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Eli and I had decided that taking baby steps in our relationship was the best thing to do. A month after the show my family had put on in my kitchen, Eli and I solely worked on building a friendship. 

It was important to me that we started off knowing each other well. I met Eli's friends from his pack and I introduced him to mine. We would study after school together during the weeks and then find activities to do together on the weekends. However not a single interaction we had was romantic. Holding hands, cuddling and kissing were all prohibited until we could both agree that we had a solid base for our relationship.

At first it seemed simple. Don't get too touchy with Eli and everything would be fine right? But after the second week I started to get antsy. Eli would sit next to me and I would start to crave for his touch. Our plan to avoid things from getting messy was killing and I wasn't exactly trying to hide it. 

"This whole plan is stupid," Andrea obnoxiously slurped down her smoothie. "You two both know that you're mates so just go all out! You're really telling me Eli can't smell your horny ass every time he is less than three feet from you."

"I'm not horny!" I screamed, forgetting we were in a well populated coffee shop. A couple gave me an unfavorable glare while I hung my head in embarrassment.

Andrea giggled, "Yeah yeah. I'm just saying! If I were you I would jump straight into a relationship with my mate."

The conversation I had with Andrea in the cafe haunted me for the rest of the month. I became hyper aware of how I reacted to Eli when he got too close or what was going on inside his head. Did he not want to talk about it? Did he feel indifferent?

It didn't matter for long though. Two weeks later Eli was poking fun at me for it.

"Ha, I don't know why you didn't just tell me," He chuckled. His chest vibrated against the side of my face as I played with his fingers that were intertwined with mine."You would get so nervous every time I was near you. I could smell it on you."

"Oh my gosh. Stop it's so embarrassing!" I playfully smacked his chest.

"Oh really?" Eli shifted his weight so that he was no longer under me but straddling my waist. "Is it embarrassing when I do this?" 

He nipped my ear, sending sparks throughout my entire body. "Or this?" He peppered kisses down the side of my neck to my collar bone.

"Stop!" I squealed, flailing my legs in a poor attempt to escape.

"Hmm I don't think I will," Eli pecked my nose, my cheeks and then my forehead. His hand grazed my hips, slowly lifting my thin t-shirt. I held my breath anticipating the removal of my shirt. I wasn't sure I was ready. Eli and I had never talked about sex and yet I felt like I couldn't move.

"Tickles!" Eli dug his hands into my sides as I squirmed around on his bed. I gasped for air as I switched between laughing and yelling.

"Oh!" There in Eli's doorway stood a horrified Derek. "I-I came to check on the both of you. I heard screaming."

He quickly shut the door and scurried away. Eli chuckled and flopped against the mountain of pillows on his bed. He pulled me into his side as I buried my face in his neck, a new habit I had developed.

"It's okay," He stroked my hair knowing it calms me down. "You made me so nervous too."

We spent almost everyday like that. Hanging out in his room became a regular thing for us. It became extremely rare for me to spend time with my friends, let alone want to.  

Soon I was introduced to Eli's parents, the Alpha and Luna of his pack. Unlike me, Eli had a huge family and still lived in his pack house. Derek, his older brother, was set to be the successor of the Pack Alpha role. Eli was the second child and had two more younger brothers

Eli's parents were incredibly welcoming and sweet. His mother was overly excited to have a "new daughter" and made me promise to let her plan everything from our wedding to a possible baby shower. Eli's father was kind as well. He was a surprisingly soft spoken man but Eli assured me that he was only like that around family. Or around people he wanted to impress.

My father, however, had no desire to impress Eli. For a while Eli wasn't even allowed to be mentioned in the house. The first time he had dinner at our house Dad stared down Eli as Mom awkwardly dished out the slightly burnt casserole. By the third dinner they were able to have a conversation without excessive eye rolling and irritable sighing. And by the fifth dinner they were actually, sort of...friends.

Eli and I had become so engrossed with each other that our own friends were no longer on our radar, sometimes even family. It was freeing to be with someone that you know cares for you and will care for you to the end of time. With Eli I will never have to worry about anyone interfering. I will never have to worry about being the other girl.

My little world that revolved around Eli and I was great but it didn't last as long as I had hoped.

"Hey!" I quietly closed his bedroom door behind me and pounced onto his chest. I quickly made myself comfortable, snuggling into his side which had become my favorite spot. "I got your text. What's up?"

Eli stretched a bit before propping himself up on his elbow. "I think I might need your help."

The large plastered on my face gradually fell. I had assumed Eli wanted to hang out but his expression was painfully serious.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"Uh yeah. I just..." He paused while he was deep in thought. I could practically see the gears turning, trying to figure something out. "It has something to with Derek."

I nodded, encouraging him to continue.

"Yeah...I need you to help me with Derek and Justin. We need to make sure they complete the mate bond."

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