3: A Moonchild and Horcrux

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Disclaimer: i do not own any of the harry potter characters all rights belong to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 3: A Moonchild and Horcrux

            I looked at my father confused, how in the world was he going to do that?

"How in the world are you suppose to do that?" I asked looking at Voldemort. He only gave me a smile.

"Marley, I want to make you into one of my horcruxes." He said looking at me as I just stared at him confused. What that some sort of band or something? What was his talking about?

"What is that...?" I asked.

"It is something that will be of use for me, I will put part of my soul in you, therefore ripping my soul." He said looking at me as my eyes widened in horror.

"You'd split your soul?" I asked, just the sound of this procedure sounded horrible. I looked at Voldemort, with his snake like features; he did not always look like this did him? I mean I must have gotten my blue eyes from someone, right? "Have you done it before?"

"Six times." He replied with a smile. (Remember he doesn't know about Harry, that he's a horcrux so he only thinks he's done it six times, not seven.) I looked at him in horror; this man has split his soul six times? How?

"How?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"With the most vial act, murder." He replied with a smile as I felt the hairs all over my body stand up.

"And you think you can make me into one of your, your horcruxes! I'm not doing it!" I yelled standing up as I looked at him.

"But you see, I've already made you into one." He replied with a smile as my face held utter shock.

"What? But... but how? No you couldn't have." I replied unsure of what to say.

"That scar on your back, when you were little I did that to you for a reason. I had murdered your mother's parents, so I could make you into a horcrux. And it worked, I didn't think it had worked since you are a worthless muggle, but it did." He said with a smile, his face twisted with sheer joy. "I see that now that it works, because you have powers. Powers I have never had!" he yelled in joy.

I just looked at him in sheer shock, the scar on my back pulsing from the pain. It had hurt more that usual, and now I started to feel sick. "Why... why did you make me into a horcrux?!" I yelled. "I was just a little girl!"

He looked at me in amazement. "Yes, but you are the daughter of the Dark Lord. I knew something was special about you with those eyes. Have you ever properly looked at your eyes my dear? Have you ever seen the pupils?" he asked with a smile. "Your pupils are shaped as crescent moons."

I looked at him, now confused. They couldn't be, wouldn't someone have noticed? "You're lying, someone would have noticed, I would have noticed."

"Ah, but that's the thing, you only have those pupils when you are near me. The master, the one who has made you into a horcrux! Some part of my soul is inside of you Marley, which is why you have powers, not wizarding powers, but powers. Your mothers' innocent blood and mine made you, created a new being!" he yelled looking at me. "I thought you were just a mere muggle, but you are not. The day you were born you were born with those crescent pupils, and then they disappeared, your mother's blood was dominate in you and they pushed that part of you away. They created you into a vile muggle. When in reality you are a Child Lunae, a Child of the Moon." He said looking down at me, as everything was becoming so dizzy. What was he saying? Child of the Moon?

"No you're lying. There's no such thing." I said everything getting blurry, he only smile as he approached closer to me. I just sat there pressing my hands against my head.

"Everyone thought they were extinct, but there are still a few left. Your mother she was part of it, and you are all. You are a descendent of the Children of the Moon; there are only a few left, three to be exact. And I have two of them; one of them is my one flesh and blood!" he yelled, my head was pounding so much that I was barely paying attention to what he was saying. "Haven't you ever felt like you needed to see the moon? That the moon somehow gives you strength?" Voldemort asked as I remembered all those times I had looked up at the moon and felt some sort of connection, I felt like it was always calling me...

"No it can't be true, I'm just a muggle girl." I replied trying to think of excuses.

"You are no muggle my daughter. You are a Moonchild. How can you explain the powers you have? No muggle, or wizard has those powers." He replied as I just stared at him in horror. "You are a Moonchild and you are a horcrux. Nothing will be able to defeat me, not even Harry Potter." He said with a sneer as he looked down at me, everything seemed to be spinning. I then realized something.

"What was in that food?" I asked finally realizing why he had not eaten anything. I looked to see Voldemort smiling down at me.

"Something to help the blood of the Moonchild become stronger in you, it is a potion that I created with an ancient book." He said looking down at me. "The blood of the Moonchild in you will grow stronger and soon your pupils will permanently becoming crescent moons." He said looking down at me.

"But... but you said..." I replied trying to get the words out, but my head was so dizzy.

"I never said the food wasn't poisoned." He said with a grin.

"But in the note you said you would let me go if I helped you." I replied trying to get out of here.

"Now that one, I lied. I can not let you go my daughter." He said looking down at me. "Now Draco will be in a little bit to take you into his room. He has done a good job today, so I am giving you to him as a reward." He replied as I just barely heard what he was saying. My head was killing me, and not only that but my back was one fire. Everything was becoming blurry that I had barely saw Draco enter the room. "Ah Draco there you are, here is my daughter, you may lie with her tonight." I heard Voldemort say as I tried to object, but my tongue was so dry and everything was spinning. I felt myself start to fall forwards as I felt the same cold yet warm arms wrap around me once again.

"As you wish my Lord." I heard Draco's reply; I felt my eyes flutter open for just a brief second to see cold dark eyes staring down at me before I completely blacked out.


Well here you guys go! I hope you liked this chapter! Some more secrets are revealed! Sorry if it's short, i'll make the next one longer hopefully. :) Make sure to tell me what you thought of this chapter, and i will defiantely try to get the next one up today!

Vote and Comment. :) And make sure to check out my Facebook page, it has all the pictures and videos and dicussion about Marley? I will probably be making another video soon. And there will be two new characters! :)

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