The Other Boy

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Avoiding Eli the next day was unusually easy. The first four morning periods I didn't see him at all. I didn't even catch his scent. Every class I thought of a way to explain my past. He would understand right? And throwing Justin under the bus. I couldn't do that to him. No matter what Justin did I still cared about him and he is going through such a hard time right now. He wouldn't be able to handle all this drama.

The ringing of the class bell interrupted my train of thought. I gathered my things, ready to finally get to lunch. I figured now would be the best time to tell my friends about Eli. Then maybe they could help out with my "problem". After switching books for the second half of the day I was yanked into an empty classroom. The lights were off and I couldn't see the person's face but the scent was familiar. Eli.

"Hey,"He reached over my shoulder the flick the light switch, "Ready for that talk?"

I gave him a pained smile, "Uh...not really."

Eli's face got serious. He looked at me almost as if he was concerned. "Wait. Do you really think I'll be mad at you? You could never upset me Brianna. I promise."

Guilty. I felt so guilty even though it wasn't even my fault. I could almost cry. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what I was going to do, "I think we should sit down for this."

I led him over to one of the lab tables at the back of the room and made him promise he wouldn't get too mad.

"I promise Brianna. I'm sure there was a reason for whatever happened."

I nodded, "You said that maybe I had a boyfriend before you right?"

He shook his head, silently urging me to go on. 

"I guess you could say I did, except we weren't just boyfriend and girlfriend. We thought we were mates," Eli's grasp visibly tightened at the end of the table. "Or at least I thought we were."

"His name is Justin. He is the next Alpha of our pack. And...he was one of my best friends." I paused waiting to see Eli's reaction. He couldn't meet my eyes and could practically smell the anger on him.

Deciding he might not want me to comfort him I continued, "Everyone including Justin and I just knew we were going to be mates. I don't know how but I had convinced myself he was the one. Mentally and physically I believed we were a destined pair. I mean, I was willing to still complete the mating process even though he got another girl pregnant."

Eli's anger only got worse yet he was trying his best to conceal it. "When I found out we weren't actually mates I was devastated. But then I found out he had known the entire time. I was played."

"Brianna-" Eli growled but I held my hand up to stop him.

"I still can't explain why he did it. I've forgiven him though. I've found you," I offered him a smile which he halfheartedly returned. "There is something going on with him though...not that you care. But don't be hard on him. It's in the past now."

"Brianna you do realize you're the victim here. Why are you protecting him?" I was afraid Eli would say something like this. Yes. This was Justin's fault but wasn't it also mine for not seeing that we weren't mates.

"Justin, believe it or not, is still a close friend. We all can see he is going through a difficult time. Plus, isn't it my fault that I convinced myself we were mates." Protecting Justin was stupid but I couldn't help that I still cared. I just know something is wrong. 

"Stop making excuses for him! I'm your mate! He almost took you away from me!" All the fury building up in Eli exploded.

"I-I'm not trying to make excuses I'm just saying that Justin is not okay-" He rolled his eyes and got up from his seat.

"Brianna it seems to me that you still feel something for him." I jumped up from my seat.

"Eli I've know him for a long time. Of course I care about him but-"

"Save it Brianna. Let me know when you get over him." Before I had time to response he walked out the door.

I knew something like this would happen. What was I supposed to do? I can admit that I still do care about Justin. I don't think I would ever stop. But he was punished for what he had done and has been through enough. There was no reason for Eli to confront him about what was already in the past.

I sat there in the empty classroom with my head in my hands. Eli probably needed some space for a while. After he calmed down we could just talk it out. At least that's what I hoped. This was exactly why I didn't want to get involved. I was disappointed once again.

My phone vibrated in my pocket but I ignored it. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. Again, the phone vibrated. Checking to see if it was urgent I saw that it was a phone call from Andrea.

"Hello?" I picked up to see if she needed me.

"Brianna you need to come quick! There is some guy in the lunch room starting a fight with Justin! He said he manipulated him or something. I'm not sure but you need to get here." I immediately ended the call and took of towards the lunch room.

The double doors swung behind me as I ran into the cafeteria. There he was. Eli had Justin by the collar, lifted about an inch above the ground.

"Eli put him down! Now!" Eli glanced at me but turned his attention back to Justin. He was growling nastily at Justin and breathing heavily. Justin however didn't have an expression on his face. He looked worse than he did when I saw him in the morning as well. His eye bags were dark and pretty noticeable and his complexion was pale. He appeared sick, as if he was dying.

I ran towards Eli to try to get him to put Justin down. He was now a foot in the air with no signs of trying to fight back. 

"Please Eli. Stop it!" I placed my hand on his arm but still there was no reaction. I rubbed his back with my other hand trying to calm him down. "Eli. Please." I whispered next to his ear. His shoulders relaxed as he shuddered from the air brushing his ear. I thought I had finally got through to him but it wasn't enough. 

"Why won't he fight back." I heard someone murmur.

"Look at him. He looks weak."

Eli seemed to thrive off of the comments made. It probably fed his Alpha ego. He lifted Justin even higher, Justin still remaining dormant. As Eli was about to slam Justin onto the lunch table the doors to the cafeteria slammed open. There stood a figure who closely resembled the very person holding Justin in the air.

"Eli. Just what the hell do you think you are doing to my mate?"

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