Chapter 53

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Weeks, Nearly months had passed and I had lost my big brother within a short amount of time. Freddie was not only a brother but a father figure and the person I relied on most and its true, you dont really know how much people mean to you until their gone. Christmas was nearing and I wasn't in the holiday spirit at all to say the least. Ziggy and Tegan had persuaded me to attend a party and I reluctantly agreed as I knew it would make my brothers happy, us all being under one roof well the remainder of us and calm their minds knowing each of us was safe and the three youngest mainly and and Robbie were staying out of trouble. I had changed a great deal, I got angry easier and quicker and my rage had turned into disruptive behavior but not one of my brothers held it against me as they knew Freddies death had affected me the most but each of them were there for me if i ever needed them and i couldn't ask for any more from them. Even Robbie has been putting more effort in where it concerns his family recently but I hadn't forgiven him, I had too much going on to let him back into my life completely.

I pulled on a navy blue tight fitted above the knee dress, completed with my all white converse. I put time into my appearance for once since Freddies death and applied subtle makeup to show I had made an effort. I smiled at Jason as he complimented me and led me to the venue. Jason wasnt doing well at all, he was the weakest of us all. He couldnt deal with the loss of our sibling and finding out his own twin was in an affair with his now ex girlfriend. But he pulled through, Whereas Robbie wasnt around much anymore. He was often out with Holly and I know that hurt Jason more than anything, knowing that they had chosen to stay together. Joe was currently awaiting for his new born child to arrive with his girlfriend Mercedes whom I loved as her personality was ace and often reminded me of mine. Lindsey had been off recently and I was starting to suspect her suspicious behavior. She was putting on a front of Freddies death but it hurt me to see that it honestly doesn't seem like she cared too much. Mercedes was concerned that she was trying to get back with Joe and Honestly it seemed as if Lindsey had a plan to which we were all oblivious to but I had no right to comment as It may of just been her way of coping with her husbands death. And then there was Ziggy, he was the life and soul of our family. The one along with Jason whom would never do anything to purposely hurt anyone. They were the most normal ones of us all. Not following in mine, Robbies, Freddies and Joes footsteps into the world of violence, crime and illegal matters but they loved each of us for whom we were and never judged. Ziggy was all heart. Kind and humorous. He was the one who held our family together through out the good and the bad. He was the resolution to our messed up unstable family but he never allowed it to fall apart.

I smiled slightly as Tegan pulled me into her embrace, I was happy that Ziggy finally had the chance to be with her without Leela standing in the way. I found each of my brothers sat on one table with a Beveridge of alcohol in each of the grips. I laughed lightly at how typical it was but was happy that we were together and hopefully somewhere Freddie was too. I took the alcohol acceptingly from my big brothers grip and downed it trying to lighten my spirits. I frowned slightly seeing everyone laughing and dancing together but me and my brothers sat in a line looking down and eyes filled with grief. I sighed sadly knowing our family was slowly going down hill, more than ever before because we always used to have each other after everything that had happened but now Freddie was gone, realization hit us all like a truck and we noticed how much we had taken each other for granted over the years of our lives. But we were tight. we were strong and no matter what we had each others backs and thats the most loyal relationship you can have. Its what we all needed and kept us going in life because if we didnt have each other we would be lost and wouldn't have made it through so many stages of our lives. We picked each other up and now it had changed. One of us didn't make it. 

I smiled gratefully at Ziggy as again he made everything better and pulled us together. He pulled each of us up and started giddily dancing and he didnt fail to make each of us laugh and began to take our minds off recent events. "Ziggy you be careful now!" Tegan scolded jokingly "Why whats he done now" Joe laughed "He banged his head at work today so you take it easy Mr Roscoe" She grinned before going away to get more alcohol. "Women" Ziggy Scoffed playfully "Hey!" I frowned before laughter took over. "But you Alex Roscoe" He started before picking me up and ensuring the rest of our siblings were still dancing and smiling. Once happy he sat in a chair and placed me on his lap like I did when I was a child. "You are one woman I can tolerate for the rest of my life. The one girl who will hold me heart more than anyother lass can. My baby sister who has grown so much  and Im so proud of you Al" He stated as I hugged him tightly snuggling my face into his neck "Im proud of you too Ziggy, You never fail to bring us all back together and to bring us back to realization no matter what or how bad the situation is" I smiled as he eyes glossed over "Just Know that Freddie loved you. He always thought as you more than a sister. You were the one person he wouldnt deny loving and he was over the moon when you found us again" He smiled. "I whipped his eye kissing his cheek "Thanks Zig I really needed this. Thankyou for everything you do" I told him truthfully "I love you kiddo, more than you will ever know now go have fun whilst I wait here for Tegan" He smiled ruffling my hair "Love you too big brother your one of a kind" I smiled before making my way over to the crowd of people.

Literally minutes later I was dancing with Jason and it meant alot just seeing him back to his old self even if it was only just for one night. "Alex you seen Zig" Tegan asked as I pointed over to the back of the room and she thanked me loudly over the blasting music before I was turning back and carrying on with my previous dancing. I laughed as Jason struggled downing shots, he was such the angel of the family, The rest of us had been doing this in our early years! Suddenly The music was cut off and the lights were turned on. I looked at my brother, eyebrows arched in confusion as everyone rushed aside as paramedics frantically barged through the crowd of people. I immediately followed with the twins by my side as we were curios to what was happening. There I saw it. My heart had again sunk and I struggled to breath. Ziggy lied still as Tegan was crying her eyes out. "NO!!!!!" i screamed as the paramedic shook his head to indicate there was no pulse. My legs again turned to Jelly and some one caught me before I fell to the floor. "Robbie" I sobbed as he pulled me into his chest. Grief erupted my body as my two brothers had been taken away from me way too soon. It all happened in a matter of minutes but I was thankful that I was able to tell ziggy how much I care for him "Shhh im here" Robbie soothed as he was also crying in disbelief along with my other siblings. "There both gone" I cried loudly into his neck he remained silent. I was distraught. Another brother had been took, Ziggy Roscoe was also gone.

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