Mating Bond

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"Brianna I swear if you drag me into one last shop we'll be late for our dinner reservation" Eli groaned as I led him into another store. Once we showered and left the hotel room he had suggested that we visit the boardwalk, an idea he soon came to regret.

"Hey you wanted to go here!" I teased. "I'm just taking advantage of this great opportunity." A beaming smile appeared on my face as I shook a handful of bags.

With a dramatic sigh he willingly followed me into the store, "What else could you possibly need."

Sorting through racks of bathing suits didn't hold Eli's attention for long. As he wondered off I debated between a bikini or a one piece. When I packed for the weekend I didn't care about what type of bathing suit I brought but now I wanted Eli to see me differently.

"Bri look what I found!" Eli's eyes were lit up and he was as excited as a child showing off a cool toy. There in his hand was a lacy bra and underwear set that would escort me straight to the depths of hell if I were to ever wear it. My face heated up as I noticed a group of girls giggling at us.

"Oh my gosh," I panicked putting some distance between us. "Eli put that back!"

To irritate me even further he pretended to be deep in thought. "Hmm, nah. I think we're going to take this."

I snatched the bikini off the rack and stomped towards the register with Eli trailing close behind. As Eli paid for the clothes I made sure not make eye contact with the cashier or else I would die from embarrassment.

Happily Eli skipped out of the store with the shopping still in hand. "Do you wan't to shop some more?"

"No," I grumbled. "I'm done."

He laughed, kissing my cheek and pulling me into his side. "Good because we have a special dinner to go to."


The dinner was in a secluded gazebo that was a good ten minute walk from any of the tourist attractions. Fairy lights were strung around the gazebo and a singular table with chairs sat in the center. On the table two wine glasses, a small cake and a seafood platter waited for us to dig into. The entire set up convinced me Eli has some how been snooping through my Pinterest.

"No!" I squealed as a second wave of salt water hit my face. 

After a relaxing and fulfilling dinner Eli really wanted to swim. Despite having to change behind a bush into my new swimsuit the late night swim was romantic. Was romantic until Eli started to throw me into the water and aggressively splash me.

"Aww," He cradled my head against his chest and stroked my damp hair. "I'm sorry babe."

He lifted me up by hips and had me wrap my legs around his waist. His pillow soft lips danced with mine as he gradually starts to stand up in the water. Without him realizing I quickly threw my weight back, making us both crash into the sea.

"Ha ha! Got you!" I clapped my hands together, proud that I beat Eli at his own game.

He rose from the water as if he was in an action movie, stalking closer to me with thousands of droplets falling from his hair. "Oh you're so dead."

Eli and I messed around in the water past midnight, our laughter echoing into the warm summer night. It felt great to finally break away from the stress of being the future Alpha and Luna. Over these past months we had grown more comfortable with each other but the time we spent apart made it hard for us to express that. To see Eli so laid back made a fuzzy, warm feeling creep up on me. Just to see him happy was enough for me.

It was around one in the morning by the time we made it back to the hotel. Eli had shoved our bags into the corner of the room while I stood shivering, draped in only a towel. Awkwardly we stood still, facing each other and unsure of how to pursue one another.

Chickening out at the last minute I tightened the towel around my neck and inched towards the bathroom door. "Well I'm going to go shower."

"For what?" Eli raised an eyebrow at me, questioning my sudden lack of confidence.

" that I can go to bed?" I couldn't decide if it was an answer or a question but I knew I wouldn't be able to bring myself to say "lets have sex".

He chuckled, "Only to go to bed?"

Taking charge Eli moved towards me, his hand carefully grasping the back of my neck. "Are you nervous?" He mumbled against my lips.

"Very..." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Eli scooped me up into his arms while pulling me into a fiery kiss. It was different this time. It wasn't  a sweet kiss that would typically make me blush but a kiss that was so passionate it almost made me cry.

He moved us towards the bed while nipping at my neck causing an involuntary moan to slip. Not giving me the time to be shy the towel fell onto the floor as I was leaned onto the bed. Eli made his was down towards my collar bone as his hand wiggled in between the small of my back and the blanket, resting on the knot holding my top together.

I gulped as I felt my heart race pick up significantly. Now hyper aware of how large Eli's hands are I felt him fiddle with the knot, the straps loosening in seconds.

"W-wait" I gasped, clasping onto my top.

"What?" Eli asked, brushing stray strands of hair out of my face. "Don't you worry babe. I know you're gorgeous. No matter what you may think."

Almost reluctantly I allowed him to undo my top, revealing my bare chest.

"Beautiful" Eli muttered as his lips traveled down the valley between my breasts and stopped at my navel.

Soon I was no longer self conscious. My hands went underneath my chin and into Eli's dark locks. He hooked his fingers into the sides of my bottoms, swiftly pulling them down my legs. I shut my eyes and clenched my legs together just for Eli to bite the bottom of my thigh. I gasped, not realizing I let my legs fall open and Eli took advantage of that.

"O-oh my gosh," I harshly pulled on his hair. "Eli!"

The most I had ever done with another boy was kiss and now here I was with my mate between my legs. Yes I was inexperienced and I was scared I would let him down but with Eli it was if I had now lost the ability to focus on anything else but him. 

Eli removed his shorts and moved up my body so that we were face to face. "You ready?" He whispered as he ran his canines along my ear.

It was incredible seeing Eli this way, being so straightforward. He was always so playful, doing his best to please everyone and I typically put him in his place, constantly reminding him of his responsibilities. Now, he was aggressive, guiding me through the process but one thing never changed. He always let me know how much I meant to him.

It was uncomfortable at first, so uncomfortable I almost wanted to back out but as time went on it became enjoyable. Eli praised me and ran his hands all along my body, never taking his hands off me. 

Eli buried his face in my neck as I heard his fangs come out. "Brianna. I love you."

He sunk his teeth into my neck, finally completing the mating bond after his long wait. After the mating bite being with Eli was almost euphoric. I realized that holding back, worrying about what other people thought only got between us. It stopped us from cherishing the moments we had together. And although countless time Eli had tried to get me to see this maybe some things I just had to learn on my own.

"I love you too Eli."

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