New Packs

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Justin and I, well we were still awkward over those next few weeks. But still, I could see we were making progress. Sometimes, when it was just the two of us we would go, maybe get some coffee, and talk about how Evelyn and the baby were doing. I was still curious about that "something" he mentioned when he apologized but I also didn't want to push things. We got along so well.

"Brianna. Brianna! You have to help out too. You know Justin needs our help with setting things up for the welcome ceremony!". Andrea was tightly wrapped in sparkling streamers that we had bought for the pack house. Those four new packs he had mentioned a while back had finally arrived and in order to welcome them he felt throwing a party would be best. Except he didn't intend on having a classy one with champagne and hor d'oeuvres. No, he wanted an actual house party that would last until four in the morning.

"Yeah yeah. I'm coming", I laughed. Phoebe and Chloe were attempting to unwrap Andrea from the streamers. William and Ryan were in charge of any sort of entertainment and food. However, I'm pretty sure half of the food we bought was in their stomachs. And Justin, he was busy pacing back and forth. I couldn't understand why he was nervous, but I could smell it on him, we all could. It was an unspoken agreement among all of us that we wouldn't ask him about it. We didn't need an Alpha in a foul mood at a party.


By around eight, people started to fill in. Our school in Canterville was purely dominated by black and white students. You barely saw any Asians or Hispanics so it was a new experience when people that were more diverse showed up at the party. Nobody had seen us though, William and Ryan were giving us feedback about the party while looking over the ledge on the second floor. The problem was Justin. We were trying to coerce him out of his room to get downstairs before others started to wonder where he was. The music was booming from below so I had to raise my voice at Justin.

"Justin you have to tell us what is wrong! Come on we have to go". I was stroking his hair while Andrea rubbed his back. His was slightly trembling and shaking his head in the corner of his room. I have never seen Justin this way. He seemed tiny and frail. He couldn't even open his mouth to tell us what was wrong. All of a sudden he stiffened and his eyes flashed but he shut them quickly so we couldn't see. His body visibly relaxed and his breathing steadied. It took a few minutes for him to collect himself.

"Justin, you okay", Andrea asked as she helped him stand up.

He sighed heavily before replying, "Yup. I'm fine, let's just get this over with."

I frowned at Andrea. Justin always loved partying more than anyone else in our group so it was weird that he didn't want to go enjoy it. Andrea shrugged her shoulders showing she didn't know what was wrong with him either.

"He's been acting weird", I whispered to Andrea as we descended down the stairs after Justin. "The closer we got to the packs arriving the more strange he started acting."

Andrea nodded her head, "Yeah I noticed that too". We both looked at Chloe and Phoebe who we could tell were listening to our conversation. They shook their head simultaneously in agreement.

Justin made his way toward the DJ table so he could acknowledge the attendance the arrival of the packs. We trailed behind and stood next to the table waiting for him to talk.

"Hi, uh, welcome to all the packs that have moved into the area. I'm Alpha Justin of the Pulchra Nox pack and invited you all here so we can get acquainted while the elders discuss things at their meetings. Hope you enjoy!". Justin was off like really off. He did get through his speech but the entire time he was staring in the direction of the doorway. I tried to peak around and get a glimpse of whom or what he was staring at but the lights were already so dim that I couldn't see. I felt Andrea tug on my shoulder and ask if I wanted to get something to drink. I said yes but noticed that I didn't see Justin anymore. Music was blaring loudly while people started to dance in the huge foyer of the pack house. Some people made their way to the pool or even the kitchen like Andrea and I.

"Where did Justin go?", I asked. Andrea rolled her eyes, "Oh for heaven's sake Brianna! I understand you still care for Justin but his ass is grown. He can take care of himself. Loosen up and enjoy yourself a little". Before I could respond she dragged me toward the bar where they were serving drinks. I gazed around still looking for him when Andrea tapped me again. "You want something to drink?". I shook my head. I wasn't really big on drinking alcohol and I really didn't want to do something stupid like hookup with Justin.

"I'll just take a root beer". Andrea just huffed and muttered fine.

Eventually I settled on the fact that I wasn't going to find Justin and that perhaps he was resting in his room considering his state earlier today. Andrea, Phoebe, Chloe and I danced for a long time until our feet hurt. It felt good to spend time with all of them when I wasn't sad. We had decided that we wanted to go swimming outside. There weren't a lot of people out there but there was enough so that we wouldn't be completely alone. They went to go change in the bathrooms on the ground level so I was forced to go to an upstairs one. I made my way to the left and wandered around until I could find a bathroom. I didn't stay in the pack house much. It was mostly used by young couples or small families. As I made my way further down the hall I felt a pull but also I could smell something warm and homey and that scared me. I paused and inhaled so that I caught on to the specific scent. Whoever it was smelled like my house when my mom bakes. It was so comforting but knew if I could smell the person then they could smell me. I turned quickly trying to avoid any interaction. I hand came crashing down on my shoulder, startling me, and turned me back. I softened for a minute, he was so handsome and so different. He was tall and lean but still muscular. His eyes were a light brown and his dark hair contrasted with slightly tanned skin. He looked mixed, maybe half white and half East Asian but I didn't want to assume anything in case I offended him.

"Hi". He gave me a small smile that was cute but I couldn't let myself get involved with this. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't allow someone else to use me. I didn't want this to end like how it did with Justin. I couldn't trust anyone. I looked up into his eyes and my chest fluttered rapidly so I looked away. His smile seemed to falter a little but still he remained there in front of me waiting for an answer.

"Please, could you let me through", I said lowly as I knocked his hand off my shoulder. His face fell.

"Are you young? Can you not smell my scent, do you not understand?". He shook more shoulder slightly to get some type of reaction out of me. I continued to look away while taping my foot impatiently.

"Please", I said again, "I don't want this".

He furiously growled and tugged me towards him. "So you know? What's wrong with me? What did I do, I don't think I have ever met you before".

I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut. A single tear ran down my cheek from the pressure. He started to shake from anger which made me fear him even more. I let out a choked sob that I tried to cover with my hand.

"Bri! Bri, are you changed yet? What is taking so long?". Andrea could be heard behind me. I glanced at him on more time before I made my way to Andrea.

"Bri? Oh my gosh why are you crying what happened?". I shook my head and ushered her down the stairs.

"Can we please just leave? I don't want to be here anymore". She sighed but agreed.

"Come on Brianna, lets get you home".

A/N: I wanted to let you all know that I am thinking of deleting this book. I hope that you guys can leave feedback and if I get positive feedback I will keep it and try to create an update schedule. Thanks!

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