On the run

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The police have apparently found evidence on freddie and I know he is being set up I trust my brother and he would of told me he tells me everything, I was sat in Freddie's car in the middle of no where with freddie and Lindsey, "freddie your being set up just wait until I find out who it is" I angrily told him, " I think it's grace Alex" Freddie told me "I'm not scared of her just wait" I told him "alex you need to go home and I will keep in touch with you it's too risky for you to stay with me" he told me "but Freddie I have no one, I'm scared and I don't want you to leave me aswell" I cried "it's okay darling, we will keep in touch I promise you" Lindsey told me "I'm only doing this so you don't get caught if you need anything for yourselves or JJ tell me and I will do anything for you" I told them wiping my tears freddie hugged me tightly "I love you so much kiddo, stay strong for me and thank you so much for everything your the only one I can rely on" he told me filling up "i love you freddie" I cried getting out the car "I love you too don't forget that" he said before driving away. I need a plan to see what grace is up too and that's exactly what I'm gonna do I'm not playing games anymore I need my family back and I'm going to prove freddie is innocent.

Weeks past and Freddie and Lindsey were still on the run I kept faking leads to the police so they wouldnt find them and i met up with them a few times a week to give them money and supplies, my life had changed a lot I had gone from a good polite girl to a wreckless non caring teenager, I wanted my family back and at this moment in time I was willing to do anything to get that. Jason was at the diabetic clinic still and would be there for a while, mum was staying at my granddads and didn't know whether she was coming back, ziggy had his own trouble free life and joe was still moping around and I didn't have the time for him all he did was slag freddie off and he believed his own brother killed Mercedes's, but it was just me and Robbie now and we were wreckless, robbing cars for money and stealing things we wanted freddie back he was the only one me and Robbie listened too and we hated the fact he was being set up.

"Alex you ready" Robbie asked walking into my room, "yeah we need to go to the garage and get the crow bar to get the cars for Trevor" I told him and he nodded, I had my own plan that was to work for Trevor with Rob and I would be able to go round to his and look for evidence grace was setting freddie up,
We walked into the garage and grabbed the tools we needed and some gloves, suddenly joe walked in "what you too up to?" He asked "what's it to you, don't act like you care" I spat "excuse when did you become so cheeky" he asked "when you believed you own brother would kill Mercedes" I said through gritted teeth " I don't like what your both becoming" he told us "guess what joe? Not everything is about you, we have our own problems too and you only think freddie killed Mercedes cause your still pissed at the fact he is with Lindsey" Robbie shouted "I acted as a figure in both of your life's growing up and you treat me like this" joe shouted back "you know we only listened to freddie he was always the only one who could control us and that's why your mad cause we aren't siding with you, freddie is our brother and he is innocent" I screamed before storming out "leave us alone joe we don't need you, if you cared or felt bad for killing our dad you would be here for us but your not you think everything is about you and just feel sorry for yourself were half your age and are sorting out life's out you should do the same instead of blaming everyone else for your problems" Robbie shouted before following after me.

We got to the first car and checked no one was around, robbie jammed the bar in the door as it clicked open and did the same to the one next to it we cross wired it and the engines started and we both drived them into the garage and was happy to see joe was not there. "Okay Rob we need one more and then we will take them to the address that Trevor gave us" I told him he high fived me and we went out looking for the last car "there that one" Rob pointed he stuck the bar in and was about to unlock it until joe stormed over "Robbie quick the bar" I whispered as he shoved it under his jacked "what do you want" Rob asked "what are you too up too?" Joe questioned "nothing and even if we was what's it to you" I asked "because your my little brother and sister and your gonna get yourselves into trouble" he told us as robbie accidentally dropped
The bar "what is that! Your stealing cars, what are you both playing at" joe shouted "joe shutup we need the money stay out of it, no one else is doing anything but we care enough and are gonna sort this" I half whispered half shouted "Alex you have never been like this? Why now" he asked "my life is falling apart everyone I love is leaving me and in not letting freddie who is INNOCENT GO TO PRISON!" I shouted as the man who owned the car walked over and drove off "thanks a lot joe, were sorting our lives why don't you do the same instead of wrecking ours even more!" Robbie shouted before dragging me away. "Why is he like this, why does he not care about his family" I asked robbie "we don't need him if he is letting his hate get in the way of family we don't need him" he told me "I love you Rob don't leave me like everyone else" I told him, he hugged me " I won't sis don't worry" he replied

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