more work and the party

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After I returned home with Robbie I grabbed a quick drink and went upstairs to get ready for the party Kyle had invited me too as I needed to sell these pills, I put on my short denim shorts with a cream coloured belly top as it was really warm today, I put on my all white converse and straightened my long dark brown hair as it fell into place and brushed against my lower back, finally I did my makeup and smiled at myself in the mirror before grabbing my bag and jacket Robbie lent me. I walked downstairs and put Robbie's jacket on before he interrupted "Where you going" "This party to sell these pills" I smiled back as he nodded "You do know Trevor wants Kim dead after what she did to their baby" he asked as I nodded "She's like family as she is Lindsey's sister so Trevor said if I can get her out of the country tonight then he wont kill her" he told me "right well give us your pills I will sell yours too at this party and then you try get rid of Kim if you need me ring me okay?" I asked "Will do have a good time and stay away from them boys" he smirked "Since when do I listen" I smirked back and shut the door behind me grabbing a taxi to the field the party was held at

I handed the taxi driver the money and spotted Kyle "You made it" he smiled as I replied "Yep and I guess you was also after these" I smirked holding the bag of pills "Yeah Until your brother beat the shit out of me" he laughed as I giggled "That's our Rob for you" "So give us two bags" he said handed me over forty pounds "Nice doing business with you" I winked as he passed me a drink and I went and stood with some other lads trying to sell these pills as I have never struggled fitting in with the popular lot. I had sold up to 17bags of pills and only needed to sell three more bags until they were all gone, "Tom" I gasped walking over to him "What are you doing here" I asked "I came with Dylan, your looking nice" he slurred "Are you drunk" I asked "No I took one of them pill thingy's, I needed to not think of Perry and my baby" he sadly replied as I nodded "I understand but drink this it will stop your headache" I replied handing him some water. I cant call Tom I am not a good girl I was probably doing Drugs and beer when I was that age I thought laughing to myself when I saw Holly with Kyle "Have you been cheating on Jason with Kyle" I asked seriously "Oh hi Alex and no why" she stuttered "You know how hard this year has been for Jason so don't be too hard on him about your mum she should of stopped it she is the adult" I replied as she stayed silent " I mean it don't hurt my brother or else I will be getting involved" I warned as she nodded and walked off leaving me with Kyle "Got any pills left" he asked as I nodded "Here" he said passing me the money for the last three bags, I felt proud selling that many in one night. "How about we go for a walk, you look like you need to calm down" he replied as I sighed  but agreed and told him about how much I didn't want Holly to hurt my brother as he didn't deserve it he has been through a lot.

"Come here" he smiled as I stepped forward and looked into his eyes, but I was shocked when he grabbed my chin and kissed me. I paused for a moment before kissing him back. I did need to get over Harry after all as he was gay and Kyle wasn't bad looking, after a few minutes of kissing we pulled away "Just make sure your brother doesn't kill me" he joked as I laughed and carried on kissing feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket as Kyle reached do undo my top "ey I'm not easy" I smirked and walked away leaving him grinning "Seeyou round" I winked as he waved. I walked through the forest answering my phone "Robbie whats up" I asked "Police are after us cause ive stole a car and got kim to get her away but she's gone and trevor has planted drugs in her bag don't worry she wont come back but I need your help I cant go back to prison" he rushed "Robbie calm down come pick me up" I ordered him as he agreed, I sat by the road when Robbie drove up and picked me up we sped towards a forest and dumped the car setting it on fire when we heard a noise "Run" I yelled as we both pulled our hoods up and I grabbed the bag off Robbie putting it on as a backpack before we darted through the woods "Robbie its the police" I told him out of breath as we carried on running "Don't stop" he yelled as we ran to the edge of the forest and stopped when the police officer dived on me "Catch" I yelled as Robbie caught the bag pack whilst I tried to get out of the officers grip "JASON" I gasped as Robbie stared shocked "Alex" he yelled confused as he pulled my hood down. "Why is it always you two" he sighed angrily "I need that backpack" he seriously told us as we stepped away slowly "Jason you don't understand you cant have it" I replied as he sighed "Alex my Job is at risk here" "OUR LIVES ARE AT RISK" I screamed at him "All I want is the bag and then you two can go and I will pretend I lost whoever it was" he replied calmly "No we need the bag Jase don't do this were family" Robbie replied as Jason stood infront of us "That's enough! your both so selfish. Im trying to make a life here getting a good job and you two idiots are running round causing trouble as usual. Why are you like this ever since dad died" he angrily said "Don't bring dad into this" Robbie spat "Robbie" he yelled grabbing the bag from him but Robbie wouldn't let go. They stood there fighting over the bag when I got angry "STOP! were family And Were taking the bag" I replied snatching the bag from them both as Jason pushed Robbie out of anger and Robbie pushed him back. Not meaning to send him falling from the cliff "Jason" I yelled as he fell down the cliff. "NO!" I screamed looking at Robbie who was shocked as we looked over the side of the cliff to find Jason lying in a pool of blood "Jase!" Robbie shouted hoping our brother was okay. "We need to go" Robbie said I could tell her was scared as we could hear police cars. I rung an ambulance for Jason before taking Robbie's hand as we sprinted off hearing the cops get closer. What had we done. Our own brother and we left him.

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