I'm his

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I was absolutely positively excited. I just knew that Justin was my mate. He knew how to make me laugh and smile, and always gave me this comforting feeling. We have been best friends since second grade and by fifth grade I realized I had the biggest crush on him. Soon in eigth grade we were taught about mates and how we were supposed to spend the rest of our lives with them. Somehow it got in my head that I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with Justin.

I was finishing up putting on a light pink lip gloss, mascara, and eyeliner. I was wearing high waisted jean shorts and white sheer shirt that I tucked into my shorts. I pulled on my white beanie and my white coverse and then added a long, gray, knitted sweater. Rushing downstairs, I grabbed an apple of the counter so I can eat it during class. I hopped into my sky blue car and drove off to school.

Canterville highschool was school that was filled with mostly werewolves, but there were some humans here and there. We are th Pulchra Nox pack, meaning Beautiful Moon. I made my way through the school building and straight to homeroom since I had all my books. Justin and I wouldn't see each other until third period which was actually lunch. When I got to homeroom I sat in my usual seat next to my very good friend Chloe and on my other side was was another good friend Foebe.

"Happy Birthday!", Chloe and Foebe both said. I smiled and hugged them both.

"You guys are soo sweet. What would I do without you guys." They giggled and engulfed me in another hug.

"Any chance of finding Mr.Right or also known as Justin!", asked Chloe. Rolling my eyes I said,"No guys. I won't see Justin until lunch and besides we don't actually know if he is my mate."

They pouted their lips playfully and we all went back to our seats waiting for first period to start. During Chemistry I would have zoned out if I didn't love it so much,but in second period I had loads of time to think.Andrea and I were in home economics baking apple pie. Andrea was a friend that I had meet in seventh grade who was very sporty. We were both on the girls tennis and volleyball teams and we also did track and field.It was pretty silent because I was so deep in thought. Andrea knew there was something wrong.

"Alright chica spill it out.", she demanded.

"Andrea,I always thought that I had this connection with Justin, but what if it some childish idea that I held on for these past years. What if it turns out that we actually aren't mates. I'll probably end up crushed over something extremely stupid.When I look back I feel like I sounded so naive. Please Andrea,I need your opinion."

Andrea just looked at me with a shocked expression written on her face. I started fidget thinking that she thought the whole thing was childish.

"Are you kidding me!", she exclaimed,"Heck, I would be extremely surprised if you and Justin aren't mates. He hasn't even found his mate. The way you two are attracted to each other, there is no possible way you guys aren't mates."

I flashed her a huge smile happy that I wasn't some delusional girl. But then I realized something she just said.

"Wait Andrea, did you say the way the two of are attracted to each other."


"So you know for sure that he had feeling for me, right?"

Her eyes got big when she realized I had caught her mistake.

"Wh-what? No of course not I was just...assuming..."

I chuckled and went back to work, excited for when I get to see Justin.


I was the last one out of the classroom. I was trying to clean up the mess I made when I knocked over the flour, when there was I knock on the door. Mrs. Williams had gone for lunch and told to just clean up and then I could leave. There was another knock on the door.

"Can you please give a minute.", I said a bit frustrated.

"Aww really, I was hoping to give the birthday girl the most amazing present ever!", said a very familiar voice.

I whipped my head around and it seemed like my heart skipped a beat. Standing right at the door was a gorgeous looking Justin. His crystal blue eyes bore into mine making my heart beat faster. Before I knew it I was pushed against counter with Justin's forhead pressed against mine. His hands gripped my butt while he leaned in for a kiss. His soft lips moved against mine in sync. Heat was starting to build up and I was sure Justin could tell. He lifted me up and placed my legs around his waist. Biting my lip for permession which I granted he slipped into my mouth. We were fighting for dominance when he started to grind against me. A moan escaped my lips.I could feel a satisfied smirk on his lips. As much as I was enjoying this we had to stop. This definetly was not the appropriate place to handle this situation. Placing a hand on his chest I said, "Justin", he placed a kiss on my neck,"Justin we can't", he began to suck on my neck"Oh my god", I whispered. I finally snapped back into reality."God damn it, Justin!", I had finally pushed him off of me."You have some serious hormone issues."

He groaned,"Yeah I know, and just a minute ago I was trying to fix them."

I smacked his arm playfully and turned to gather my stuff.

"We should probably go to lunch or what's left of it anyway.", I stated.

I grabbed his hand and led him down the hall straight to the cafeteria.


At lunch I couldn't help, but notice there were glares and stares of envy and jealousy from a lot of girls. This whole thing where girl wishes she was the mate of the Alpha is stupid. It only shows that these girl cared more about his title and looks then his personality. Justin was always that sweet caring guy, who was sporty and absolutley adored kids. I couldn't wait to have our pups.

That glares continued for the rest of the day. Everyone at school knew we were mates. His scent was all over me and my scent was all over him. After dismissal Justin meet me at the parking lot.

"Ready to go, babe?", asked Justin.

"Yeah, I'll just follow you in my car, ok?"

He nodded his head and settled himself in his Porsche. It took us only twenty minutes to arrive at his huge house. Everything in the house was familiar to me from the countless times I have been here, but during this school year I didn't come over as much. I was sitting in my car thinking about this when there was a banging on my car window. Justin. I stepped out the car but was immediately grabbed of the ground. Justin carried me bridal style up the pathway to his house. As he unlocked the door and pushed it open he kissed all over my face. I was giggling when I heard the refrigerator door slam. A girl with dark brown hair and the same blue eyes as Justin was in the kitchen. She kind of smelled a tiny bit like Justin but mixed with two different scents. One of her own and one that gave off...she was pregnant. I looked up to Justin and he looked like he had just seen a ghost. I let myself out of his arms and stepped closer to the girl who stepped back until her back was against the refrigerator. I inhaled her scent and then noticed. Justin's scent wasn't there because she was related to him. It was literally in her. I was angry, sad, confused, and I felt betrayed.

"Justin, why is she carrying your pup?", I whispered. My back facing the girl.

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