This cant be happening

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Two weeks had been by since I had the massive argument with Holly and Robbie. I had ignored my brothers calls and texts, I even ignored him face to face. I just couldnt believe he would do something like this to his own brother, it hurt me aswell as I was really close to Robbie. I know I helped Ziggy when he found out he was with the wrong sister and I even got over Freddie and Lindsey having an affair behind Joe's back so I couldnt understand why I was so mad about Robbie and Holly? I thought this through alot and realized it was because Jason was in hospital and could of died so I was horrified that Robbie didnt seem to care about his own twin enough to have to still have the guts to sleep with his Girlfriend when he was in a coma. Jason was healthy and back on his own feet acting as if nothing had happened but in all honesty I was mad because I knew Holly was playing with Robbie. She didnt love him, she just wanted more attention the greedy slut. After Phoebe, Robbie didnt think straight anymore when it came to love, I guess I just didnt want him to forget about the bond between him and my bestfriend and I didnt want to see my brother go back to that destructive stage as he did when he lost Phoebe. "Alex you alright" Jason asked taking a seat next to me "Huh" I replied confused "I said are you alright" He repeated as I nodded "Yeah just thinking" I stated "Whats happened with you and Rob" Ziggy asked "What do you mean" I sighed not even wanting to think of him anymore. "you havent been around eachother in ages and you're normally inseparable" Joe added walking in "He's an idiot and I cant even bare to look at him" I frowned "Whats he done now" Ziggy chuckled "Just leave it out would ya" I huffed "Alright kid, dont give me that Roscoe glare" Ziggy laughed, Robbie owes me big time for keeping his secret from everyone the twat.

"Im going out" I shouted grabbing my bag. "Where you off too?" Freddie asked "Meeting my mates that alright" I scoffed "Jeez whats your problem lately" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder. "Im just stressed Fred, sorry for snapping. Its a long story but im fine honestly" I replied "You sure? I dont need to be beating anyone now do I?" He joked ruffling my hair "Im pretty sure she could do that on her own" Lindsey laughed walking down with JayJay. "Yeah thats true, well be careful and I will bell ya when tea's ready" He chuckled "Okay seeyou" I said hugging them and kissing my nephews head before rushing out of the house. I needed space to clear my head so I went and sat at the folly. Ten minutes had passed and I was feeling better already, Just having time to myself was hard when you had five protective brothers and two protective half brothers around you all the time.

 "Aye whats a pretty girl like you doing here alone" A voice stated as I looked up sighing as my time alone had been disturbed but that soon changed when I realized whom the voice belonged to "Kyle" I smiled as he came over and give me a hug "Hows you" He smiled taking a seat besides me "Im alright just needed to clear me head" I replied "Same this is where I come to get space, hey I Havent seen you since that party. what have you been up too?" He asked "Oh yeah nothing special" I laughed remembering that night all too well it was going great I had just got shit loads of money for selling stuff for trevor and then I kissed Kyle in the woods. It all ended there as then me and Robbie got chased of the police which ended up being Jason. Jason nearly died and we left him there and then to top it all off Robbie has been sleeping with his twins girlfriend. what a fucked up life ey? "What you laughing at" Kyle grinned cheekily interrupting me from my thoughts. "just thinking about that party" I giggled "What when we went to the woods? cause I havent forgot that moment" He winked "Oh yeah" I smiled containing my laughter. "I have forgot about it until now" I joked trying to annoy him "Well let me remind you" He flirted before gently grabbing my chin and staring into my eyes. He was a good looking lad and his personality was class, I hadn't laughed this much since my argument with Robbie so what the hell I thought before wrapping my hands around his neck. I smirked before leaning in and pressing my lips to his, I felt him smile into the kiss as I laced my fingers through his hair. He held my waist as the kiss deepened and Honestly I forgot all about my problems and just enjoyed the moment. "Hopefully that reminded you" Kyle smiled breathlessly "Yeah I definitely remember now" I flirted "Well I have to go but I will text you later gorgeous" He winked before strolling away "Seeya later" i Shouted before smiling to myself and heading home. 

I was actually happy and Strolling home thinking of the kiss. I had kissed loads of boys but never had this feeling before and it was weird. I had been asked out alot not being bigheaded but i have and I have barely every said yes apart from a few boyfriends here and there but I had never really wanted one mainly because I liked being independent and controlling myself and my life but right now I was craving to see Kyle again. we would just have to see what happens. I was again snapped from my thoughts as Joe was calling me "whats up"I asked confused as he never usually rung me "You need to head to the hospital right now!" He said "Why whats happened" I asked but there was no answer "JOE!!" I shouted down the phone "ANSWER ME!" i yelled "Just get here quick, I will explain as soon as your here" He said but I could hear the worry in his voice. I put the phone down before running as fast as I could to the hospital, Fear and worry floating through my body all the way there.

Reunited in Hollyoaks #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now