Secrets and Lies

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He was fit. Well built, broad shoulders and tall. Just like Eli. He had the same jet black hair with the same almond eyes. There were so many similarities between the two but small visible differences like the mole on the right side of chin or the slit in his left bro. There was no doubt about it, Eli was related to that boy.

He strutted directly towards Justin and Eli, brushing past my shoulder with force.

"Put him down Eli. I'm not messing around."He stood in Eli's face, snarling at him.

Confused Eli looked at Justin and then looked at the other boy. He slowly lowered Justin and carefully set him down, releasing the grip he had on his shirt. Justin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding only to be pushed protectively behind his so called mate. I could see Justin tense up and he wouldn't lift his gaze from the dirty, tile floor of the cafeteria. Almost as if he was ashamed of having to be taken care of.

"What are you talking about Derek? He's your mate? Are you serious?" Hushed comments and gasps could be heard all around the cafeteria. Justin cowered behind Derek. He was embarrassed I could tell. Is this what he was hiding? Did he feel like he couldn't tell, that he couldn't tell me?

"Yes so don't touch him again." Derek took a step closer to Eli, slightly towering over him. Dominance radiated off of Derek. Dominance that Eli seemed to match.

"Do you know what he did? Do you know what he did to my mate?" I swore I could hear Justin's heart beat pounding out of his chest from five feet away. "Why don't you tell him Justin. Tell him everything you've done."

Justin was now shaking uncontrollably from behind Derek. An even bigger crowd was circling in on us bringing an unwanted amount of attention. Andrea, Chloe, Phoebe and William stood nearby just as shocked by the news. Phoebe looked at me and upturned her hands as if to ask if I had known. I shook my head with wide eyes expressing how surprised I am too.

"Eli give it a break. Come on. I already know what Justin has been hiding so can we just-"

Eli growled back at him, "No I don't think you do. Your mate led my mate on. Hell he was ready to marry her. Even when he got another girl pregnant. Did you know that part? Huh Derek?"

Justin had almost reached his limit. He was on the edge of the iceberg and anything at this moment was going to push him off. Derek's face immediately fell. He was no longer that cocky, smug, sex on legs that had just walked through those doors minutes ago. He hadn't known a thing.

Derek looked at Justin, a million questions in his eyes. Justin avoided his gaze. Again, he was ashamed about what he did but in a way I feel like there was something more. Derek never answered Eli because he had grabbed Justin and was dragging him towards the exit. 

"No! Let me go! Let me go Derek!" Derek didn't even flinch. Unfazed Derek dragged him out, dramatically leaving the room.

The cafeteria was eerily quiet until I realized everyone's attention was now on me. It seemed like hundreds of eyes were on me and I couldn't escape them. Everyone knew everything. I suddenly knew how Justin had felt seconds ago.

"Brianna," Eli stepped towards me. "I think we should go no-"

I moved back, "Not now Eli. I think...I should leave with them." I motioned my head over to my group of friends. I was mad. I really was but I couldn't blame him. The one thing I did know was that we all had to get to Justin's before he got hurt.

"Wait Brianna I'm sorry just let me-" 

I stopped him, "It's not that we just have to get to Justin's right now okay? You could probably call later okay."

Not waiting for a response I rushed off of with my friends, piling into two cars and speeding to Justin's


Damn it! Once again I had unintentionally proven to Eli that I cared more about Justin than him. Of course he would react that way, look at what I was doing! Stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid. He 's going to hate me. Groaning I rest my head on the passenger seat window, watching the heavy rain hit the glass. The skies had grayed and the air became unbearably humid. The previously gorgeous weather had turned ugly, just like my day.

"So that's him? Your mate? How did he find out about Justin?" I was so deep into my thoughts I hadn't heard him. "Brianna!"

"Oh gosh. William I'm sorry. I'm just a little shaken up."

William chuckled, "Don't worry Bri. I just asked how your mate found out about Justin."

"Oh. I told." I sighed, continuing to look out the side window.

"YOU WHAT?" Andrea screeched, popping her head from between the two front seats. William swerved the car a little and sported a horrified look. "Why the fuck would you do that!"

"Was I not supposed to? He would have to know at some point!" I was feeling very "attacked" at this moment. Do I think that telling Eli about Justin could have gone better? Yes. And do I think I partially was at fault for Eli's breakdown? Possibly but what happened happened.

"Um maybe you could have told him in a more private setting. It might have saved of us from recreating a scene from Keeping Up With the Kardashians." William chimed in.

Andrea threw her head back cackling. "Ha ha good one William!" The two of them joked around when I all I could do was shake my head and roll my eyes, pretending that I was annoyed. The truth they were the light of my day so far. No matter what, I could always say they have been there for me. I guess that's why I wanted to at least try to be there for Justin.

Pulling up to Justin's house we saw an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway. "Did Justin get new wheel and didn't tell me? Not fair!" William then proceeded to fake cry all the way to do the door.

We knocked on the door just when Chloe and Phoebe pulled up. No one had answered. As Chloe and Phoebe went up the walkway we were just about to try knocking again when Derek flew out the front door. We all looked at each other afraid of what condition Justin could be in. In the living room Evelyn was strewn across the couch. Her head peaked up to see who had entered the house only to roll here eyes. Andrea glared at her and flipped her off when she wasn't looking.

"God I hate that bitch." Andrea leaned over and whispered.

I laughed, "Tell me about it."

On our way up to Justin's room we heard heavy sobbing. My heart hurt for him. No matter what he did in the past he didn't deserve to hurt like this. Justin isn't my mate and the way I cared for Eli was totally different for the way I cared for him. But I knew that nothing would ever stop the love that I have for him. That was a fact.

A/N: Hi! I've been updating a lot lately because I feel like I know what I want to do with this book. I'm excited to continue writing it and hopefully finish it as well. Also, I know I already mentioned this but I have published a new book called Every End Is a New Beginning. It is still sort of BWWM and if you like mafia books I would advise it. I'm also super excited about this book so please check it out! Thanks for reading!

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