Chapter 39

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Third Person's POV

The whole sorrounding was silent, all the Hashira's can't believe what they saw. Infront of them is a new demon, they can tell that it's not Yua, it seems like she disappeared and a demon possesed her body. Yua's appearance also changed, she had a crimson eyes and a demon mark in her face. Yua started to examine her sorroundings, facing all of the hashira's one by one before smirking.

" So the Hashira also changed, too bad I want to see the former Hashira's." She said while shaking her head with a fake sad emotion.

" What tooks you so long?" Muzan then asked coldly making Yua faced him with a smile.

" This woman's body is strong to control, especially when Tamayo inject something to suppress me. Now that you got stronger, I easily break free and possess this body." The demon explained while swinging the sword playfully. She then face the Hashiras again before pointing at them. " Can I play with them Muzan-sama? It's been a while since I fought a Hashira."

" Suit yourself, but don't kill them. I'll be the one who will do that."

Yua just nod her head and clenched her sword, she suddenly vanished then appeared infront Sanemi, the wind hashira was shocked and hurriedly swinged his sword but Yua stopped it using her sword. Obanai and Giyuu also appeared to help Sanemi but again Yua fastly avoid them and use the black flame. Giyuu who got caught in Yua's attack winced in pain when he felt the sting in his skin.

Himejima tried attacking Muzan because Yua was busy fighting the other Hashira. But instead Yua appeared so fastly and pushed the rock hashira's attack. Kyojuro on the other hand was hesitating to attack her lover, the demon was just using Yua's body and he don't want to hurt her. Yua who noticed this smiled and appeared infront Kyojuro while attacking him. He managed to avoid her attack but it was strong enough to give him cuts in his body.

" This woman's body is really amazing!" Yua said while chuckling making Kyojuro used some of his form, Yua then avoided it and the other Hashira's started to attack Yua. They need to stop Yua or else they will not defeat Muzan. Sanemi who hurrieldy dashed towards her, used an attack. Yua avoided it again but she was caught and a cut can be seen in her shoulder.

" Stop avoiding or else I'll kill you." Sanemi hissed making Yua laugh, her wounds healed fastly and because Muzan's blood became stronger her regeneration is faster than the upper moons.

" If you kill me, then this woman will die."

" I don't care, you already became a demon. I'll kill you before killing Muzan." Sanemi said, before he used an attack Sora appeared and stopped him using his Ice breathing form.

" Damn you brat! Don't protect her she is our enemy!" Sora didn't budge in his spot and just glared at Sanemi.

" Don't hurt my sister." An irk mark appeared on Sanemi's forehead and glared at Sora. The wind hashira is now annoyed and angry, but he knew he can't make Sora moved. Kyojuro also went beside Sora, making Sanemi just scoffed at them. Yua who watched this started laughing at them, earning their attentions.

" We're in the middle of the fight, one wrong move and maybe I already killed you all." After saying that she started attacking the three Hashira. The rock hashira then took the chance and attack Muzan, together with Giyuu and Obanai. Yua who sense this tried to protect Muzan but Sanemi stopped her by using an attack.

" You need to distract Yua and return her back! We will push Muzan and give you time to bring her back!" Himejima said while continued attacking Muzan. Sanemi who heard this scoffed and listened to the rock hashira.

" I can't just ignore Himejima-san. Then let's f*cking bring that girl back." Sanemi said before attacking Yua, Kyojuro also did thesame but he was careful in hurting Yua. Even though she can regenerate fast, he can't bring himself to cut the person he loves. " Don't f*cking hesitate Rengoku! Or else I'll cut you into peices!"

Kyojuro who heard this didn't said anything, but Sanemi had a point. If he hesitates they will not bring Yua back. Yua might be unconcious or the demon inside of her is suppressing her to wake up. They need to hurry up or else they will be killed without defeating Muzan.

Yua's POV
I don't what's happening, but I can't hear anything, something suddenly maked me unconcious for some reason. I can't even wake myself, I'm just here standing in a white place. Am I dead? But I deserve it, because of me lots of people will die again. I feel so bad that I already left Kyojuro, despite making a promise with him. I then started walking to observe  the place I'm in. I was shocked when a house appeared infront of me. The door had a weird mark on it, but it's familiar to me.

" Miko, come let's go." I was startled when someone spoke making me turn my back. Miko? That name again. I then saw a beautiful girl with black hair and emerald eyes. But I was shocked when she is wearing a demon slayer uniform and also a nichirin sword tied  in her waste. She smiled warmly before ruffeling my head and started walking. I followed her, she was a little bit taller than mine and also maybe she is older than me.

I then looked down and noticed that I'm wearing a simple kimono, with a sword in my waist. I return back my gaze to the woman infront of me, why do I feel comfortable around her. Also why am I in here?  Is this a memory of the past? She suddenly stopped making me also stopped, she then stared at something making me approached her. She was staring at the entrance infront of us before sighing and faced me.

" Listen, Miko. No matter what they will say about us, don't listen to it and ignore them." She said making me nod my head, she smiled warmly again and entered making me follow her again. We were now inside and we entered in one room, my eyes widened when I saw ten males kneeling down and infront of them was a young boy. But I familiarize hin already, it's the master of the demon slayer corps. I don't know what year is this or period I'm in. But judging from the hashira they had marks on their faces. Are they the first breath users that Amane mentioned?

" You're late again Akane, how many times do I have to tell you not to be late in our Hashira meeting." One male said while coldly staring at her, so her name is Akane-san.

" I'm sorry, but I just finished my mission and I need to be treated first."

" Hmph, you called yourself a demon excorsist but can't even kill a demon so easily." The other Hashira said making me furrowed my eyesbrows, why are  they act rude to Akane-san? My gaze then went to her but she was just smiling at them. So this is what she meant on ignoring what they will say to us.

" And why did you bring a non-hashira in here?" I gulped when another of them spoke again, so they are the first breath users, they are so scary.

" This girl is my successor, I took her in because I want her to learn and adapt in this situation."

" But she's still a non-hashira."

" That's enough, Oyakata-sama is infront of us." A man spoke with maroon long hair and a mark on his face while staring at us. The man who is rude to Akane-san shut his mouth before apologizing. Akane-san also apologized before kneeling down making me also kneeled down. Their then spoke and started explaining about Muzan. Someone then caught my eyes, it was a man who had thesame hair and eye color like Kyojuro and I can't help but to stare at him.

" Hmm? What's wrong young girl?" He seems noticed me staring at him making me just smiled and shook my head.

" It's just you're so familiar to me, mister." I said making him just raised his eyebrows but he was smiling widely.

" It's our first time meeting though, but maybe you saw me walking past through your place." He said cheerfully making me just smiled and nod my head. This is really a memory but who owns this memory? Why is this person showing me this? Is there some reason for me to know the story of the past, or is it telling me on how to defeat Muzan. Maybe this will answer all of my questions.

Again, late update! Sorry bout that but this  didn't take too long for me to update. I had nothing to say, so I hope you like this one! Stay safe and godbless!

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