Chapter 1

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Yua's POV

' Kill them Yua'

' No!'

' Kill them!'

" No!"

I hurriedly rised up, panting and sweating, I then hurriedly raised my hands but there is no blood making me sigh in relief before standing up. Another dream again, it started haunting me last week and I don't know the reason why. Does Muzan already found where I am? Or Is he still finding me, that dream is so scary and I wanted to avoid that to happen again.

It's been twelve years since that incident happen, should I say incident? Nope it's not an accident it's a murder. For that years Muzan didn't even find me and also I don't know the reason why he didn't find me or even used me like he did twelve years ago. I don't know if I should be happy or not but it's scaring me that he was just waiting for the right moment to use me.

I trained so hard while trying to survive in this world full of demon. I learned how to defeat them by using the ability that Muzan gave me, I'm not a demon, I'm a human that Muzan experimented. I don't know why I didn't become a demon, they said that if a human was exposed to a demon's blood they will become a demon. But it didn't happen to me, I only have a power of a demon. It seems like Muzan possesed my body and he picked me as a demon vessel for him to defeat all the demon slayer by using my body.

" Yua, you're spacing out again. We heard you scream and Tamayo-sama wanted me to check you." I snapped out when a voice appeared behind me making me turn around and smiled.

" Ohayo, Yushiro-kun. I'm fine just a dream." I replied while grabbing my haori, he didn't said anything but just stared at me. Tamayo and Yushiro found me when I was out of control, they wanted to kill me but Tamayo sense something so she gave me a medicine to suppress the power of a demon.

Tamayo also tried fixing my body but she can't find any cure for it so only the medicine she made for suppressing myself can help me. She also promised that someday Tamayo will create a cure for every good demons out there who became a demon. I wanted to help her finding one but it seems like I can't find anything for the cure.

" Another dream again, you sure having so many." Yushiro said while walking away making me followed him.

" Nah, I'm sure it will disappear." I replied, I really hope that it will disappear.

" Yua, are you okay?" Both Yushiro and I stopped when we heard Tamayo spoke. I can see Yushiro's blush making me laugh secretly, he really likes Tamayo.

" I'm fine Tamayo-sama, sorry if I made you worried." Tamayo smiled, she really is beautiful that's the reason why Yushiro liked him a lot. A crow then landed on my shoulder making me sigh, this crow always followed me since I left to train and it didn't left my side so I just named him and kept him like my pet.

" Ohayo, Hiro." I said while patting his head, he just stared at me before flying away, I guess that maked him happy that's why he flew.

" That crow always watch you, I was wondering if he is a kasugaigarasu." Tamayo said making me just stared at Hiro who is standing in the window. A kasugaigarasu huh, he may looks like one but if he is then why is it always watching me? I mean, a kasugaigarasu is for demon slayers and I'm not one of them so why would I have a crow.

" If it is a kasugaigarasu, let's cook him." Yushiro said making my crow shake in fear, I just shook my head and sigh he really is mean and cold.

" Yushiro, Hiro is not a kasugaigarasu okay." I said before facing Tamayo.
" Tamayo-sama, I'll be heading out." I continued while smiling she gave me a warm and small smile before nodding.

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