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We sat in comfortable silence in a crowded cafe a couple blocks away from our hotel as Eli shuffled through the sonograms. I had become extremely conscious of my surroundings and if people were judging us. If they had seen the black and white picture that clearly showed that I was pregnant. And if they were disappointed that I was yet another teenage girl pregnant before even graduating high school.

Yes, the dynamics were different in packs but they didn't know that. Eli and I looked like an average 17 years old couple, except for the fact that we were having a baby.

"Brianna you haven't touched your salad. You know that you have to eat something. It'll be bad for you and," Eli struggled to get the word out. I couldn't blame him really, this was all so sudden. So unexpected.

I scrunched my nose as I pushed the lettuce around on my plate. It wasn't making me nauseous like all the other food but it wasn't appetizing either. "I'm just not hungry."

He sighed as he wiped his mouth with the cloth napkin, "Fine. Then we'll take it to go."

I slumped back into my seat and covered my stomach as a group of girls walked past out table. One of them caught a glance at the pictures on the table and then looked between Eli and I. Quickly the girls ran off, giggling and probably whispering about what they had just seen.

Noticing my discomfort Eli slid the sonograms off the table and into his back pant pocket. He hurriedly paid the bill before ushering me out of the congested cafe to get some fresh air. With my hand in his we walked back to the hotel.

New York City was a culture shock to me. After living all of my life in the secluded suburbs of our pack it was shocking to see so many people in one place. However since I no longer felt sick I had the opportunity to admire the beauty of the city too. The vibrant digital build-boards and the seemingly infinite skyscrapers took my breath away. And although this is what most residents of the city saw everyday it relieved me to know that I finally got to experience something that wasn't our secluded town.

"Are you ashamed?" Eli asked abruptly as we walked past a block of high end shops.

Taken out of brief daydream I snapped my head in his direction, "What? Why would I be ashamed?"

"At the restaurant," he started to swing our arms. "You didn't want the girls to look at the pictures."

I sighed, tugging onto his arm so that I walked up against his body, "I'm not ashamed Eli. I'm just a bit embarrassed."

"Embarrassed of the baby. Of what we did," he said with a concerning amount of certainty.

"No no!" I interjected. "It's not the same as back home. Where almost everyone is a werewolf Eli. Yeah early marriages and pregnancies happen back home but..."

I lowered my voice and gazed at the people rushing past us, "Here I haven't been able to smell anyone like us since the clinic. People don't look at us as mates here. We're just two teens that happened to be having a baby early."

"Oh...hey!" Eli squeezed my waist. "Don't let a bunch of strangers ruin our trip okay? I know its been tough and this definitely was not how I had it planned but...I still want to make it special for you. How about we go out later tonight or tomorrow?"

I groaned at the idea of doing anymore walking today, "Can we go tomorrow? I just want to stay inside, eat room service, and cuddle."

Eli beamed at me and kissed me on my head, "Of course Bri. Anything for you."


I couldn't deny it. Times Square amazed me. I had never seen so many people in one are and in comparison to our suburban town, the experience was practically foreign. 

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