Call Me

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I was on edge for the rest of the day, checking my phone constantly in hopes that Eli would call or maybe send a text. It never came.

"Brianna come on, pay attention to us!" Andrea snatched my phone out of my hand after I checked it for the hundredth time. "Are you expecting a call?"

The attention at the table suddenly shifted to me. "Ooh does Brianna have a lover?" William taunted with his mouth full of fries.

"Oh ha ha, very funny Will. But no. I don't have a lover." I stole a hand full of fries from his basket while glaring.

"Pshhh sure. Then it must not have something to do with that guy you were talking to in the hall, right?" Chloe gave me a sweet smile but I could see the evil in her eyes.

In the hall? Did she see us? "Were you spying on me? Chloe what the hell?"

She giggled, "Maybe. Maybe not."

I rolled my eyes. I couldn't hold a grudge though. It was obvious that Eli wouldn't remain a secret forever, I just wished that it went down differently.

"A guy in the hall? You mean the same one from the ceremony?" Andrea asked with a visible increase in interest.

I shook my head and played with the food on my plate. My friends waited patiently with expecting eyes. What could I say? Chloe, Andrea and Phoebe were the only ones who knew who Eli was to me. The boys were completely clueless and to be honest I wasn't sure how Justin would react.

"What do you guys know about the new pack?" Finally meeting the eyes of everyone around the table.

"T-the new pack? Why would I know anything about them?" Justin spoke for the first time at dinner, clearly defensive.

"Dude," William playfully bumped Justin's arm. "Your Dad is in charge isn't he. Wouldn't he tell you what is going on?"

"Uh yeah, you're right." He chuckled uncomfortably.

"Are you okay Justin? You've been a little off lately." Justin's recent behavior was starting to concern all of us. Ever since the ceremony a few days ago he began to distance himself. He became unusually quiet and paranoid.

"Yeah I'm okay. Don't worry about it, just a bit stressed about some pack stuff." We all nodded willing to accept his excuse but we all knew he was lying.


Walking up my stairs I checked my phone again wondering what Eli could be doing at this hour. It was 10 0'clock, not too late I suppose. Maybe he fell asleep while doing homework? Was he an Alpha? He could be settling in with his pack right now. Ugh how stupid am I? I paced back and forth in room waiting for the buzz of a notification. I didn't know if he was an Alpha or what his last name was. I barely knew this boy yet here I was, waiting up for him to text me.

Realizing I had time to kill I took a quick shower then finished up any work I had left. By the time my work was done it was pretty late. Knowing that it would be impossible to stay up another hour I slipped into bed. As I put out my lamp the screen on my phone glowed. Immediately I grabbed the vibrating phone off my side table.


"Ha ha did you wait up for me?" I sighed, relishing in the sound of his voice. "To be honest I didn't expect you to answer. It is pretty late."

"It's okay. I was just going to bed but we can still talk."

"Aw really? I don't want to keep you up. We can speak tomorrow."

I worried over him contacting me for hours today, I wasn't about to let him go. "No no! It really is fine. Just... keep talking to me for a bit."

He paused, not saying anything for a while. "Alright, we can chat for a few minutes." I could practically see him smirking through the phone. 

What was I doing? Days ago I had preached about not opening up, keeping myself safe from disappointment. Eli and I didn't start off with personal questions. We discussed simple things like places we want to go, foods we liked and movies we've watched. I learned that Eli spent a lot of time in Japan where his mother was from but he liked to spend his other vacations in remote spots. He likes to be with the ones closest to him and hates large crowds. He prefers salty foods over sweet ones, especially those giant pretzels with a gross amount of salt on them. He hates romances and comedies but lives for action franchises. It was nice to slowly get to know someone but to also have someone listen to me.

"Hey Brianna do you mind if I ask you something?" Eli hesitantly changed the subject.

I reclined backwards against my headboard, "Yeah of course. Ask away!"

"I kinda wanted to ask about last week. You know when you ran away from me." I took a deep breath. "Can you at least tell me why?"

Telling Eli about what Justin did would be wrong on so many levels. Right now wasn't a good time but starting off our relationship with lies wouldn't be healthy either. Justin was so unstable at the moment it would cause more problems. And how do you tell your mate you were messing around with someone else before you met him.

"I can I just...."

He jumped to interrupt me, "If you're not comfortable you don't have to."

"It's not that I don't want to. I think it would be best that I tell you in person."

His chuckle rang through the phone, "What, did you have a boyfriend or something before? I'm not old fashioned or anything it's okay if you did."

I felt sick. At that time Justin wasn't just a boyfriend. I technically thought he was Eli, would he really be understanding?

"I mean kind of. It's really complicated's better that we speak about this in person."

"Right. That's understandable. How about we talk about something else like-"

I was too tired and scared to continue talking. There wasn't anything I could say to Eli right now that wouldn't make me feel guilty. 

"I think it's best if we stop. It's late and we have school tomorrow."

"Oh," He sounded so defeated but it would have been worse if I told him. "Yeah okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow right."

"Mhm. Sure, if we have time."

"Yeah...if we have time. I'll uh- goodnight Brianna."

"Goodnight Eli."

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