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Eli and I sat thigh to thigh on the love seat in his office. I hated to admit it but his scent was the only thing keeping me from breaking down under the brooding gaze of his parents. Eli's mother had her arms crossed tightly against his chest while his father paced back and forth. And Derek. Poor Derek. Nestled away in the corner, afraid to move a muscle.

"Well!" the current Luna threw her hands in the air. "Don't you two think that you have some explaining to do?"

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Eli fiddling with his fingers again, a reoccurring habit.

Eli's dad let out a heavy sigh, "You two do understand that the some major changes need to be made now that you have mated. I- Brianna do your parents now about this?"

My mouth gaped as I prepared to give an explanation but nothing came out. Instead I sunk deeper into the sofa and shook my head.

The thing was, Eli's pack was very traditional. As soon as the mating bond was complete a wedding was expected soon after and then a kid. And although my parents were now fond of Eli they were still wary. They would not handle it well if I married Eli and moved in with him out of the blue.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Eli's jaw clench. His knee began to bounce when I hesitantly reached out to calm him down. Not seeing any resistance to my touch I placed my hand on his upper thigh. Almost immediately his body relaxed and he unknowingly calmed me as well.

"Stop being hard on her," Eli groaned. "It was all my idea. I'll handle it."

His mother looked like she didn't approve but what more could she do? What's done was done, there was no going back. She swallowed whatever she wanted to say and nodded slowly.

"You two have a week to decide how you want to handle things or else I'll be handling it." She motioned for her husband to follow her out of the office while Derek scurried closely behind. With his head peaking out from behind the door he mouther a "good luck" before leaving us in our own silence.

"I think..." Eli trailed off. "I think we need to discuss this..."

I eagerly agreed. "Yeah I-"

"Later. We need to talk about this later."

My breath hitched. A pain filled my chest that felt like it would burst any minute. But I still couldn't blame him.

We sat together for a little while longer. The tension was killing us both. 

"I'm going." I hesitated not sure if I should say anything more. "I'll see you."

Without saying anything or meeting my eyes he acknowledged what I said and went about in his office, feeding the growing strain in my chest.


I didn't see Eli at all the following week. For days I contemplated whether I should call him or spontaneously show up to his pack house but I couldn't bring myself to face him in person. I knew it was my fault. Eli's reaction wasn't extreme at all. Hell if I was him I'd have already lost my shit.

I trudged up the stairs with the plastic drug store bag clenched in my fist. Quickly I made my way into my room, trying to avoid the terrifying question, "oh what's in the bag?". Pulling the box outside of the bag I trapped myself into the connecting bathroom while ripping open the cardboard flap. I nervously took out a pregnancy test, my trembling hand making it hard to read if one or two lines meant pregnant.

After peeing on the stick I walked around in the bathroom like a crazy person. The wait was petrifying and it didn't help that I was seconds away from throwing up. The timer went off after the longest five minutes of my life. I shut my eyes tightly before looking at the test.

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