28: Fred Weasley, My Love

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Disclaimer: Do not own any of the Harry potter character.


Chapter 28: Fred Weasley, My Love


            I ran through the different corridors, confused and frightened beyond belief. I had no idea where I was going, I had never been to Hogwarts, but adrenalin was running through my veins, something was horribly wrong. I could feel it in my gut, something was going to happen.

I ran down each corridor, as I looked outside to see more flashes of light shooting, the battle was raging. Then I rounded the next corridor, and bumped into someone I was least expected to bump into.

Draco Malfoy.

"Marley?!" I heard Draco ask as he looked down at me, he looked perfectly fine. His white blonde hair smooth back like his regular hair style, those dark cold black eyes looking at me in shock. He didn't have a scratch on him, not one. Behind him I saw Crabbe and Goyle, a few others of the kids of Death eaters, but these two mostly followed Draco last time I heard. "Marley! What the bloody hell are you doing here?" he asked astonished by my presence. Last time I saw Draco he had helped Sam and I escape from the Malfoy Manor, but some part of me still said that he was fighting with my father.... I wonder if he knew about Bellatrix coming to Aunt Muriel's.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I came here to fight." I lied; I didn't exactly come here to fight. I was actually looking for Fred, Harry and the others. Once I found Fred and knew he was safe I could go and find Harry, I had to ask him about the Horcrux, if I was one of them, then I must have to do something about it?

"No you're not! You have to go." Draco said as he whispered the last words, so only I could hear him.

"Draco! This is her. We have to bring her back to the Dark Lord." I heard Crabbe say behind Draco. He glared at me. "It seems like Bellatrix failed in taking her, if we bring her back, we'll earn good favor with the Dark Lord!"

"No!" Draco explained. "Our job is to find Harry Potter, not her."

"We can do both! We can't let her go!" Crabbe yelled as he walked over to me and grabbed my arm firmly.

"Let go of her Crabbe." Draco said looking at Crabbe with those cold dark eyes. I looked up at Crabbe; he was so much bigger than I was.

"Let go!" I exclaimed shaking my arm, trying to get out of his grip. "I don't have time for this!" I exclaimed as he glared down at me, pointing his wand straight at me.

"Shut up." He said dangerously, this definitely was not the same scared Crabbe I met at the Malfoy Manor. He was twisted.

"We're supposed to be waiting for Potter!" Draco yelled. "We can't have her with us! It will only cause trouble! She's a muggle, she won't get far." Draco said as I looked up at him, was he trying to protect me? Well this really wouldn't be the first.

"Do you not want to bring her Draco? Do you have some kind of thing with this filth?!" Crabbed exclaimed looking from me to Draco. Draco faltered for a second, if he tried anymore to protect me, not only will he have Crabbe against him, but Crabbe will probably tell my father that he tried to help me, and he'll kill him. I wouldn't have that on my conscious. I glared up at Crabbed, forming my free right hand into a fist. Crabbe he was strong, but so stupid. He had left my good arm for me.

"Crabbe let me go." I said looking up at me as he smirked.

"Or what?" he asked as I smiled.

"This!" I exclaimed, as in a second my fist made contact with his nose, he went stumbling down as I looked see Goyle and Draco stare at me with wide eyes. Goyle ran at me and I immediately kicked him in his goodies, and he fell down with a groan. I looked at Draco. "Sorry Draco, but I have to make it seem you all lost." I said quietly as I looked at Draco and then knocked his feet out from under him. He fell to the ground with a groan; I knelt down for a second. "Thanks." I said lightly as I bent down and kissed him on the cheek. I then took off in the other direction before any of the boys could get up and run after me.

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