4: Good guy Malfoy

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Disclaimer: i do not own any of the harry potter characters all rights go to J.K. Rowling! I only own Clary, and Marley!


Chapter 4: Good guy Malfoy


            I woke up to the sound of a shower. I groaned in frustration not wanting to get up, why did Fred have to take showers so early in the morning? I yawned and stretched as my eyes fluttered open revealing a dark ceiling. I then shot right up as I looked around to see I was not in my room, memories from last night flashed through my head in a breeze as I looked to see I was in a dark room. I looked down to see I was covered in black satin sheets, and then realized only then that I was naked. Utterly naked. I held the sheets against my body as I tried to cover as much as my body as possible. Why was I naked?!

I then remembered what Voldemort had said to me before I blacked out, Draco; he gave me to Draco last night for his reward. My eyes widened in horror, did Draco take advantage of me last night? I looked around for my clothes, or anything for that matter, but there was nothing. The room was dark and clean. It was a big room, as I noticed there was another large door on the opposite side of the room, where the bathroom probably was. I then saw another door where hopefully was the way out. I wrapped the satin sheets firmly around me as I started to climb my way off the bed and onto the smooth wooden floors. The cool wooden floor sent chills throughout my body as my bare feet were placed against the floor.

I looked around the dark room; the only bit of light was coming from a small break in the dark black curtains. I looked over at the end table where a small clock lay; it read 9:30 am. I looked around for some clothes, something I could wear beside these thin flimsy sheets. I felt a few tears sprinkle my cheeks as I fell to my knees to the ground.

I had been taken advantage again; I hadn't even been awake for this one... why was it that boys had to take advantage of me? Why wasn't Fred here.... I wanted to have my first "real" time with Fred after we had gotten married. I felt the tears start to hit the wooden floor as I wanted so much to be in Fred's arm, for his comfort. Why was I here? Why did they have to do this to me! I thought Draco was a nice boy, but in reality he is just like the rest of them... he is just like my father. I had been crying too hard that I didn't even hear the water stop in the shower or the door open in the bathroom.

"Marley?" I heard someone ask, as I looked up to see Draco standing in the doorway of the bathroom, steam entering the room. He was only covered by a towel while his bare chest was exposed and was wet from the water. I cringed at the sight of him, what was he going to do now? "Marley are you alright? Why are you on the ground?" he asked as he started to approach my but I just backed away holding the sheet firmly around my body. I had crawled far enough until my back hit against the bed.

"Get away from me." I whispered as my face faced the ground.

"What?" he asked, I knew he couldn't hear me, but why was he doing this?

"I said get away from me." I said looking up at Draco. "You've had enough of me last night, just give me my clothes and let me leave." I replied looking up at Draco tears forming again in my eyes as he stared at me in shock, like I had said something that had offended him.

"Marley... I... I didn't do anything to you last night." He replied looking at me, his face stern.

"Then why am I naked?" I asked looking at him.

"You did that yourself, you started yelling that you were on fire when I laid you on the bed. You said you were really hot so I tried cooling you down with a cool towel but it didn't help much, so you started to take off your clothes." Draco replied looking down at me as he stood up and pointed to the rag and bowl on the table near the bed. I tried to remember last night as my brain started to hurt, and then images from last night were finally coming back.

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