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I turned my alarm off and sleepily got out of bed I jumped into the shower and had a wash, I came out dried my hair and straightened it, as you can tell I love my hair down. I put on my make up followed by my shirt and tie, I left the top button undone and wore my tie trendily loose I'm not a geek, I put on my skirt and pulled it up so it was above my knees but not too high so I didn't look slutty and lastly my black blazer jacket and black converse. Before checking myself over in the mirror I smiled picking up my bag and heading down for breakfast.

"Morning my darling are you ready and you look very smart" my mum beamed looking me up and down " thanks mum and yep I'm ready just need breakfast" I smiled eating my toast, Jason came downstairs and didn't eat as usual I honestly can't believe I'm the only one who has noticed it, after him Robbie came strolling in, yeah the roscoes definitely aren't morning people. "Well you best get going or you are going to be late" Lindsey told us whilst rocking baby jj "okay bye" I said walking to the door, me rob and jase walked to 6form and they told me a few things I needed to know like about classes and stuff followed by a few popularity tips from Robbie, "you got it? Be yourself, don't be a nerd and if anyone mainly boys are all over you come and tell me" rob smirked, "if they are girls tell me"phoebe winked whilst joining us "okay okay got it" I laughed walking away to Mr Blakes office, I knocked and stood patiently before entering, "Good morning Alex, have a seat and here is your time tables and a list of where most of your rooms are." He smiled weirdly "thanks sir is that all" I replied before standing, "one more thing, I hope your behaviour is nothing like your brothers Mr Robert Roscoe" I laughed to myself at him calling Robbie Robert he would kill him if he knew "not really sir as long as people don't get on the wrong side of me" i answered sweetly "A true roscoe then obviously, that is all" he told me rolling his eyes, I left shutting the door whilst removing the fake innocent smile from my face he was weird and not a good weird.

I took out my time table as it read room 67 Mr Mcqueens form I read the directions and knocked before stepping into the classroom "You must be Alex Roscoe, I'm Mr McQueen your tutor" he smiled sheepishly "yeah that's me" I replied blankly " go and take your seat at the back, I walked towards the end of the classroom to see people stare I smirked and carried on walking until I spotted Jason and Robbie at the back yes! I though to myself this should be fun my lessons with these two at least im not alone, Robbie was sat alone whilst jase was seated next to another boy, I put my bag on the table whilst removing robs legs from the other chair "I was comfy" he smiled " well I'm sitting here so get used to it bro" I glared playfully he hit my arm and I hit him back until jase spoke up "at least your with us Al" "yeah I guess it's not all bad except putting up with you two 24/7" I joked back as Jason's table was right next to ours. Phoebe was sat in front of me so I had conversations with her I'm glad I was in this class I knew quite a few people here and I felt comfortable, "hi good looking I'm Finn" the dark haired boy who was seated next to jase told me flirtily "that was really cheesy Yano and Alex as you should already know" I smirked, "what you think cause your a roscoe everyone should know you, bit big headed that" he questioned, "not really smart arse, Mr McQueen said it to the class as I walked through the door, so instead of trying to be clever with me why not turn away now before you get humiliated" I smirked again the class was silent whilst everyone burst into laughters Finn went bright red whilst turning away as he knew not to mess with me, "looks like you can handle the boys yourself, Finn Is a massive dick though so be careful" rob laughed, "thanks rob but i know your here if I need you" I replied, "alright class back to work" Mr McQueen shouted silencing the class, I smiled to myself before answering my work sheet as I knew this was going to be good.

After class me the twins and phoebe went to the canteen getting food as holly joined us, she was talking about nonsense whist me and phoebe were talking about my little tiff with Finn "you have to admit you totally got him there Al" she laughed "okay maybe" I grinned back, " the boys are all over you look they are staring and practically druling over you" she smirked I blushed a little whilst laughing and finishing my dinner.
After the last period I headed home with my brothers and phoebes as we all walked to the garage, " how was your first day" the others asked "it was good I'm in the same classes as these three" I replied pointing to the twins and phoebe "that's good then did you behave"my mum grinned "of course" I smiled "find that hard to believe" zig said under his breath "Oi I heard that and I could of only gotten it from use then" I joked they rolled there eyes as mum went to make tea and I got changed into my joggers and black tight top.

We eat tea and to be honest mums cooking was good for once, followed by a movie night with holly and phoebe round, "Fred, Alex totally got Finn today should of seen it" Robbie laughed "oh yeah why" Freddie smiled "he was getting cocky saying oh you think everyone should know you cause your a roscoe big headed much, but she turned round and went no smart arse Mr McQueen just introduced me as I walked in so I suggest you turn around before humiliate the hell out of you"he laughed holding his stomach "that's are kid deffo one of us don't let no one walk over you or think they can take the piss out of you" Freddie told me patting my back "don't worry I won't" I smiled back before heading up to bed ready for my next day of 6form.

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