The Truth

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Justin's bedroom door was left ajar due to his previous confrontation with Derek. Before we even entered we heard loud sniffling accompanied with the sound of occasional shuffling. We allowed Andrea to go ahead and knock on his door causing him to pause in the entryway.

"What are you guys doing here?" He questioned as he forcefully picked up spilled pencils near his desk. "Now really isn't a good time."

"Oh cut the bullshit Justin," Andrea widened the door, leading us all to sit on his bed, the only neat thing in Justin's room. His room was trashed. Books and papers littered the floor. Any figures and awards also resided on the floor, some were even broken. 

"Looks like the talk with Derek went well." William muttered while carefully stepping over the pieces of a broke trophy.

Justin growled in response. William's eyes widened in panic as if to say 'Oops. I forgot that he could hear me'. We muffled our laughter though Justin would still be able to hear us.

Shaking his head he went back to cleaning up, "Gosh you guys are insufferable."

"Are you going to clean the entire time or are we all going to talk?" I asked impatiently. I wasn't leaving this house without knowing the truth.

Justin sighed heavily, now standing straight up with his back facing us. We were all so quiet you would be able to hear a pin drop. He moved towards the bed and settled down with us, completing the circle.

"I-It's true." He said shamefully. "Derek is my mate.'s complicated. It's even more complicated now and I didn't mean for you all to find out like this in fact I didn't mean for you all to-"

"Did you know?" I cut him off. "Did you know while you said we were going to be together?"

He quickly shook his head, "No no. I know I've done some bad things to you but this...I wouldn't go that far. I wouldn't to that to either of us Bri."

I nodded believing in his response. Andrea shifted forward, engaged in the conversation. "So then why were you fighting? What is going on?"

He looked away painfully. His eyes trained on a pair of clothes on the floor. "Derek and I...we probably aren't going to be together."

William's eyes widened as he glanced from person to person. "W-why would you do that Justin? Don't you know how painful that' s going to be. Wait, so that's why you've looked like shit these past couple of weeks?"

Justin laughed,"Yeah I guess so. But...Derek isn't really into, you know, guys. And neither am I. Plus, what will my dad think. It's just better of this way."

"Are you kidding?" Chloe asked amused. "Did you not see the way Derek reacted? Sure, he may not be 'into guys' but he sure is into you."

A blush creeped up onto Justin's face, "It doesn't matter. Even if...even if we did want to be together what would my dad say?"

"But you've never said anything about your dad being homophobic." Phoebe said, questioning Justin's comments. "Are you even sure your dad would be against it?"

It was well known that Justin's dad was an Alpha but he was also an Alpha male. His presence was dominating and would make guys like Justin and Derek cower in fear.

"No but...I don't know. It just have a feeling." We nodded in understanding. "But it also made me think, after everything I've done, I don't really deserve to be with my mate. I've made a mess of things. He knew about Evelyn and the baby but now he knows I tried to be mates with someone that wasn't him. It's just better to focus on myself and my kid. Derek has made it very clear he doesn't want anything to do with my baggage anyway...."

William scooted closer, putting an arm around Justin, "Bro I'm sure it will be fine. Derek knows this is as painful for him as it is for you. Maybe he just needs time."

"Yeah but that's the thing. What if we don't want to be together. I gotta say, fate isn't for everyone."


Andrea, William and I left Justin's soon after leaving Chloe and Phoebe to help him out tonight. Fate isn't for everyone. Why are they both holding back so much? No matter what Justin said we could all see it, Derek and Justin cared for each other to an extent. So why not live life like every other teen and just sneak around until they were ready to tell Justin's dad.

"What are you thinking about Bri?" William interrupted my thinking for the second time today.

"I just don't get it. I understand why Derek would be upset but what about Justin? Why isn't he trying to get Derek back? Can't he see? He's sick and it's only going to get worse."

Andrea sighed from the back seat of the car, "Come on Bri. You know Justin. Half the shit he does doesn't make any sense. I think you have to let him figure this one out."

"Yeah," I faced the window again. "You're right. I have to let him go..."

William agreed too, "Andrea right. Justin's a big boy now. He has to do this by himself, he can't rely on us anymore, especially on you."

"And don't even think that you can get out of your explanation about Eli. How could you not tell us? You and Justin keep way to many secrets for my liking..." Andrea chirped from behind us.

"I-I really was going to tell you guys. I promise. I just wanted Eli and I to get to know each other first."

"Fine," Andrea dismissed. "But you could have at least just told me. I wouldn't have spilled the beans."

"Hey I heard that!" William yelled. "And get back into your seat Andrea. Everyone knows I could crash this car any moment."

I giggled, "Okay I promise that I'll let you guys knows if anything big goes down between Eli and I. However I'm not sure how we are right now. I knew he wouldn't handle the news about Justin well but now it's just...awkward."

"Well," William pulled the car to a stop in front of my house. "It's about to get a whole lot more awkward."

There, through the heavy rain, a boy in a hoodie was sitting on my front door step. "Oh shit," The words fell uncontrollably from my mouth.

I thanked William for the ride and said bye to Andrea. I covered my head with my backpack in efforts to shield myself from the rain. Eli sat there trained on the phone between his legs. I threw my bag next to him to get his attention. His head shot up from between his knees.


I grunted in response, "Eli. What the hell are you doing here?"

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