I need your help

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Jason's POV:

I had enough my brother and sister nearly got sent to prison, they nearly killed someone and I wasn't going to do nothing anymore they needed help and is was going to get it them, I had decided I was going to see freddie I got the postcode out and got a taxi to the address, I saw freddie peek through the window and he dragged me in "Jason what are you doing here? Do you know how risky this was? Have you even checked that you weren't Followed" he quizzed me "I was careful and Freddie I'm here cause I need your help all three of us do" I told him "what do you mean?" Freddie asked "Robbie and Alex, freddie you need to speak to them like when we were growing up" I told him "what why" he asked concerned "you are the only one who can control them, they are stealing and are a mess, Alex has started self harming and they nearly killed dirk just for money! They're both insane Fred please help me" I told him "really my little brother and sister are a mess but why" he asked filling up "they need you Fred come back just for an hour or two at the most please they need you like when we were kids and you were only ever the one who could stop them from being naughty and stop them from getting angry" I told him "they have the biggest tempers out of us all and they have both changed, Alex was never like this and Robbie has never been this bad" Freddie told me "exactly please freddie they need you they're not the same anymore they don't care about what they're doing they just want money to help support us all" I begged and after a lot of persuading he was going to sneak into the village to help sort them out, at least freddie cared.

We got to the village and Freddie was really scared he didn't want to get caught but he needed to do this for his brother and sister he couldn't bare the thought of them ruining their lives "come on Fred, you will be fine" Jason told him as he hid behind a wall "alright in coming shush" Freddie ordered. I rushed to Lindsey's and was in front of Freddie when I opened the door to find the police and Kim talking, I gave her daggers before texting freddie to run, "this is another false alarm, if you hear anything on freddie tell me but don't mess me about" the police man said obviously annoyed as he left. "This is why you was so nice to me? Just to get freddie caught!" I angrily said to Kim "I was helping you helping the world by putting him behind bars" she explained "no he is my brother and that is enough for me to go off. He is innocent! And you know what you disgust me" I spat before storming off.

Alex's POV:

Me and Robbie were being wary as we knew the police were after us, we had to go back to the garage as joe said he wanted to talk to us both and we were only going to find out why he wanted us both locked up. Once we arrived we saw that Nancy was there too "this better be good" Robbie told him "I want you to know that I only asked dirk to ring the police because it will sort you both out this behavior is terrible" he told us both "why would being arrested sort us out your out brother and you should be on our side by telling dirk to keep his mouth shut" Robbie explained to him "no what you both did was horrible" joe said sternly "don't give us that after everything you have done" Robbie spat, "Robbie that was one punch" joe defended "well atleast dirk is still breathing our dad is not is he" I told him biting my tongue "it was an accident and you know it but you did this to an innocent man" joe told me "what so my dad wasn't innocent, you know nothing about him so don't even speak about him" I shouted "listen if you both came here for an argument then your wasting your Time" joe sighed "WE CAME HERE TO GET OUR BROTHER BACK!" Robbie shouted "what you both did was weak and pathetic, man up the pair of you. Bet your dad would be disappointed in you both!" Joe shouted back "joe!" Nancy gasped just as robbie swung for joe knocking him unconscious. We all stood and watched as joe fell to the ground "ROBBIE" Nancy shouted "don't you dare Nancy! You heard what he was saying" I screamed at her before pulling robbie who regretted his actions "ROBBIE! Come on" I told him as I dragged him out. We both ran and didn't look back, what was happening to my family!!

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