Chapter 21

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Yua's POV
Both Sora and I were sitting in the roof, observing the village. It's already midnight, the lights in the street were already off, people are already inside their houses, sleeping. The cold air started to sway my hair, but I can't feel any cold. The demon slayer's uniform was warm and also comfortable. I slowly tilt my head to face  my brother who turned his back from me.

When will Sora notice me as his big sister again? I miss the way how he calls me neechan, or smile and laugh at my funny story. Well, it's my fault for leaving him and not even telling him my own reasons. He slowly tilt his head to look at the bright moon, his cold eyes changed into soft one, my heart tightened at the sight. Sora seems sad and lonely, our eyes then met making me smile warmly at him but he just avoided my gaze and turned his back again.

Before I approached Sora both of us sensed something, but as soon as I turned my back someone appeared infront of me using a hard kick, I used my sword to block it but the kick was strong,sending the both of us in the ground. I heard Sora yelled 'neechan'  for the first time, but I ignored it and landed on the ground. My eyes then went into the person who attacked me so suddenly, it was a girl, her crimson eyes was coldly staring at me, her silver hair was swaying slowly in the air.

Is it a demon? But I can't sense an aura of a demon, though this girl's aura is weird. The moon then illuminate the whole place and my eyes widened a little, the girl infront of me is the girl whom I bumped in the morning. Another person appeared in the roof where Sora stands, it's a girl and the two of them were twins. The other girl was also staring at me with cold gaze, Sora prepared to attack, waiting for the two girls to start a move.

" We've come to get you, neechan." The girl infront of me said, still smiling. My eyebrows furrowed, she just called me 'neechan', Sora who was at the roof was also confused but still using a cold expression.

" Runa, what if neechan will not come?" Asked her twin sister making the girl infront of me humned as she point her finger at me.

" Then, we will have a blood demon battle, neechan! It's time to see who is stronger and who will serve Muzan-sama better! Right, Rina!"

" Runa, we're here to get neechan back. But blood demon battle is also good for us, take care of her and I'll take care of neechan's brother."

The girl named Rina suddenly attacked Sora and they started to exchange their attacks. Runa who was staring at me suddenly attacked, she used her demon art technique making me block it with one of my breath forms but she smiled and my eyes widened when I felt a sting in my cheek and waist. Her attack was not invincible yet it was strong that it can create a long range attack.

" Breath of Ice, Second Form: Ice Vortex." I tightly held the hilt of my sword before spinning and swinging it creating a strong slashes towards Rina. I heard her laugh before avoiding some of my attack but there are cuts in her body. An explosion can be heard also behind us, and Sora was fighting the other twin behind us. Rina then licked some of her blood as she started to heal, she can regenerate fastly like a demon, but she is a human.

" Did Muzan also brainwashed you to be his tool?" I asked before dashing towards her and use a continuous attack. Rina's smile disappeared and her teeth grits when I told her that. She then kicked me while using another demon art technique, I winced in pain when some of her attack give a small cuts in my body. Her attacks are really strong enough to even injure an enemy.

" How about you neechan? Did demon slayers brainwashed you and betrayed Muzan?? You're the strongest human he made as a half demon, yet why are you using a disgusting demon breaths than using the demon art technique!?" She said angrily making me just stared at her with a small smile.

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