told you everything and he's not wrong. I don't love Kirishima the way you think I do. Kami I want you to understand that Kiri has liked me for a while, so when I asked him to be my fake boyfriend to make you jealous, he was stoked. He was hoping in that time he could make me like him back. After time, I obviously didn't and he got upset about it. He said he didn't want to be in a fake relationship and we got into a fight. What you saw back there was 100% his fault. He forced himself on me in hopes of making me love him one last time."

"Yeah sure it was forced, I saw you kissing him just as much as he was kissing you." I said. "I ended the fake relationship and Denki Kaminari I love you and I was wondering if you would be my real boyfriend." I looked up at him wondering if he was serious. "You're serious about this?" I said after a minute. "Yes I am. I wouldn't want to be with anyone but you. And I would understand if you don't want to be with me because of the hell I've put you through." he sighed. "Kat it's alright, next time just ask me! Of freaking course I'll be your boyfriend!" I said jumping up and hugging him. 

We sat there for a while, just hugging. I really needed a hug in that moment. After a couple minutes we got up and left to go back to the school. The whole way home, we walked hand in hand. We didn't care about what looks we were getting, we were both happy and that's what mattered.

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